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Iran's missile looks A BIT like Pirthvi

Your talking to a liberal about fox news, i tune it sometimes when i need a good laugh. Idiotic gun slinging conservatives and their preaching of how lack of religion and abortion/gay marriage/ marijuana etc are the reasons for our stagnated economy... go figure

fine, so don't repeat their bs

Uzi Rubin has claimed many many times that Iran is actually working hard to not show the real capabilities of the country's missile program b/c they're afraid that Euros might get scared and introduce new sanctions etc... He's also provided proof and they make sense. He's also said that Iran can make ICBM's, but they don't want to b/c it would be a sort of a red line for Americans and Euros. Watch his videos. He always says Iran is teaching NK, not vice-versa.
fine, so don't repeat their bs

Uzi Rubin has claimed many many times that Iran is actually working hard to not show the real capabilities of the country's missile program b/c they're afraid that Euros might get scared and introduce new sanctions etc... He's also provided proof and they make sense. He's also said that Iran can make ICBM's, but they don't want to b/c it would be a sort of a red line for Americans and Euros. Watch his videos. He always says Iran is teaching NK, not vice-versa.

Dont fall for those euphemisms .... those are just another phrase for attack Iran.. Don't flatter yourself !!

We still have a long way to go
Dont fall for those euphemisms .... those are just another phrase for attack Iran.. Don't flatter yourself !!

We still have a long way to go

Oh I don't doubt that. Rubin's objective is to make the Europeans and Americans think that Iran is an ICBM away from nuking them. He wants to scare them so they take action. I realize this of course. However he's completely right when he says Iran isn't showing her full capability in missile tech.
I think the concerned journalist wrongly selected Prithvi's photo for article
chalo jichanga hai ji at least pakistanies should be happy we are learning there traits now ;)

well would be better if DRDO also does other like copy pasting western desins and saving a lot of money for india i hope so they do :D
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