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Iraqi governmental committee calls for the purchase of the Russian S-400 missile system

For those who think S400 is a fake weapon:

Russia Demonstrates S-400’s Hypersonic Ballistic Missile Interception Capability at Full 400km Range


S-400 Surface to Air Missile Battery - artwork

Russia’s Air Defence Forces have for the first time demonstrated the full range of the S-400 Triumf surface to air missile system, intercepting a mock ballistic missile 400km away. The interception is presumed to have been carried out using the 40N6E, a hypersonic platform capable of striking targets at Mach 14 speeds and the only missile known to be compatible with the S-400 which can strike at such ranges. The 40N6E is also compatible with the newer S-300V4 system, and has been exported to China where it is integrated into the People’s Liberation Army’s own two S-400 battalions. The missile can engage a range of targets including fighters, bombers, ballistic missiles and support aircraft such as AWACS among others. It is capable of intercepting targets at altitudes as low as 5 meters due to its unique trajectory, with the missile climbing up to 30km before entering ‘seek and destroy’ mode and striking its target from above.


S-400 Surface to Air Missile Batteries

While the 400km range of the 40N6E has been widely reported, it is not known to have been previously demonstrated. The missile, and longer ranged munitions with ranges of up to 600km, are expected to be deployed by the upcoming S-500 air defence system which is due to enter service by the end of 2020. The S-500 entered production in 2018 and is currently in its final testing stages. Unlike the S-400, the newer system is not optimised to engage lower value targets such as fighters - but is better suited to engaging bombers, space planes, support aircraft and satellites. It has been speculated that a successor to the 40N6E could be integrated onto existing S-400 batteries later in the decade to further improve their capabilities against targets at extreme ranges.

S-400 Surface to Air Missile Battery - artwork


40N6EHypersonic MissilePeople’s Liberation ArmyRussian Air Defence ForcesRussian Arms ExportsRussian MilitaryRussian Military ModernisationS-400S-500


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