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Iran's oil revenues drop 58 percent since 2011

You're making the mistake of confusing ancient Persians with the wide-eyed Irani/Arabian Shia freaks that occupy Iran.

It's like confusing the Arabs in Egypt with ancient Egyptians.

We Jews owe NOTHING to modern day Iran, other than a reply to their terrorism.

We also owe you a reply for your terrorism and we are giving it to you.
If I may ask, was my assessment about how Iran is doing interenally correct?

Which part do you mean exactly?

If you mean this:

I have been to Tehran and Mashad, I noticed the fallowing :-

1- Iran is a welfare state, basic goods are being subsidized, bread and butter are extremely inexpensive in there.

2- Healthcare is for free, everybody can get a treatment.

3- Gas, water, and electricity prices are very decent.

then yes, its true.The prices have increased in past 2 years indeed, but it's nowhere near what some people are saying, like Iranians can't afford to eat or can't even afford to buy breads! :lol:
Iran has hurt us deeply by seizing our tanker. How can we purchase their oil if they keep on baasting us like this?
Which part do you mean exactly?

If you mean this:

then yes, its true.The prices have increased in past 2 years indeed, but it's nowhere near what some people are saying, like Iranians can't afford to eat or can't even afford to buy breads! :lol:

Thanks for confirming my info.
Yes it is, but the damages were minor and the fire didn't reach the main facilities of the refinery.

It wasn't a nice move at all. This kind of terror act could have killed thousands of civilans if it reached the main facility.
It wasn't a nice move at all. This kind of terror act could have killed thousands of civilans if it reached the main facility.

Who told you it was a terror act? :woot::cheesy:

It was just an incident, it has happened before.
o O Oaky, a firecracker then? hah? :lol:

Even the Al-Arabiya link you posted said it was a normal incident.
Are you saying no fire incident has happened in KSA oil facilities before? Oil producing countris are well familiar with these fire incidents.
I really want to know something: US was bitter enemies with Vietnam, carpetbombed it to kingdom come, and always condemned it. But even after so much hate and wars, they reconciled today. However, I fail to understand what was it that Americans and Iranians are unable to put their past behind them?

I mean we all know about the revolution and the change of relations, but what is it that keeps the two countries at loggerheads? And how is it that Israel is an enemy of Iran (Except religious sentiments which has no base in real political world)?

I know Israel and US are not angels and have their own interests to keep just like Iran has the right to, but why this sudden enmity?
Even the Al-Arabiya link you posted said it was a normal incident.
Are you saying no fire incident has happened in KSA oil facilities before? Oil producing countris are well familiar with these fire incidents.

inject the text in this link into Google Translate, it says something totally different from what you're saying.
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