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Iran's strange history with "UFOs"


Jan 5, 2020
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
United Kingdom
This is an interesting video explaining the history of Iran with so called "UFOs" or as they should be better called: Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon" (UAP). It appears Iran has an interesting history with these objects, starting in the pre-revolution era all the way to the modern day.

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Every Tom dick and harry is coming up with their UFO disclosures these days. Whats going on?
There is no any official confirmation or any credible footage of UFOs after Iran's revolution.

Interestingly, as countries get closer to US (Hollywood), the chance of their encounter increases. lol
I am surprise Iran didn't shoot the UFO "accidently"
Well apparently UFO were interested in pre-revolution Iran as I've not seen any interception after revolution however accidentally or not Iran has a long history in shooting down or bringing down uninvited unidentified flying objects others are welcome to test it too:
But a person should have gone so down the line to have guts to exploit other losses as basis to pound them ... these people whom we lost in such a tragedy were serving their people and at last devoted their lives for their own people not like 300 pilots of other countries getting arrested while betraying their people.
But a person should have gone so down the line to have guts to exploit other losses as basis to pound them ... these people whom we lost in such a tragedy were serving their people and at last devoted their lives for their own people not like 300 pilots of other countries getting arrested while betraying their people.

Actually I referred to Ukrainian airliner which Iran shot down "accidently" with 176 civilian on board.
Can we keep the thread on topic and refrain from making posts that add no value please.
There is no any official confirmation or any credible footage of UFOs after Iran's revolution.

Interestingly, as countries get closer to US (Hollywood), the chance of their encounter increases. lol
there is such reports in 2017.

my guess its a drone . but we don't have video of prerevolution incident so who knew what they were chasing or if they were actually chasing anything.
I personally do believe in the existence of extraterrestrial life, but given the details from what we know, I am leaning towards these UAP's being of human origin. I seriously doubt an alien species would have interest in Iranian nuclear program, but I can name you a few human nations that are obsessed with it.
A moving light in sky could be anything (of no value to care about)!

Once I was looking in a CCTV at night and I saw a circular light moving very fast from one location to another, nothing was supposed to be in that area so I was terrified, then I thought maybe someone is messing with me and it's just a torch light, but then again the angles were impossible for a torch light, so while pretty sure I'm looking at an extraordinary being, I paused the video and zoomed on the light, turned out to be just a flying insect, the reflection of the light made it so shiny to appear as a circular light on the camera and it's maneuvers in front of camera appeared like moving fast on the ground.

Nonetheless, the story of these random lights is very different from the fancy UFO stories like the ones in this thread.
my guess its a drone . but we don't have video of prerevolution incident so who knew what they were chasing or if they were actually chasing anything.
Or simply it was a lie by order of US government to pretend having superior technologies. (official US policy)
For god's sake who would believe ordinary people contacting airport control tower!

Thanks for your report madam, please contact us again! :lol:
Actually I referred to Ukrainian airliner which Iran shot down "accidently" with 176 civilian on board.

Okay, so in your fantasy, why would Iranian leadership want to shoot down the aircraft.
I would love to know what their matter/antimatter ratio mix is.
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