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Today ISIS hit a Turkish Tank with Kornet Missile in Camp Bashika.

Kornet missile has been neutralized by ERA blocks, Tank has received some damage.

(above pic can be representative,..... not sure)

The building where ISIS terrorists were, has been taken under fire...and blown up with 8 tank shells. Remaining terrorists tried to escape the via 7 vehicles and 4 motorcycles...tanks continued their firing and blown up 5 Vehicles and 3 motorcycles...Total death toll is 32 ISIS terrorists, no casualties or wounded from Turks.


@Malik Alashter @f1000n @SALMAN AL-FARSI
I am confused. According to Russian MoD Turkey is main sponsor of ISIS, while Russia is main opponent of ISIS. But what we see on video? ISIS armed with newest Russian ATGM attacks Turkish tank. :undecided:

Who is lying the video footage or Russian MoD? :unsure:
I am confused. According to Russian MoD Turkey is main sponsor of ISIS, while Russia is main opponent of ISIS. But what we see on video? ISIS armed with newest Russian ATGM attacks Turkish tank. :undecided:

Who is lying the video footage or Russian MoD? :unsure:
According to Russian MoD this footage is Hollywood made. :agree:


@Malik Alashter

Are you actually sad that ISIS couldn't kill any Turkish soldier ?
I am confused. According to Russian MoD Turkey is main sponsor of ISIS, while Russia is main opponent of ISIS. But what we see on video? ISIS armed with newest Russian ATGM attacks Turkish tank. :undecided:

Who is lying the video footage or Russian MoD? :unsure:

Poor attempt. Look at Afghanistan. US & Pakistan etc. supported a group, which then attacked the US and Pakistan.
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I am confused. According to Russian MoD Turkey is main sponsor of ISIS, while Russia is main opponent of ISIS. But what we see on video? ISIS armed with newest Russian ATGM attacks Turkish tank. :undecided:

Who is lying the video footage or Russian MoD? :unsure:

U.S supported Afghan insurgents, then they came back to bite U.S in the arse. Your reasoning in this case sucks.
News that 20 More MI-28 will be delivered alongside the 12 MI-28. IA needs more tanks though, they were losing a lot of Abrams back in 2014 and early 2015 however lately the IA and PMF have gotten a lot of experience. Abrams tank crews are performing well, that said by US commanders not me.

Though, hundreds of tanks are needed there's not enough. Currently it's not a lack of experience or motivation as the media and politicians used to repeat daily, it's a lack of heavy weapons.


A U.S.-trained Iraqi crew working with a U.S.-supplied M1A1 Abrams tank now known as the "Beast" played a major role in taking and clearing the town of Hit in western Anbar province of ISIS fighters, a U.S. military spokesman said Wednesday.

"It's become a bit of a folk hero" to the Iraqi Counter-Terror Services and regular Iraqi army troops who drove militants affiliated with the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, or ISIS, from Hit and are now engaged in clearing operations in the Euphrates valley town, Army Col. Steve Warren said of the tracked vehicle.

"The tank has been so successful, this one tank crew, that American advisers have given it the 'Hero of the Day' award for several days," said Warren, a spokesman for Combined Joint Task Force-Operation Inherent Resolve in Baghdad.

The "Beast" was one of three Iraqi Abrams tanks backing Iraqi forces as they entered Hit but the two other tanks broke down, Warren said in a video briefing to the Pentagon. That left the "Beast" to blast away at Islamic State of Iraq and Syria fighting positions and vehicles while destroying improvised explosive device emplacements, Warren said.

"They're really tearing it up," he said of the tank and its crew. "They're out there just plain old getting after it." He tweeted out a video of the tank destroying an ISIS vehicle.

Warren said the actions in Hit were emblematic of the growing successes in the fight against ISIS despite the stall in the push on Mosul in northwestern Iraq and continued infighting among U.S.-backed militia groups in Syria.
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APRIL 18, 2016 7:55 PM

ISIS in Syria, Iraq, weaker, is on the verge of collapse

ISIS has overpromised and its recruits are no longer buying the sales pitch

The people under ISIS’ thumb will rebel when they have the chance

It’s losing territory and its finances have been disrupted


A Muslim protester in New Delhi, India, holds a sign proclaiming his disdain for terrorist group. AP


I predict that the ISIS state in Syria and Iraq will collapse as fast as it arose. Indeed, I will go out on a limb and say I expect it to be gone by the end of 2016.

That the Islamic State (also known as ISIS, ISIL or Daesh) will be gone is predictable — all totalitarian states eventually disappear because of three main developments: Cadres become disillusioned, subject populations suffer and external enemies increase in number. All these problems afflicted, for example, the fascist states of World War II as well as the Soviet bloc.



ISIS will collapse quickly because it suffers from an extreme form of these problems.

Disillusioned cadres: The heaven on earth that ISIS promises its recruits turn out to be closer to hell, prompting many of them to flee and many more to want to. Growing numbers of ISIS fighters lack loyalty to the group, toiling only for the money or out of fear.

The reasons can be as mundane as bad food and as elevated as bad theology, but grievous disappointment is the common theme coming from the ranks of ISIS members. Radical ideologues evolve into penitents; drug-addled fighters end up as near-vegetables.

Suffering subject population: ISIS oppresses the unfortunate millions who live under its rule in a territory about as large as Great Britain. If a few benefit from the system, the great majority suffer from the petty interference, impoverishment, arbitrary rules, brutality and sadism that characterize ISIS dominion. These subject people will rebel whenever the opportunity arises.

Foreign enemies: ISIS seems to take pride in making as many enemies as possible, which may burnish its credentials for purity but leaves it exceedingly vulnerable. It gratuitously alienated Jordanians by burning alive an air force pilot; it enraged Turks by setting off bombs in major cities; its acts of violence in Paris, Brussels and beyond have made it enemy No. 1 in much of the West (including the Islamists who live there); it alienates everyone with the destruction of antiquities, the use of poison gas and videotaped beheadings. Its only alliances are with like-minded groups such as Boko Haram in Nigeria.

As a result, ISIS has become uniquely reviled. For example, in an unprecedented meeting, the U.N. Security Council in December voted unanimously to impose far-reaching economic sanctions on ISIS. On another level, a recent large-scale survey found half of 18- to 24-year-old Arabic speakers saying that ISIS is the “biggest obstacle facing the Middle East,” more so than unemployment, Israel or Iran.

In all, ISIS is losing personnel, economic power and territory. Leaders are escaping to the friendlier confines of Libya. Renegades are revealing files with contact information of ISIS members. Bombings by many air forces combined with Iraqi government-backed efforts are taking their toll on ISIS, especially on its finances. In 2015, ISIS lost Baiji, Kobani, Sinjar and Tikrit, amounting to 20 percent of its territory in Syria and 40 percent in Iraq. These losses continue into 2016, with Ramadi and Palmyra already spun out of its control.

Abdel-Moneim Said, an Egyptian analyst, compares ISIS now to the last, desperate and doomed year of the Nazi Reich.

But if the ISIS state in Syria and Iraq is doomed, ISIS will live on in other ways. First is the successor state in Libya and perhaps also others in Nigeria, Somalia, Afghanistan and beyond. Second is the very idea of the caliphate, a 1,400-year-old concept of Muslim supremacy full of malign implications for modern life.

Let us hasten to bring about and then celebrate the forthcoming demise of the Islamic State centered in Raqqa, Syria, without deluding ourselves that ISIS is entirely finished. To achieve that requires, unfortunately, defeating and marginalizing the entire Islamist movement.

This, too, may happen, but it is many years off.

© 2016 Daniel Pipes

Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/opinion/op-ed/article72541452.html#storylink=cpy
When will you grow up?

I was the keyboard nationalist you were, in my teens. You're married.
I'm saying....."Iraqis are saying that 12 Altay tanks come into Bashika camp"...it's absurd because we are still developing that tank...it's not operational.
I'm saying....."Iraqis are saying that 12 Altay tanks come into Bashika camp"...it's absurd because we are still developing that tank...it's not operational.

I figured that out, no millions of people are the same however, besides all journalists are liars. Adnan Oktar doesn't represent you either. Anyway what I meant was the keyboard nationalistic behavior on PDF.
I figured that out, no millions of people are the same however, besides all journalists are liars. Adnan Oktar doesn't represent you either. Anyway what I meant was the keyboard nationalistic behavior on PDF.
You are reading to much into this.....
You are reading to much into this.....
Maybe true, because of my experiences here.

Anyway I like to keep it to news personally, I don't see the point anymore of arguing with other people here none of us are politicians and we little influence on such things.
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