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Iraq gov sent $ 500 million to the leeches ( KRG ).

and next month 1 billion $ :-)

164$ per barrel over two months. still very little from what Iraq really owes KRG over all those years of pumping kurdish oil from kirkuk and xanaqin.
New report further exposes Turkey links to ISIL militants

A newly-released report has shed further light on the Turkish government’s links to the ISIL militants, showing that Ankara is helping the Takfiri terrorist recruits cross the border into Syria.

A reporter working for Britain’s Sky News has obtained documents showing that the Turkish government has stamped passports of foreign militants seeking to cross the Turkey border into Syria to join the ISIL terrorists.

Passports from different countries were recovered in a village near Syria’s strategic town of Kobani across the Turkish border.

Turkey has time and time again been accused of backing ISIL terrorists in Syria.

Meanwhile, a large number of foreign passports recovered from terrorists killed during Syrian army operations show that many of the ISIL militants in Syria had traveled from Libya, Chechnya, Turkey, Morocco, Egypt, Belgium and France.

The Ankara government continues to block the supply of military equipment and reinforcements for Kurdish fighters defending Kobani against the terrorists.

Ankara also prevents Turkish Kurds from crossing the border into Kobani to join the anti-ISIL battle for the city.

Kobani and its surroundings have been under attack since mid-September, with ISIL militants capturing dozens of nearby Kurdish villages.

PressTV - New report further exposes Turkey links to ISIL militants
please dont quote the Ayatullah TV. they are stuck in some other domain.
and next month 1 billion $ :-)

164$ per barrel over two months. still very little from what Iraq really owes KRG over all those years of pumping kurdish oil from kirkuk and xanaqin.

Iraq owes KRG nothing but has been paying the leeches for over a decade. Anyway an article recently has shown, KRG can't survive alone, too bad for us they are stuck with us, and too bad for you ( from Turkey ).

whats your opinion about KDP drinking from PUK weapons share, the latter saved KDP's *** from ISIS.
Iraq owes KRG nothing but has been paying the leeches for over a decade. Anyway an article recently has shown, KRG can't survive alone, too bad for us they are stuck with us, and too bad for you ( from Turkey ).

KR's oil export is increasing very much, and they are now also planing to export heavy crude oil aswell. Sure the current prices effects the situation alot. The first oilfields and drilling stations to be set by the brits were in the Kurdish regions in Xanaqin(nawt khana) and Kirkuk. Since the day that oil reached iraqi coffers Iraq has been owing Kurds billions buddy. So technically my statement is correct but we both know none of the leaders will give a **** about what happened back then. During that the last decade KR was entitled 17% share of the budget, never reached above 12% at the same time KR were exporting oil to Baghdad pipes. Peshmerga is according to the Iraqi constitution an recognized Iraqi force protecting the KR but has not recieved a penny. This while Peshmerga took a great part in protecting Bahgdad during the first years after the invasion, france24 documentary. The Anfal victims have not been paid a penny either over the attrocities commited by Iraqi government against the Kurdish people. Iraq has not moved any Arabs settlers that settled in Kirkuk during the arabization of Kurdish oil rich regions to their original places. Kurds have been forced to it themselves but many still live there. Those victims haven't been compensated, neither have the Kurdish Feylis who once thrived in Baghdad but today most live in poverty due to your former regime's actions. None of their business have been returned, none of their shops and hotels.

whats your opinion about KDP drinking from PUK weapons share, the latter saved KDP's *** from ISIS.

The minister of Peshmerga forces is a Gorran member whose task is to unite those forces, currently many brigades have been re in corporated into the official army but the PUK keeps being hesitant. It will get solved. Aslong as the KF liberates more areas I am fine but the frontlines in Jalawla must recieve more weapons. But I think when Barzani visited the commanders and the frontlines over Sadiya and Jalawla he made sure they got their share.
ISIS attacks only Muslims countries they are killing Muslims ...Many families are suffering from this war ..ISIS is not Muslims terrorist organization actually they are not Muslims because the thing the are doing is showing that they are not Muslims ...If they are right then why they can not attack in Israel and many different Muslims enemy countries ???????
You don't get it, do you? Advocating the destruction of Israel means submerging human rights below bigotry, inverting justice and injustice, and accepting lies as "truth" - because otherwise everybody would be a Zionist and that's not what Arab leaders have been campaigning for for the past century. Why, once you've accepted such a value structure, should you bother with faraway or well-defended Zionists when you can invent weaker and/or nearer "enemies" to exploit? Mesopotamia, Arabia, and North Africa are certainly more lucrative pickings than Israel's tiny sliver, right?
Families in shock as Islamic State lures sons into 'barbaric madness'
Reuters | Nov 19, 2014, 01.52 PM IST

CARDIFF: "Do you know how much it hurts to raise someone and watch them grow and suddenly they're just gone?" says Ahmed Muthana, 57, a retired electronics engineer in Wales whose two sons Nasser, 20, and Aseel, 17, have gone to fight for Islamic State.

Like any father of faraway children, he can easily slip into a reverie, talking about the studious older son who was accepted into medical school and his more rambunctious and athletic younger brother.

"The little one (Aseel) wanted to be an Olympic swimmer and an English teacher. Nasser liked science and wanted to be a doctor," said their father. "Nasser was always primarily concerned with his studies and Aseel liked to play around."

Then, without notice, the young men vanished.

"Nasser told us he was going to Birmingham, and the next thing we know, he is in Syria," he says. "Aseel said he had a test and suddenly he's in Cyprus."

The Muthana family were thrust into the spotlight this week when Ahmed Muthana told journalists he believed Nasser was one of the Islamic State fighters in a video showing beheadings.

READ ALSO: ISIS abused captive Kurdish children: Report

Camera crews camped outside the small white semi-detached house near the centre of the Welsh capital Cardiff. The father now says he was initially mistaken: although his sons are fighting with Islamic State, they were not among the men shown in the video beheading Syrian soldiers.

That was enough to persuade the camera crews to leave. But it has not relieved his sorrow or altered his verdict on his sons, who are dead to him.

"They committed suicide when they did what they did."

Hundreds of young men from western countries are believed to have travelled to Syria and Iraq to join Islamic State fighters who have seized swathes of those two countries, carrying out mass killings that have shocked the world. They leave behind families like the Muthanas, struggling to understand.

In France, journalists descended on Tuesday on the Normandy village of Bosc-Roger-en-Roumois, population 3,000, to film the house with the well-manicured lawn, where Maxime Hauchard, 22, grew up a stone's throw from the local church.

His uncle, Pascal Hauchard, an unemployed truck driver, said the family were suffering. His grandmother was in shock.

"He had an ordinary childhood in an ordinary household," his uncle told Le Parisien daily. "What was it that pushed my nephew into this barbaric madness?"

French police believe Hauchard, a Normandy native who converted to Islam as a teen, is one of the militants in the beheading video. They are at a loss to explain how he changed in the space of a few years from an adolescent described by neighbours as "friendly and easygoing" to the grimly determined radical Islamist in military fatigues.

In a Skype interview he gave to French television from the Syrian town of Raqqa, Islamic State's de facto capital, in July, Hauchard explained that he became a Muslim on his own after immersing himself from the age of 17 in radical Islamist material on the Internet.

He was currently preparing to take part in a mission: "We look forward to death with joy", he said.

French officials say they have had an eye on him since 2011 when he started frequenting radical Islamist circles in the city of Rouen, 130 km northwest of Paris. Before leaving for Syria in August 2013, Hauchard had travelled twice to Mauritania in western Africa for Koran instruction.

"He came back from Mauritania disappointed, considering that the teachings were not radical enough for him," Paris public prosecutor Francois Molins told a news conference in the French capital on Monday. He told friends and relatives he was going to Syria for humanitarian work, but that was a cover for plans to join the fighters, Molins said.

Back in Wales, Ahmed Muthana still wears the traditional jelabiya robe and red keffiyah headscarf of his native Yemen and remains passionate about the Middle East. He speaks animatedly about the corruption and harsh governments that made life difficult there.

His British-born boys were religious, Aseel memorised the entire Koran as a youth, learning eight pages a day, but showed no sign of interest in war until the day they disappeared.

Did they have any "jihadi inclinations"? Their father just laughs. The only war they saw was in video games.

"The only inclinations they exhibited were Xbox and Playstation inclinations. They exhibited Super Mario inclinations, I can tell you that."

If he could see them now, what would be the one thing he would tell them?

"If you have a father and a mother you do jihad for them, not this," he says.
and next month 1 billion $ :-)

164$ per barrel over two months. still very little from what Iraq really owes KRG over all those years of pumping kurdish oil from kirkuk and xanaqin.
Let me be clear with you ape these lands belong to ancient iraqi lands you scums are immgrants from your caves from zagros in iran

It's like saying the African lived on the gold of the dutch

Or saying that the Indians lived on the wealth of England

Which is wrong it was the dutch who stole African gold for years and colonized Africa

It was England who lived for centuries on the wealth of India not the other way around

As for you mountain monkeys you are the ones who lived on iraqi land and soil you gypsy scums from Central Asia

If someone have to pay money is you
A major offensive starts in Diyala province against IS in sadiyah and Jalawla involving army, peshmerga and volunteers.

8 villages have been liberated so far. The main highway connecting the towns is also under Iraqi control.

Sadiyah, jalawla as well as a few towns in moqdadiyah are the last remaining areas under IS control in Diyala.

Very well said... If we are to use kurds to eliminate the threat then we need to give them what they always desired and deserve. We just cannot use innocent blood to be shed to cover our fears
can you speak english please
I think I did! :)
ah ok so you think that either you're God or India is a master in the region
you have the position to decide who deserves to get that or that
and by the way if you were enough reading the topic, kurds came after many other. they are not owners of the lands they live in . they should live with other in respect of other (and other should respect them).
if you want to support the ethnic ideology (like the nazis did in the past , for exemple) that's your choice but don't , then, consider yourself as a champion of morality and giving lessons on a topic , saying who deserves or not .
$1.62 billion US package of small arms, ammunition, body armor, trucks, and medical kits

$1.24 billion - ISF
$354 million - Peshmerga
$24 million - Anbar/regional awakening tribes

ISF - 1,800 cargo trucks, 43,200 M4 rifles, and 45,000 pieces of body armor.
Peshmerga - 14,400 M4 rifles, 600 cargo trucks, and 15,000 pieces of body armor.
Tribes - 5,000 AK-47 rifles, 12,000 grenades, and 5,000 body armor kits.

M4 being used properly @ 0:35

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