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Iraq's war against IS terrorism | Updates and Discussions

We need to wake up Genghis Khan to clean up the whole place!

I'm no European, but from American perspective we should leave the region alone. Right now there is no consensus on Syria/Iraq by the ME peoples. Because the sides are divided by Sunni/Shia. So it's impossible for them to agree on political settlement. So the way it looks this is going to be fought out. Which means we should stay out of it. Intervening will just create more IS splinter groups. Once the war is over(Sunni or Shia victory) in these two nations, then either Iran/Shias will be powerful and declare war on Saudi Arabia causing regional war or Sunnis win and Sunni nations try rebuilding both aria and Iraq. Which means as of now, the West shouldn't have any interest in getting entangled.
AJ reporting IS attack on Khalidyah in Anbaar

Why would Sunnis ask for partition if they're winning? Sunnis will take over Syria and Iraq within a year if the United States doesn't intervene to prevent that. So your question is answered.

Iraq under Shia control has been an failure. On all fronts. Better give it back to the original owners. And the economy, security situation، etc...will improve.

I mean split. Are you f-ing kidding me that 6 million Sunnis will annex 20 million Shia? I'm talking about each his own territory. What's to win? Sunnis take over entire Iraq, wtf do you mean?
I mean split. Are you f-ing kidding me that 6 million Sunnis will annex 20 million Shia? I'm talking about each his own territory. What's to win? Sunnis take over entire Iraq, wtf do you mean?

IS will annex or expel them or they will flee to Iran. If IS manages to succeed in its goals for Iraq. As for Syria, majority is Sunni and opposition is making gains. It will take time but they are going to fight until victory. No partition no nothing.
IS will annex or expel them or they will flee to Iran. If IS manages to succeed in its goals for Iraq. As for Syria, majority is Sunni and opposition is making gains. It will take time but they are going to fight until victory. No partition no nothing.

You're delusional. Those terrorist will conquer 20 million people? Syria is another story. See how that happens? Depends on the majority. People like you make me want Iran to take that little POS land Qatar and annex it.
You're delusional. Those terrorist will conquer 20 million people? Syria is another story. See how that happens? Depends on the majority. People like you make me want Iran to take that little POS land Qatar and annex it.

Nope, not delusional, they will either live under Islamic rule or go to Iran. Nobody in the region has anything to lose anymore. Attacking Qatar/Saudi Arabia would be best thing to happen. Because our Prophet mentioned that we Muslims will be as we were in the beginning of Islam. Meaning Saudi arabians will form battalions in same way Muhammad formed them in Badr. This will start with awaited Mahdi. Right now Saudis don't take everything to heart because they have really good quality of life, but once you attack them they will change in mentality.

Iraq won't be allowed to be a shia country anymore. All Shias do is stab the Islamic Ummah in the back when they're weak. What Salah Al Din did will happen again and we're witnessing begining of it.
I'm no European, but from American perspective we should leave the region alone. Right now there is no consensus on Syria/Iraq by the ME peoples. Because the sides are divided by Sunni/Shia. So it's impossible for them to agree on political settlement. So the way it looks this is going to be fought out. Which means we should stay out of it. Intervening will just create more IS splinter groups. Once the war is over(Sunni or Shia victory) in these two nations, then either Iran/Shias will be powerful and declare war on Saudi Arabia causing regional war or Sunnis win and Sunni nations try rebuilding both aria and Iraq. Which means as of now, the West shouldn't have any interest in getting entangled.
Seems like once again, you began to support murders, rapists and pillagers called IS. You are being too dramatic. Nobody is going to declare war on anybody. These are just proxy ways. They won't fight each other directly and instead they will use other countries like Syria and Iraq to fight their wars. And no, USA should wipe out IS and strengthen the Kurds and they are already pulling out of Middle East anyway. The future of the world is Pacific.
Iranian troops + US air support, let's see what comes out of it:

Benjamin T Decker ‏@btdecker 2m2 minutes ago
Unconfirmed reports of #Iran troops crossing into #Iraq following today's senior level meeting in #Baghdad
@Matan_press 37m37 minutes ago
#Iraq :Recent Satellite imagery shows #ISIS building up forces in #Fallujah . Possible prep to attack ISF forces between it & #Ramadi

Mustafa Kadhum ‏@mustafakadhum 3m3 minutes ago
Pentagon sees a role for Popular Mobilisation forces, Alhashd AlShaabi, in #Iraq battle to liberate #Ramadi under Baghdad control

Cairo Reports ‏@CairoReports 8m8 minutes ago
#CR #US., allies conduct 25 air strikes in #Iraq, #Syria: task force l #IslamicState Read more: … #CR #CairoReports
Great IS NATION ‏@GreatISNATI0N57 14m14 minutes ago
#BreakingNews :) Convoys of Shia troops crossed from #Iran into #Iraq through #Montheriya border crossing according to @sadq1443.. #IS

Seems like once again, you began to support murders, rapists and pillagers called IS. You are being too dramatic. Nobody is going to declare war on anybody. These are just proxy ways. They won't fight each other directly and instead they will use other countries like Syria and Iraq to fight their wars. And no, USA should wipe out IS and strengthen the Kurds and they are already pulling out of Middle East anyway. The future of the world is Pacific.

I don't see where we are disagreeing. We both agree that West doesn't have major interest in ME no longer and that they will let them fight it out. West will need ground invasion to achieve what you mention or alliance with Iran.
For all these twitter users, I apologize for using your updates here. But don't post conflict related news on constant basis otherwise I will take it that you're a news source and you might be used to update this forum.

Iraq Solidarity News ‏@iraqsolidarity 10m10 minutes ago
Senior army general dismissed due to security deterioration in al-Karma http://bit.ly/1HnTtEm #iraq #iraqi #news
Hannibal ‏@Hannibalum 3m3 minutes ago
Airstrike near #Khalidiya & #Habbaniyah in East #Ramadi. #ISIS is undoubtedly in the offensive. #Iraq
Hannibal ‏@Hannibalum 6m6 minutes ago
10th regiment HQ near #Khalidiya under attack or has fallen in #ISIS hands. #Iraq
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