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Iran's minesweeping drill in Persian Gulf


Feb 26, 2012
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
The Iranian Navy staged a special minesweeping operation in waters East of the strategic Strait of Hormuz this morning during which it unveiled and started using the country's first home-made minesweeping system.

During the operation, the Navy started using a newly built advanced minesweeping system, and navy choppers successfully defused mines using the home-made system.

Now, Iran is among the few world countries with advanced minesweeping capabilities. and 2nd country that achieved Technology of using Helicopters to defuse the Bombs.

Speaking to reporters at the end of the operation today, Lieutenant Commander of the Iranian Navy for Operations Admiral Siyavash Jarreh said that the Navy is now in possession of an adequate number of indigenous minesweepers and has no problem with mass-producing these systems.

As regards the system's ability to defuse different types of mines, including acoustic, limpet (also magnetic) and pressure-activated mines, Jarreh stated, "We are using specific minesweepers for defusing each type of mines, but this (newly unveiled) system can clear one or two types of naval mines simultaneously."






I want the opinion of my dear @500 :D
Don't ignore me! :|
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me too , :D , I think the US sources are old they still dwell on how iran used sea mines during the Iraq war , they don't read the internet :D , so this might be more political than practical
Good luck to Iranian navy! Death to infidel Zionist mines!

/flirt :ashamed:


I think Iran should actually focus on a way to increase its abilities to lay mines! Not to remove them! (don't get me wrong! Its good that they did it) Our adversaries have powerful forces present in the region that we can't defeat conventionally.
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