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Iraqi Christians forced to pay 'protection tax'


May 19, 2006
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Iraqi Christians forced to pay 'protection tax'
Muslims enforcing Islamic law requiring tribute or conversion

Posted: April 18, 2007
1:00 a.m. Eastern

© 2007 WorldNetDaily.com

Iraqi church bombed in 2004
Christians in a Baghdad neighborhood are being required to pay a "protection tax" because Muslims have begun enforcing an Islamic law demanding either the tribute – or conversion to Islam, according to Christians in Iraq.
The report from the Assyrian International News Agency follows on complaints from Iraqi Christians that they have been caught in a no-man's land between the Coalition forces and Muslim militants in Iraq, watching as their churches have been bombed, and men and women assaulted and killed.
The newest report said Muslims in the Dora neighborhood are forcing Assyrians, who also are known as Chaldeans and Syriacs, but who largely are Christian, to pay the jizya, the poll tax demanded by the Quran.
Christians – and Jews – must pay the tax "in exchange for being allowed to live and practice their faith as well as being entitled to 'Muslim protection' from outside aggression," the agency reported.
The news agency said elements of Al-Qaida have moved into the region, and there is no evidence of any security forces, either from the Iraqi national armed services or Coalition forces being led by the United States.
In one section of the region, "people have been warned by these insurgents to uninstall the satellite dishes since this is 'haram' [forbidden] is Islam," the report said. "Where Christians live in Hay Al-Mualimeen [teachers quarter] and Hay Al-Athorieen [Assyrian quarter] is where they are telling people to convert, leave, pay 'jizya' taxation," AINA reported.
According to an e-mail uncovered by the agency, one person reported that it has been going on for some time.
"We talked to many people within the American Embassy and Iraqi Government, but it seems nobody really cares, because they have done nothing, or sometimes I wonder if they care at all," said the e-mail, from an unidentified resident in the region.
"Neither the Iraqi nor the U.S. Army have any activity there, and they have delivered Dora to insurgents; and above all the U.S. Army went and put a camp in the Chaldean church [Babylon Theology College] to raise the hate among those Muslims toward Christians, as they are seeing them [as] allies for Americans, and that worsened things more."
Another Syriac, now a refugee in Syria, confirmed the actions. "Today a family [name withheld] arrived from Dora/Mualimeen street, and they said some terrorists knocked on their door and when they opened the door they were told to either pay money [jizya] or support the insurgents or convert to Islam, or leave the house within 24 hours or else be killed," the individual said.
AINA had reported several weeks earlier that the practice was beginning. The organization said then that "at least" two cases had been reported to the government in which Christian Assyrian wives had been ordered to go to a certain mosque and make payments, which "they did out of fear."
"The stated reason for the payment was 'we do the fighting and you pay to support,'" AINA said.
Such tributes have been collected since the arrival of Islam in 630 A.D., but the last systematic collection by the Turks came to an end in 1918 when the Ottoman empire was defeated and partitioned at the conclusion of World War I.
A report from Assist News said that the names of the individuals who have spoken up were being withheld to protect them from retaliatory actions.
Christians in Iraq repeatedly have sought help from American political leaders, demonstrating in front of the White House just a few months ago to highlight the persecution under which they suffer. Although they represent just 5 percent of the Iraqi population, 40 percent of the refugees fleeing Iraq are Christian.
One of the speakers at the rally, Nina Shea of Freedom House's Center for Religious Freedom in D.C., told WND that because of the "ethnic cleansing," the Christians want an autonomous district in Iraq they can administrate.
Among the atrocities documented just in recent months:
Father Paulos Eskandar, of Mor Afrem Syriac Orthodox Church, was kidnapped Oct. 9 by Muslims and decapitated two days later. He was murdered despite Christians fulfilling a demand to post a text on the church doors condemning the pope's statement about Islam.
On Oct. 4, a car bomb detonated in a Christian area and killed nine people, including Georges Zara, member of the Assyrian Chaldean Syriac National Council.
A 14-year-old boy was crucified and stabbed in the stomach, mimicking what was done to Jesus, in Albasra.
On Oct. 21, in Baquba, a group of veiled Muslims attacked a workplace where a 14-year-old boy named Ayad Tariq worked. The men asked the boy for his identity card. After seeing he was Christian the men asked whether he was a "dirty Christian sinner." Ayad answered: "Yes, I am Christian, but I am not a sinner." The rebels yelled he was a dirty Christian sinner and continued to grab him and to scream, "Allahu, Akbar! Allahu, Akbar!" The boy then was decapitated.
In August, 13 Assyrian Christian women in Baghdad were kidnapped and murdered.
In January, churches were bombed in Basra and Baghdad.
Shea said she has been raising the plight of the Iraqi Christians with the U.S. government for several years, including in a face-to-face meeting with President Bush in her role as a member of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom.
Somehow this is not a suprise to me,
always blame America, never your own people or thier inhuman practices
Dude I do blame them, but this didn't happen before... They are obviously not MY people. American actions have put them in power and they can't do anything about removing them.
Jizya has been a age old phenomenon, It is a muslim practice.
It is in one form or the other in all muslim nations.
You can blame Americans all you want ;cuz you rather criticize them more, than your own kind. Which from a non-islamic person's point of you is ludicrous. Any non-muslim in a muslim state is a second class citizen, therefore more and more non-islamic people rather live in christian majority country.
Dude Jizya is different from protection tax.

That's been a common misconception. In the Islamic system Muslims are required to pay the Zakat tax and non-Muslims are not. While non-Muslims have to pay Jiziya. Everybody is taxed.

It's gotten a bad rep since historians didn't explain both sides of the coin in the non-Muslim world. Muslims formalized the tax collection methods in the old days and hence many, especially non-Muslims were uncomfortable with the payment of taxes. Paying Zakat taxes is a religious duty in Islam, but also falls in line with secular collection of tax. It makes no difference.

This Iraqi phenomenon is much like what you described. A protection tax, what we in Pakistan call bhatta or in India, Hafta.

I criticize Americans more since they knocked off the first domino and the burden of putting things straight falls upon them. They are also an actual entity in Iraq, while the others are either sham powerless governments or militias from whom this sort of activity is expected. America is not blamed for the tax collection but for putting these sort of people in Power.
Jizya has been a age old phenomenon, It is a muslim practice.
It is in one form or the other in all muslim nations.
You can blame Americans all you want ;cuz you rather criticize them more, than your own kind. Which from a non-islamic person's point of you is ludicrous. Any non-muslim in a muslim state is a second class citizen, therefore more and more non-islamic people rather live in christian majority country.

When you live in a country you have to pay your tax.It just so happins that in a true islamic state the muslims pay there tax which is called zakat.
All the non muslims pay a tax called jizya which is only slightly more then zakat ,nothing bankbreaking.
The advantage of jizya is that you do not have to defend the country against attack or join the army or fight against people of the same faith as you.
If the islamic state can not protect the people that have paid jizya then all the money must be returned so they can can make arrangements for there own security.
When you live in a country you have to pay your tax.It just so happins that in a true islamic state the muslims pay there tax which is called zakat.
All the non muslims pay a tax called jizya which is only slightly more then zakat ,nothing bankbreaking.

It doesnt matter; In today's world it is called discrimination. This is not the medival times. There is something called Human Rights. You are making a second class citizen of a person of differnet faith.

The advantage of jizya is that you do not have to defend the country against attack or join the army or fight against people of the same faith as you.
Thats not a advantage; it is an insult. Every person loves the country the same, no matter what the religion. I love my country and So do you yours. imagine if you were denied the same.A Christian Iraqi will love Iraq as much as Muslim.
If the islamic state can not protect the people that have paid jizya then all the money must be returned so they can can make arrangements for there own security
You have opened my eyes on Jizya, its even worse than I thought. My country isnt truely mine...what a feeling to have!!!!!!!!
Somehow this is not a suprise to me,
always blame America, never your own people or thier inhuman practices

Sorry but in this case it is aaallllllllll America's fault. They created a situation where a religious intolerance can flourish. This environment did not exist before the came and "liberated" the Iraqi's

Since you complain quite virulently when it is your own religion that is held up to scrutiny you have no leg to stand on here. Go clean your own house before commenting upon another.
Since you complain quite virulently when it is your own religion that is held up to scrutiny you have no leg to stand on here. Go clean your own house before commenting upon another.

Ya it is America's fault that those muslims over there are religious intolerent.!!! I love the conculsions you make up.

Please do tell me when I have supported hindu fantics..So please;I will comment and make my point.
Ya it is America's fault that those muslims over there are religious intolerent.!!! I love the conculsions you make up.

It is America's fault that it took upon this endeavor and attacked the lesser of the two evils in Iraq knowing full well about the volatile state these rogue nations live in. In the absence of Saddam the bigger evil's prevailed.
Ya it is America's fault that those muslims over there are religious intolerent.!!! I love the conculsions you make up.

Please do tell me when I have supported hindu fantics..So please;I will comment and make my point.

No they have created a situation in which intolerance can flourish. Iraq was fairly secular before they arrived. (dictators don't like anyone worshiping anyone else but them.) Also the invasion reeked of "crusade" to a lot of radical elements which drew them to the region simply because America was there.

I have not suggested you support Hindu fanatics. However whilst they exist within your society (and even get voted into government) you cannot point the finger at anyone else and claim "fanatic!"
It is not all America's fault. They're not the ones who are doing the hating. However, it is 100% their responsibility and that they have to fix but that is only through the security situation. You cannot force someone to unhate others.

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