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Iraq: Win One War And Lose Another

February 14, 2016:...While ISIL atrocities against religious minorities gets some publicity, and recognition as war crimes, the similar atrocities by Iran backed Iraqi Shia militias have gone largely unpublicized. That is changing but not fast enough to slow down the killings. The United States and most European governments had adopted the attitude that Christians in Iraq have not been singled out for attack but now the growing mountain of evidence has led a growing number of Western governments to at least admit that Christians and other non-Moslems are under heavy attack from ISIL and Iraqi Shia (usually sponsored by Iran) militias. In 2014 ISIL atrocities against religious minorities like the Yazidis and Christians was noticed by the world media but that attention was temporary and the plight of Christians in Syria and Iraq was largely ignored. The Yazidis were a frequent target because many Moslems, and some Christians, consider the Yazidi pagans and devil worshipers. The Yazidi are Kurds who practice a pre-Christian religion related to the pre-Islamic Zoroastrian religion once common in Iran before Islam and now only found in India. The Yazidis are considered pagans by ISIL and to Moslems pagans must either renounce their beliefs or die. The Kurds have always gotten along better with Yazidis, Christians and other minorities and many of those people fled to the Kurdish north. In 2015 it was the Kurds who recaptured Yazidi territory from ISIL.

Atrocities against Christians is again newsworthy because the Iraqi Shia militias are increasingly attacking Christians in Baghdad. The militias are trying to drive all Christians out of Baghdad and Iraq. The militias are also out to make some money as they systematically seize the homes, businesses and other assets of the departed Christians and sell them off or trade them for something they need. The Iraqi government does nothing save for an occasional press release condemning this behavior. These press releases are to placate foreign aid donors who threaten to reduce aid if the atrocities do not stop. So far few aid donors have acted on these threats. In Baghdad the Shia militia want to emulate ISIL, which has, for the first time in history, killed or driven all Christians from Mosul. Some of these Shia militia have also been accused of going back to their use of death squads against Sunni civilians. There has been some of that but not as much as in 2006-8. That round of sectarian murders was only ended by the forcible disbanding of the Shia militias. This time around the government is so eager to mobilize over 100,000 Shia militiamen that these men are being put on the government payroll -

...Between ISIL and Iran backed Shia militia activity in Baghdad that city accounted for 35 percent of all deaths in January and 61 percent of civilian deaths. Most of the Baghdad civilian deaths were from ISIL terror attacks, meant to get media attention and terrorize the Shia population. A growing number of the civilian deaths in Baghdad (and nationwide) are caused by Shia militias killing suspected Sunni terrorists or simply encouraging Sunnis and non-Moslems to get out of Baghdad (and Iraq) -
You will never ever hide your hate towards shiite.

But guess what who cares we are heading our way establishing a real democratic state headed by shiite politicians.

if that makes you less sleeping then let it be.

When this war is over we will face againg isis. Fact is Iraq is little iran, nothing more.
Fact is you are loosing every where while we winning every where.

Butt hurt will ever be butt hurt.

It's a barren desert, not even southern iraqis would choose to live there yet alone Iranians. It's pathetic that these rumours are believed by some.

No one asked for your opinion, Iraq will still be Iraq, and iran is a strategic ally. Together, we have great influence in the region.

When IS "revolutionaries" came in with Turkish, Barzani, arab and wahabi backing, and the big treason which occurred in the army. All countries were laying back and enjoying the show. The gulf, Turkey and their lap dog Barzani all supported what was going on and hoped that the "revolutionaries" would enter Baghdad.

The west was busy blaming Maliki wile refusing to aid Iraq as they saw IS kill thousands.

It was then when we know who our friends were. The Iranians were the first to be on the ground, organizing the battle fronts. Iranian generals came to see the needs of the newly formed and inexperienced PMF's whomever were the only ones holding the iraqi state from total collapse. General Sulaimani was making lists of the needed weapons and ammunition. Hundreds of truckloads were being shipped directly from Iran, without having to wait for payments or complicated procedures,. The Iranians even started making local funds to collect donations for Iraq's war against IS. Some Iranian women went to giving their own jewellery. That was at a time in which Iranians were hard hit by sanctions, life was hard enough for them already.

All this and just a few decades ago Saddam Hussien launched an agression against iran just as it was hit by a revolution. This agression led to the death of hundreds of thousands from both sides.

And if it were and other country, the hate would have continued and anyone else in Irans place would not lend a hand.

So when you say iran and Iraq. No, neither country is a "puppet" of the other. But they are allies, have aligning interest in the region. They stand for each other as one. Our faith is the same, we have been neighbors ever since we existed, and we don't really care what closet IS-supporters think.

Yes there are Iranians in the battlefront in iraq, every years millions of Iranians and iraqis cross the borders for tourism.

Now, give me one reason I should hate iran and love the Turkish/gulf coaliton.

Well someone seems butthurt baghdad wasn't "liberated" by the mujahideen. Selecting a decade old video and presenting it as the fact on the ground.

The iraqi army even after all the treason and the international war which the gulf states and terrorism has launch, has still held together. Just because you don't bother checking your facts on the ground, doesn't mean your lot is winning.

Diyala, Babel, sallahidden, and now recently Ramadi. With hundreds of towns and villages Liberated and tens of thousands of IS fighters killed.

And now IS are trapped in Falujah and starvinf like the rates they are. IS has not been able to achieve any advances in months while each offensive they attempt ends up with dozens of dead rats. In mak-houl mountains, amriyah, Haditha, alas, seniyah. Every day no less than a hundred IS rats are killed due to airstrikes and failed attacks. Meanwhile the cities which supported them lay in ruins.
Excellent well done. :tup:.
No one asked for your opinion, Iraq will still be Iraq, and iran is a strategic ally. Together, we have great influence in the region.

When IS "revolutionaries" came in with Turkish, Barzani, arab and wahabi backing, and the big treason which occurred in the army. All countries were laying back and enjoying the show. The gulf, Turkey and their lap dog Barzani all supported what was going on and hoped that the "revolutionaries" would enter Baghdad.

The west was busy blaming Maliki wile refusing to aid Iraq as they saw IS kill thousands.

It was then when we know who our friends were. The Iranians were the first to be on the ground, organizing the battle fronts. Iranian generals came to see the needs of the newly formed and inexperienced PMF's whomever were the only ones holding the iraqi state from total collapse. General Sulaimani was making lists of the needed weapons and ammunition. Hundreds of truckloads were being shipped directly from Iran, without having to wait for payments or complicated procedures,. The Iranians even started making local funds to collect donations for Iraq's war against IS. Some Iranian women went to giving their own jewellery. That was at a time in which Iranians were hard hit by sanctions, life was hard enough for them already.

All this and just a few decades ago Saddam Hussien launched an agression against iran just as it was hit by a revolution. This agression led to the death of hundreds of thousands from both sides.

And if it were and other country, the hate would have continued and anyone else in Irans place would not lend a hand.

So when you say iran and Iraq. No, neither country is a "puppet" of the other. But they are allies, have aligning interest in the region. They stand for each other as one. Our faith is the same, we have been neighbors ever since we existed, and we don't really care what closet IS-supporters think.

Yes there are Iranians in the battlefront in iraq, every years millions of Iranians and iraqis cross the borders for tourism.

Now, give me one reason I should hate iran and love the Turkish/gulf coaliton.

It wasn't a favor, it was our duty to help. You should have blamed us if we didn't.
You will never ever hide your hate towards shiite.

But guess what who cares we are heading our way establishing a real democratic state headed by shiite politicians.
Did any nation do more to empower the Shi'a majority of Iraq than the United States of America?
Nasty war.............when do Iraq start rebuild what had been destroyed?
Did any nation do more to empower the Shi'a majority of Iraq than the United States of America?
That was just a side effect of failed foriegn policy on their behalf, never was an intended goal. Besides they insisted on installing a failed secterian quota system which is why Iraq is a failed state. The quota system is responsible for 80% of Iraq's probalems and will continue to be until we get rid of it.
That was just a side effect of failed foriegn policy on their behalf, never was an intended goal.
You're in lululand if you don't think liberal democracy was the Bush Administration's intended goal. But Iraq's Shi'a leaders caved in to the Iranians, agreeing to kick the Americans out in exchange for Iran stopping its attempts to undermine the government, then proceeded to gut their army's best American-trained officers and oppress the Sunnis and Kurds, rather than stick to the deals that they - with America's support - had cut with their political leaders. I think of Iraq as what Germany could have looked like had Adenauer caved in to the suppressed fascists, rather than throw his lot in with the victorious Allies.
You're in lululand if you don't think liberal democracy was the Bush Administration's intended goal. But Iraq's Shi'a leaders caved in to the Iranians, agreeing to kick the Americans out in exchange for Iran stopping its attempts to undermine the government, then proceeded to gut their army's best American-trained officers and oppress the Sunnis and Kurds, rather than stick to the deals that they - with America's support - had cut with their political leaders. I think of Iraq as what Germany could have looked like had Adenauer caved in to the suppressed fascists, rather than throw his lot in with the victorious Allies.

I don't think you understand the iraqi conflict. The U.S. forced a quota system on Iraq. Basically every government institution had to include shias, sunnis and Kurds. It went to even further then that. The sunnis, shias and kurds had another quota system based on the political party representation.

Every single decision had to be agreed upon by all three parties for it to be passed. Sunnis and Kurds were forced into the security although they had no loyalty to the central government. The Kurdish soldiers loyalty was for the KRG while thousands of sunni soldiers were working with terrorists. They would act as spies for IS. Just as we have seen in Mosul. Thousands of local sunni soldiers simply give up their weapons and deserted, meanwhile kurdish soldiers looted as much as they could and drove of to the KRG areas.

Sunni politicians were acting as a political cover for IS and present then as "revolutionaries". Kurds were leaching off the conflict to take more money from the central government.

Meanwhile the government was and still is drowned in corruption. Government Institutions were shared amongst political parties and used a cash cows.

Maliki actually returned thousands of ex-baathist officers to the army. And many of these same officers were involved on the Mosul invasion treason. His idiocy made and even bigger problem. He tried to but off everyone by simply using Iraq's treasury as a "hand out" as if it belonged to him. By the time he was out, tens of billions of dollars were gone to waste because if him.

Other officers were unfit. The army changed from a professional institution into a bussiness. Officers would pay tens of thousands of dollar for their positions. Soldiers would pay half their salaries to their superiors and simply not attend their duty.

many people say that Iraq is ruled by iran. That's not true at all.

Iran has a strong central government. Government decisions are solid and usually never have as many obstacle. Their security institutions are strict and efficient. In fact if iran did actually have that much influence iver Iraq, we iraqis would be In much better state.

But instead we have a government of disloyal mafias. With the sunnis until recently all supporting IS and callig them revolutionaries. The Kurds still don't consider themselves iraqis only on psudsy and they'd do anything to sabatoge the iraqi state. And the shia political parties drown in corruption.
Why is Sistani an Iranian Ayatollah so influential in the decisions of the Iraqi government?
Why is Sistani an Iranian Ayatollah so influential in the decisions of the Iraqi government?

Because almost every single Iraqi Shia adores him, when he says something, many people will follow. If he wasn't in Iraq, Daesh would be in Baghdad. And nationality means nothing for Shia religious figures.
Because almost every single Iraqi Shia adores him, when he says something, many people will follow. If he wasn't in Iraq, Daesh would be in Baghdad. And nationality means nothing for Shia religious figures.

It doesn't matter for Sunnis or Sufis either.

"O people! Your God is one and your forefather (Adam) is one. An Arab is not better than a non-Arab and a non-Arab is not better than an Arab, and a red (i.e. white tinged with red) person is not better than a black person and a black person is not better than a red person, except in piety."
Lol where was that "nationality doesnt matter" talk when you were talking about Sunni fighters.

Hezbollat is the Shiite Isis. Theyre basically calling forbthe same thing and are using the same methods, even their vidoes look the same. The only difference is, Sunnis hate and condemn ISIS, where Shias love and support Hezbollat.
@Daneshmand sir aren't the kurds musalman, then whats with that shia sunni kurd thing:undecided:
Kurds are commies, so they pay less attention to religion, its also why there is so much women's equality and rights in their culture as opposed to the others in the region.

Lol where was that "nationality doesnt matter" talk when you were talking about Sunni fighters.

Hezbollat is the Shiite Isis. Theyre basically calling forbthe same thing and are using the same methods, even their vidoes look the same. The only difference is, Sunnis hate and condemn ISIS, where Shias love and support Hezbollat.
no, they're not suicide bombing, beheading or taking sex slaves like ISIS and the so called rebels are.

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