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Lol ok buddy, you got what you want now you can screw off. Go to the local Saudi threads instead. But that doesn't change anything about the Shia view of the quran.
i know cuz i posted the shia view of the quran.
Do you really this will go unavenged?
Bro let be honest who would revenge and help to revenge.

Bro these cowards did what they did because they know we have clerics that will stand against any revenge they know we have leaders that will stand against that they just know we are harmless if you depend on alamery and alkhazaaly even those two wont do any thing without the support of clerics now they made that move because of the fatwa without it trust me nothing would happen.

you pray that we get a mad leader that wont rest untill the full revenge and let these animals shocked for decades.

these cowards think one thousand time before they do any thing against Israel because they know well the Israelis will flatten their cities with the ground what you expect from bedo more than Treachery and backstabing.

That's why the prophet PBUH never fought the others he focused on them to protect his state.

Even the Quran mentioned their hypocrisy.
That's why the prophet PBUH never fought the others he focused on them to protect his state.

Even the Quran mentioned their hypocrisy.
i like how you interpret things in islam just to make you feel more safe and comfortable. please continue id like to understand more. dont feel shy
although im from one of the tribes that first stood with the prophit peace be upon him. and he blessed this tribe. and although my mother is from ahlu-albait. but i think you understand historical islamic facts and tribal history more than we do.
please enlighten us with your knowledge
Some of these Sahaba are an example for IS.

This rotten shit is their scholar no wonder oir region in chaos.

all what you said is an excuse for you to feel comfortable with the fabricated religion you believe in.
It's not his relgion been fabricated it's yours the one that been fabricated you ignorant follow sahaba while him follow Ahlul bayt. No doubt that Ahlul bayt most knowlegeable than your sahaba that commit all kind of crimes even the prophet said that none of them will be rescued only few as many as the lost camels! that means not more than 3-9 of them will be saved the rest going to hell no doubt.

floats my boat ?! haha again you ran away and didnt even listen to your own scholars lol coward
He didn't ran away but you like a parrot you wont believe if I post now proves about the Tahreef in your books would you? No you wouldn't because simply you have no brain I can post many from your books but go ahead and open a thread dedicated to that then we will see Now until then STFU and leave our section otherwise I know how to troll bedo.
This rotten shit is their scholar no wonder oir region in chaos.

It's not his relgion been fabricated it's yours the one that been fabricated you ignorant follow sahaba while him follow Ahlul bayt. No doubt that Ahlul bayt most knowlegeable than your sahaba that commit all kind of crimes even the prophet said that none of them will be rescued only few as many as the lost camels! that means not more than 3-9 of them will be saved the rest going to hell no doubt.

He didn't ran away but you like a parrot you wont believe if I post now proves about the Tahreef in your books would you? No you wouldn't because simply you have no brain I can post many from your books but go ahead and open a thread dedicated to that then we will see Now until then STFU and leave our section otherwise I know how to troll bedo.
i posted videos of your scholars thats not enough ?! come on show me what you got. lol
plus what is this followed the sahaba and ahlu albait nonsense ?! they are all muslims! whats worng with your head ?!
you fool separated them and turned it into soccer teams lol
show this video to the biggest imam you know i dare him deny a word. take it to khamenaei or sistani or who ever you want. you dont know ahlu albait. you dont know who they married. specially the prophet peace be upon him and abu bakr omar othman and ali rady allah anhum. those all married from each other and named their children after each other.
you dont know these names and you say you follow ahlu albait ?!
5000 dollars if you prove this clip wrong
This rotten shit is their scholar no wonder oir region in chaos.

It's not his relgion been fabricated it's yours the one that been fabricated you ignorant follow sahaba while him follow Ahlul bayt. No doubt that Ahlul bayt most knowlegeable than your sahaba that commit all kind of crimes even the prophet said that none of them will be rescued only few as many as the lost camels! that means not more than 3-9 of them will be saved the rest going to hell no doubt.

He didn't ran away but you like a parrot you wont believe if I post now proves about the Tahreef in your books would you? No you wouldn't because simply you have no brain I can post many from your books but go ahead and open a thread dedicated to that then we will see Now until then STFU and leave our section otherwise I know how to troll bedo.

And you blame US of being sectarian. Yeah only Sunnis can be sectarian, Shias can never be sectarian at all. Because Shias are on the right side so their is no sectarianism that can ever come from Shia right? When Rakan said sectarian sh1t I lashed out on him, and you and your ilk are as sectarian if not more than he is. I believe in Justice pure and simple, I don't play favourites and if that means being hated by both sides all the more reason impetus for me to know that I am on the right side.
i posted videos of your scholars thats not enough ?! come on show me what you got. lol
plus what is this followed the sahaba and ahlu albait nonsense ?! they are all muslims! whats worng with your head ?!
you fool separated them and turned it into soccer teams lol
show this video to the biggest imam you know i dare him deny a word. take it to khamenaei or sistani or who ever you want. you dont know ahlu albait. you dont know who they married. specially the prophet peace be upon him and abu bakr omar othman and ali rady allah anhum. those all married from each other and named their children after each other.
you dont know these names and you say you follow ahlu albait ?!
5000 dollars if you prove this clip wrong
First of all this guy is a big liar.
second read here to kow the real relationship between ahlul bayt and your sahaba.

فقد اخرج عدة من الحفاظ منهم البخاري في صحيحه قال : (( ..... فوجدت فاطمة على أبي بكر في ذلك فهجرته فلم تكلمه حتى توفيت وعاشت بعد النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم ستة أشهر فلما توفيت دفنها زوجها علي ليلا ولم يؤذن بها أبا بكر وصلى عليها وكان لعلي من الناس وجه حياة فاطمة فلما توفيت استنكر علي وجوه الناس فالتمس مصالحة أبي بكر ومبايعته ولم يكن يبايع تلك الأشهر فأرسل إلى أبي بكر أن ائتنا ولا يأتنا أحد معك كراهية لمحضر عمر فقال عمر ......

فكيف يسمي أسماء أبناءه باسم عمر وهو يكره محضر عمر وكيف هناك حالة مودة وهو يكره محضره , وكيف هناك حالة مودة بينه وبين أبو بكر وطلبوا مصالحتهم فان كانت مودة فلا حاجة إلى المصالحة .

بل وقد ذكرت أحاديث على لسان عمر بان الإمام علي عليه السلام كان يرى ابو بكر غادر آثم خائن كاذب وبعد ذلك يرى عمر غادر آثم خائن كاذب فقد اخرج عدة من الحفاظ منهم مسلم في صحيحه قال (( ...فلما توفي رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قال أبو بكر أنا ولي رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم فجتئما تطلب ميراثك من ابن أخيك ويطلب هذا ميراث امرأته من أبيها فقال أبو بكر قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ( ما نورث ما تركنا صدقة ) فرأيتماه كاذبا آثما غادرا خائنا والله يعلم إنه لصادق بار راشد تابع للحق ثم توفي أبو بكر وأنا ولي رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم وولي أبا بكر فرأيتماني كاذبا آثما غادرا خائنا والله يعلم إني بار راشد تابع للحق .... ))]

فكيف هناك مودة وهو كما اعترف عمر إنه يرى أبو بكر بهذه النعوت والآن يرى عمر بهذه النعوت فأين المودة المزعومة ؟
ونرى انه بمجرد أن بايع الناس الإمام علي عليه السلام خرجوا لقتال الإمام عليه السلام فقد خرجت السيدة عائشة وطلحة والزبير والمغيرة ومعاوية وعبيد الله بن عمر وغيرهم من الصحابة لقتال الإمام علي عليه السلام بالرغم من انه كان الخليفة الشرعي ولا يجوز الخروج على الخليفة والسلطان .

فقد اخرج عدة من الحفاظ منهم الطبراني بالأوسط بسند صحيح رجاله كلهم ثقات من رجال الستة إلا فلفلة وهو ثقة قال : حدثنا أحمد قال حدثنا عبيد الله عن زيد بن أبى أنيسة عن عمرو بن مرة عن فلفلة الجعفي قال كنا عند حذيفة فقال له بعضنا حدثنا يا أبا عبد الله ما سمعت من رسول الله قال : لو فعلت لرجمتموني فقلنا سبحان الله نحن نفعل ذلك بك قال أرأيتم لو حدثتكم أن بعض أمهاتكم تأتيكم فيكتيبة كثير عددها شديد بأسها تقاتلكم أكنتم مصدقي قالوا سبحان الله ومن يصدق بها فقال حذيفة أتتكم الحميراء في كتيبة تسوقها أعلاجها من حيث تسوق وجوههم ثم قام فدخل مخدعا له[] .

هنا الصحابي الجليل حذيفة قد تلقى أخبار الفتن من رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم كما في صحيح مسلم وقد نقل عن الرسول صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم وان السيدة عائشة خرجت على رأس العسكر تقاتل الإمام علي عليه السلام كما في الرواية ويقود الجيش الأعلاج[] .

وقد اخرج عدة من الحفاظ وبألفاظ مختلفة منهم ابن عبد البر في الاستيعاب قال : حدثنا سعيد بن نصر ، قال حدثنا قاسم بن أصبغ ، قال حدثنا محمد بن وضّاح ، قال حدثنا أبو بكر بن أبي شيبة ، حدثنا وكيع ، عن عصام بن قدامة ، عن عكرمة ، عن ابن عباس ، قال : قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه (وآله) وسلم : (( أيتكن صاحبة الجمل الأدبب ، يقتل حولها خلق كثير ، وتنجو بعد ماكادت[])) .

قال ابن عبد البر : وهذا الحديث من أعلام نبوته صلى الله عليه (وآله) وسلم ، وعصام بن قدامة ثقة ، وسائر الإسناد أشهر من أن يحتاج إلى ذكره .[6]

وقد اخرج الإمام احمد في مسنده قال : حدثنا محمد بن جعفر ، قال حدثنا شعبة ، عن إسماعيل بن أبي خالد ، عن قيس بن أبي حازم :
(( أنّ عائشة قالت : لما أتت على الحوأب ، سمعت نباح الكلاب ، فقالت : ما أظنني إلا راجعة ، إن رسول الله صلى الله عليه (وآله) وسلم قال لنا : أيتكن تنبح عليها كلاب الحوأب؟ فقال لها الزبير : ترجعين عسى الله عز وجل أن يصلح بك بين الناس)) .[7]
قال الحافظ ابن كثير الدمشقي في تاريخه : وهذا الإسناد صحيح على شرط الشيخين ولم يخرجوه .[8]

واخرج الإمام احمد في مسنده قال : حدثنا يحي ، عن إسماعيل ، حدثنا قيس ، قال : (( لما أقبلت عائشة بلغت مياه بني عامر ليلاً نبحت الكلاب ، قالت : أي ماء هذا؟ قالوا : ماء الحوأب ، قالت : ما أظنني إلا راجعة ، فقال بعض من كان معها ، بل تقدمين ، فيراك المسلمون ، فيصلح الله عز وجل ذات بينهم ، قالت : إن رسول الله صلى الله عليه (وآله) وسلم قال لها ذات يوم : كيف بإحداكن تنبح عليها كلاب الحوأب؟)) .[9]
وقال ابن حجر العسقلاني في فتح الباري من طريق عصام بن قدامة عن عكرمة عن بن عباس ان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قال لنسائه أيتكن صاحبة الجمل الأدبب بهمزة مفتوحة ودال ساكنة ثم موحدتين الأولى مفتوحة تخرج حتى تنبحها كلاب الحوأب يقتل عن يمينها وعن شمالها قتلى كثيرة وتنجوا من بعد ما كادت وهذا رواه البزار ورجاله ثقات[10] .

ونرى في حرب صفين خرج معاوية ومن معه من الصحابة أمثال المغيرة بن شعبة وعمرو بن العاص وعبيد الله بن عمر لقتال الإمام علي عليه السلام وقد قتل الإمام عليه السلام عبيد الله بن عمر في حرب صفـين.

So after all these hosilities how come your brain beleive that Imam name his sonns on the enemies names.

And you blame US of being sectarian. Yeah only Sunnis can be sectarian, Shias can never be sectarian at all. Because Shias are on the right side so their is no sectarianism that can ever come from Shia right? When Rakan said sectarian sh1t I lashed out on him, and you and your ilk are as sectarian if not more than he is. I believe in Justice pure and simple, I don't play favourites and if that means being hated by both sides all the more reason impetus for me to know that I am on the right side.
No doubt that we defend our selve from your hate and treachery.

read the history about what Sunnis did to the shea through out the history. then you'll know clearly who is the sectarian. Trust me you are as a nation dont differ from the worst savages that pass through the time at all but against the shea who were part of that region to day we see clearly your hate in form of suicide bomb ambushes to civilians treachery to the armed forces I mean is there any filthiness more than that may be but at least they don't claim they do all of that in the name of Allah like you did.
I also read from a reliable source that the fake coalition refused to take part in Tikrit operation and also unconfirmed reports that only Iranian and Iraqi air force are providing air cover. Let the coalition bomb some random desert hill near Kobani and Erbil claiming they have killed 'tens' of Daesh without any proof.

They won't take part in it as it's spearheaded by paramilitary forces ( shia militias ). Though Tikrit is currently empty of civillians as the army launched several offensive ops on the city earlier, civillians have left a long time ago. The only remainders are IS along with 2 tribes that have declared full support to IS, 1 of them the tribe of Saddam's ruling family Al bu Ajeel making the city no different than Ayn al Arab/Kobani yet there's barely any news coverage and 0 air support. Meanwhile the PKK which the US listed a terrorist organisation receives air support, doesn't make any sense on paper.


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It makes alot of sense. US/Coalition helps the kurds in Rojava(Syria) because: Public pressure, kurds played their cards well in the media, turned Kobane into an international battle between the good and bad. Secondly aiding kurds against IS relieves pressure on the opposition from IS.

US does not want an Iraq in shia(iranian) control, helping Iraq to quickly recapture all areas would just serve the plate to Iran. US wants a strong sunni(non ISIS) front first before anything else happens. I've met this Zerevani Peshmerga who works here for a month and then goes back to fight, he was very upset with US because in places where Peshmerga could attack&advance, US would quickly say no, for the same reason most probably. The Peshmerga-ISIS conflict is currently on a stall except in Shingal region.
Kata'ib Hezbollah preparing for the assault on Alem and Dour.
You can see the innocent civilians have mostly evacuated to PMF held areas, while IS families are evacuating north towards Hawijah, shirqat and Mosul. Convoy of evacuees at 3:40
Fortunately there are thousands of Sunnis with the PMF or locals who are providing detailed intelligence about IS members.

Another kata'ib Hezbollah missile, mortars and artillery convoy heading to Sallahiddin.

Fourth wave of PMF graduate in Kirkuk. 100 mostly Turkmen fighters compete their training.
. .
There are at least 10,000 Turkmen within the PMF mostly from Kirkuk and Nineveh. The shabak/ Turkmen should have close to 15,000 fighters before the Mosul offensive. However they will probably be directed towards tel afar and the Nineveh plains mostly and not Mosul. Some of them are already fighting with in PMF in Sallahiddin and Kirkuk.

An Assyrian, shabak, Turkmen, Ezidi alliance with PMF backing should be more than enough to hold the entire Nineveh plains, considering they get the backing of the central government.

PMF leader speaks to fighters from the Imam Ali brigades. Prep talk before the operations.

Rakan has had no positive feedback to this thread. His comments are exclusively religious and sectarian and has not had one comment regarding the actual topic. In addition he posted comments about taking pride in murder, killing and advocating for terrorism. Why is he still not banned?

The Sunni tribes of Sallahiddin are preparing a force of an estimated 3,000 fighters to join the PMF against IS.

The Jabara brigades.




Saudi wahhabi aid to ISIS caught red handed by Kurds :



Takrit :

The Operation has started with initial success :


دور، العوجه، العلم و الحمره (dour , alouja , alelm and alhamra) areas have been freed and are now in Iraqi control again .

Fajr-1 Rocket barrage fired upon Takfiri a$$es in Takrit:



"ابو عزرائيل" :D abu-izraeel an Iraqi fighter Wiping daeshi scum out :


Lol . he can strangle all of them to death by just using hands :D

Good going @Alshawi1234 @Malik Alashter

BTW , @Serpentine has no authority here or else he'd ban the shizzam outta ISIS-sympathizers here

ISIS jihadis Blowing themselves up to go to jannah (heaven) .

According to our jihadi brother @Dr.Thrax they'll be laughing at us rafida from above

. .
Another kata'ib Hezbollah missile, mortars and artillery convoy heading to Sallahiddin.

Looks very similar to Vulcano rockets used in Syria. They are basically 122mm rockets with a much larger warhead. Also, Iranian (Safir?) jeeps makes an appearance.

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