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Iraq is now using China's drone to bomb ISIS

Good progress!

Other than CH-4, both may explore more options in weaponry systems to fight ISIS. In your opinion what other systems could be applied?

Iraq desperately needed assistant to train their infantry units, one is to shape their form, moral and discipline and East Asian along with South Asian people is known to have these traits.

Other than that, maybe more heavy equipment such as mortar unit and heavy artillery
Why China's CH-4B Drone Is Scary

1. A manned fighter is large.
An unmanned drone is much smaller and harder to detect with the naked eye.

2. Manned fighters are turbofan powered. This is necessary to avoid ground-based fire and MANPADS.
An unmanned Chinese CH-4B drone is propeller-powered. The loiter time of a Chinese CH-4B is dramatically longer than a manned fighter.

3. Without a manned pilot, an unmanned CH-4B won't get tired. It's easy to swap out unmanned pilots at the drone-control station.

4. Without a manned pilot, an unmanned drone is more likely to be deployed in dangerous battlefield situations. No one really cares if a drone is shot down. Just go buy another one. They are only about $1 million each if you buy from China.

5. The Chinese CH-4B drone control station has high-resolution wide screens. The American Predator has smaller square screens with a more constrained view.
Why China's CH-4B Drone Is Scary

1. A manned fighter is large.
An unmanned drone is much smaller and harder to detect with the naked eye.

2. Manned fighters are turbofan powered. This is necessary to avoid ground-based fire and MANPADS.
An unmanned Chinese CH-4B drone is propeller-powered. The loiter time of a Chinese CH-4B is dramatically longer than a manned fighter.

3. Without a manned pilot, an unmanned CH-4B won't get tired. It's easy to swap out unmanned pilots at the drone-control station.

4. Without a manned pilot, an unmanned drone is more likely to be deployed in dangerous battlefield situations. No one really cares if a drone is shot down. Just go buy another one. They are only about $1 million each if you buy from China.

5. The Chinese CH-4B drone control station has high-resolution wide screens. The American Predator has smaller square screens with a more constrained view.
you seem to be a sale manager marketing toys for kids.
good chance to this baby to taste the very first real combat.
How much for this, anyway?
Such drones are perfect for these kind of wars, where low tech cannibals are pitched against governments since the causality rates are going to be high among the cannibal zombies while the government is not risking the life of its soldiers and operatives.

The only issue then becomes cost. A drone priced at one million dollars firing a 25 thousand dollar guided missile would be more much more effective than a super expensive manned bomber or even the cost of mobilizing thousands of troops.

Just take out the cannibals from the air, from the safety of an office faraway. That also for cheap.
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