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Iraq's war against IS terrorism | Updates and Discussions

hahahahaha best tv interview with irans dogs in iraq :sarcastic::omghaha::laughcry::rofl:

May a stupid terrorist Rafidi was practicing around him and shot him in his pen***

That was a sign of despair due to Maliki's marginalisation...he followed Bush directive to the letter...They have an undeniable right to Iraq and you can't change that with a stroke of a pen.

that's a civil war, loyalty lines are always blurred..
There was no marginalization, in fact Sunnis were over represented, holding many ministries and seats in the parliament than what they actually got in elections. If you actually think that is the reason then you are dead wrong. I suggest you get back to reality. Besides, does marginalization give them the right to attempt genocide against 85% of Iraq's population?

The problem isn't marginalization or Maliki. It's an ideology. Abu sayaf, boko haram, Alqaeda in yemen, Somal,Ansar bayt al Maqdis, Taliban and tens of other groups. The bombings against Shia didn't start with Maliki and didn't end ep with him. The same people who are responsible for the mass graves during Saddams era again had a chance and carried out the same thing in Tikrit against the 1700 cadets. It's not new. But now they must lay for all their past crimes. No one is going after the innocent.

What happened to Albu Ajeel was done mostly by another Sunni tribe anyway. The Albu Ajeel not only killed the Shia cadets, but tried to commit genocide against anti-IS tribes. Similar to what happened to the she'etat and Albu nimr in Syria and Anbar.

The Saudi members on here, you are giving really bad impression about your country. You sound like immature school children.

If that ape is a shahid and goes to paradise, I and every other decent human being prefer deepest spots of hell.

You are fighting no one, don't let the illusion distract you. You create a group and ideologically inspire it, then you fight it, that's indeed something to be laughed at.
There is no point wasting your time with these things.
they all will be coming to play with saudi soon. :guns:and all dogs in saudi will flee too.

Many toys will be waiting for them and if you want to come with them don't be shy to tell us then we can prepare a special toy for you . :butcher:

We're very generous.I'm sure they'll enjoy playing in our desert . :)

Don't tell me they used to drink much water.If so, there will be many panting dogs.:lol:
A unit of 250 sunnis trained and armed by Asaib Ahl Al Haq.

The evil secterian safawi majoosi rafidhi militia which likes to kill innocent sunni babies and women.

Iraqi Sunnis join feared Shiite militia to battle IS | GlobalPost

Tikrit is expected to be liberated in a week or two if things go according to plan.

If not then the terrorists are contained and surrounded in approximately 40% of the city with artillery and airstrikes slowly killing them.

Tikrit offensive was given 4 weeks, we haven't entered the second week yet so patience is key in the battle.
Iraq Arrests ISIS Advisors, US And Israelis Held


A photo from the Golan Heights depicting IDF soldiers conversing with Jabhat al Nusra terrorists.
TEHRAN – Iraqi Special Forces said they have arrested several ISIL’s foreign military advisors, including American, Israeli and Arab nationals in an operation in Mosul in the Northern parts of the country.

The Iraqi forces said they have retrieved four foreign passports, including those that belonged to American and Israeli nationals and one that belonged to the national of a Persian Gulf Cooperation Council (PGCC) member-state, from ISIL’s military advisors.

The foreign advisors were arrested in a military operation in Tal Abta desert near Mosul city.

Last year, a senior aide to Russian President Vladimir Putin accused Mossad of training ISIL terrorists operating in Iraq and Syria.

Alexander Prokhanov said that Mossad is also likely to have transferred some of its spying experiences to the ISIL leadership, adding that Israel’s military advisors could be assisting the Takfiri terrorists.

Prokhanov said ISIL is a byproduct of US policies in the Middle East.

ISIL is a tool at the hands of the United States. They tell the Europeans that if we (the Americans) do not intervene, ISIL will cause you harm,” he said, adding that Iran and Russia are the prime targets of the ISIL.

“They launched their first terror attack against us just a few days back in Chechnya,” he said, stressing that the ISIL ideology has got nothing to do with the Islam practiced in Iran and some other Muslim countries in the Middle East region.

Prokhanov said the United States and Israel are one and the same when it comes to supporting a terror organization like the ISIL.

This entry was posted in Daily Digest, Foreign Affairs
Sunni fighters from the jaghaifa tribe against IS


Sunni fighters from the Albu nimr fighting against IS

The Albu mahal Sunni tribe against IS

Al Jabara, Sallahiddin provinces largest Sunni tribe mobilizes its members against IS. IS and an alliance of a few smaller tribes tried to commit genocide against the Jabara in the early months of the conflict, now the Jabara are back with larger forces, more weapons and backing by the PMF. A few other tribes also allied with the Jabara in sallahiddin.


The Obaid tribe. Talks about a possible alliance of Mosuls largest tribes which include shimar and the Obaid.

Residents of the town of Amirli, which was besieged by IS for over 4 months prepare a convoy of food and aid to the Sunni residents in Sallhiddin province.
Saraya Alsalam giving aid to displaced Sunnis

Hundreds of families return to their town after being liberated, Sallhiddin province.

Sunni scholars donate blood for anti-IS fighter

Iraqi soldier sees his home for the first time in 8 months in dour, Sallahiddin.

PMF forces with families of displaced Sunnis. From the shabak brigade
we are waiting. :coffee:

Many toys will be waiting for them and if you want to come with them don't be shy to tell us then we can prepare a special toy for you . :butcher:

We're very generous.I'm sure they'll enjoy playing in our desert . :)

Don't tell me they used to drink much water.If so, there will be many panting dogs.:lol:

Renting others to die for you :astagh:

Saudi pays and usa fights. This will not work for ever.

Rest Assure Pakistan will Never.

The enemies will not be able to Hire Pakistanis to die for them.
you dumb ape this was held in a government bulding. they have those ppl poems in the Parliament. if im not mistaken.
and talking about schools its enough that arabs are not allowed to study in their own language even balouch.
what does takfiri mean ? you parrot pick up lines from the media and use it like a fool.
what about your sick friends comment " If that ape is a shahid and goes to paradise, I and every other decent human being prefer deepest spots of hell. "
thats what the famous poet said in his poem. it meant something like that
you are coward thats what you are.
dont let me bring you proof and show you that they are takfiri not us. you will look like a fool

go check how many Russians got killed by him. you want me to teach you your own history ?! lol

You stupid, Government building doesn't mean it is taught in Schools, nor it means in Government building all will be 100% pure of any wrong doing.

And what a sick person you are that now you claim to accept your bogus claim while Arabic is not an official language of Schools in Iran. How many stupid people die when a stupid like you born? You moron, don't you know that Arabic is taught as subject in every Iranian school?

You apes like Ulama day and night calling Iranian Muslims as Majoos in all government building and also from Masjid-e-Nabi and other mosques. Look at your filth first.

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