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IRGC Planning to Place Satellite in Geostationary Orbit


Apr 29, 2015
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of

TEHRAN, May 10 (MNA) – A high-ranking commander in the IRGC says that the force is planning to put satellites into an orbit of 36,000 kilometers which is also known as geostationary orbit.

“We have plans to improve orbit altitudes and reach 36,000km above the earth with the help of our scientists in the IRGC and Defense Ministry,” Second Brigadier General Ali Jafarabadi, commander of IRGC Aerospace Force’ space division, said in an interview on Sunday.

The altitude that the commander refers to is known as geostationary orbit or geosynchronous equatorial orbit (GEO). At a distance of 36,000 km, the orbiting time is 24 hours, corresponding to the Earth's rotation time. At this distance, a satellite above the Equator will be stationary in relation to the Earth.

“GEO is important because it is being specially used for communications satellites,” he said, describing the altitude as ‘very strategic’.

“Placing satellites in this orbit will have revenues for the country while also being a tool to maintain the country’s assets in space such as locations on GEO.”

The remarks come as the force successfully launched Iran’s first military into the orbit 425 kilometers above Earth’s surface on April 22, using the domestically-made three-stage Qassed-1 launcher.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Jafarabadi said that almost all of the members of the team behind recent satellite launch are young. “Almost all members of designing, manufacturing, and controlling teams are young; I firmly announce that 90% of these individuals are below 30 years old and that all experts that had direct role in the project have completed their education in domestic universities.”

that almost all of the members of the team behind recent satellite launch are young. “Almost all members of designing, manufacturing, and controlling teams are young; I firmly announce that 90% of these individuals are below 30 years old and that all experts that had direct role in the project have completed their education in domestic universities.”

This is likely what a lot of the larger solid-fuel rocket motor designs Iran is testing are intended for.
This is likely what a lot of the larger solid-fuel rocket motor designs Iran is testing are intended for.

doubtful. IRGC are dinosaurs. They don’t need spy satellites when commercial satellites provide enough data (see Saudi oil attack) Military Communications Sats have some value though they would be attacked during wartime.

The real reason for those massive engines is ICBM latent capability.

You don’t plan for next 10 years you plan for next 50 years. And Iran will need To be able to Have the capability to strike anywhere on the planet in order to ensure it’s safety.

Solid fuel missiles don’t translate well into heavy satellite and space carriers.

If IRGC was serious about future space race they would work on massive liquid motors that can propel supplies to the moon and eventually mars.

China, US&EU, Russia plan to lay claim to the moon and Mars.

Iran & India are the only two Muslim countries that are serious about their own capability. India is much further ahead than Iran. They both still need to catch up or else the “new world” will once again be divided between the world powers and Iran’s rights will be squandered.
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