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Iran’s Lake Urmia: How A Dying Salt Lake Is Being Brought Back From The Brink

You know dude, there is this thing called "search engine" nowadays that you can use before you comment on things you don't know about.

Here, just read the first 3 paragraphs:


There are more. When you study the reason behind why one of the largest salt lakes is disappearing you should look beyond photos of two consecutive years. The slope of the lake bed in its deepest areas is very low that is why the slightest change of inflow will spread very shallow water in a large area however beyond a certain area the slope increases and now it takes much more water to increase the surface of the lake which is what you see from a satellite.

You got exposed for lying. Your crappy daily mail propaganda doesn’t work here. It doesn’t say WHY the lake came back, just says reasons why the lake was dieing.

I literally showed you last year the lake was still dead despite all the “revitalization” efforts and magically filled up after the floods. If you are too dense to see that the floods is what restored the water in the lake then you are beyond saving. Revitalization efforts take years not overnight. vaghean oskholi dadash

So post a more reputable source next time instead of using google and using the same source that has articles like “WW3 Israeli secret weapon to destroy Iran”

Here is a real source of information (if you care that is).


Since propaganda users on here need to be spoon fed information

Officials report that the lake’s surface area reached roughly 3,000 square kilometers (1,200 square miles) in April 2019—expanding its volume nearly two-fold from a year ago.

The fresh pulse of water came from intense rains during the fall of 2018 and spring 2019. In late March and early April 2019, 26 of Iran’s 31 provinces were affected by deadly flooding from the rain and the seasonal melting of snow cover in the mountains.
You got exposed for lying. Your crappy daily mail propaganda doesn’t work here. It doesn’t say WHY the lake came back, just says reasons why the lake was dieing.

I literally showed you last year the lake was still dead despite all the “revitalization” efforts and magically filled up after the floods. If you are too dense to see that the floods is what restored the water in the lake then you are beyond saving. Revitalization efforts take years not overnight. vaghean oskholi dadash

So post a more reputable source next time instead of using google and using the same source that has articles like “WW3 Israeli secret weapon to destroy Iran”

Here is a real source of information (if you care that is).


Since propaganda users on here need to be spoon fed information

Officials report that the lake’s surface area reached roughly 3,000 square kilometers (1,200 square miles) in April 2019—expanding its volume nearly two-fold from a year ago.

The fresh pulse of water came from intense rains during the fall of 2018 and spring 2019. In late March and early April 2019, 26 of Iran’s 31 provinces were affected by deadly flooding from the rain and the seasonal melting of snow cover in the mountains.
You don't get it, do you? Get off your high horse and think. Iran is prone to drought and flood. None of these had affected the lake in the past millennia to the point of disappearance. A lake takes water in through seasonal or permanent rivers that flow into it and loses water through evaporation. Put dams on those rivers and it will start to shrink. That's what happened during Hashemi in many areas in Iran. Many ecosystems were destroyed due to construction of dams without proper environmental studies.

But you can stick to your theory. So according to you, two years flood saved the lake. So by that account, it will again disappear when the next drought starts, correct? Ok, we don't need to wait that much then.
You don't get it, do you? Get off your high horse and think. Iran is prone to drought and flood. None of these had affected the lake in the past millennia to the point of disappearance. A lake takes water in through seasonal or permanent rivers that flow into it and loses water through evaporation. Put dams on those rivers and it will start to shrink. That's what happened during Hashemi in many areas in Iran. Many ecosystems were destroyed due to construction of dams without proper environmental studies.

But you can stick to your theory. So according to you, two years flood saved the lake. So by that account, it will again disappear when the next drought starts, correct? Ok, we don't need to wait that much then.

Apparently you have reading comprehension issues so let me break it down for you.

You and the other propaganda user in this thread were congratulating Iran as if Iran (government) was the reason lake filled up with water. I literally wrote the reason lake dries up and the reason why Iran is in dire state with water is it’s terrible water practices (ie dams, irrigation, etc) and pollution/damages to aquifers.

I said the spring flood saved The lake, not the policies enacted by the corrupt inept government or even worse the lame duck president. If they continue these destructive practices then lake will eventually resort back to its a bad state if not replenished by Mother Nature.

And don’t spread more lies. The lake clearly revived itself in the 2 months not 2 years as evidenced by official reports and satellite imagery.

Also yes lakes can disappear from drought (ie climate change) after all the Sahara was once a body of water!

don’t attack my post with a tangent on why the lake disappeared (my post wasn’t even about the WHY, it was clearly about the HOW) but again it’s a clever tactic by propagandist to change the topic of argument at the start in order to divert attention away from their lies.

Now be gone sir.
Don’t post propaganda Or you will get exposed.



Yeah sure it did bud

Urmia is my hometown, I used to swim in that lake. Have you ever seen the lake at all, or do you just assume you know everything? I won’t even bother finding links for you, you can do it yourself arrogant man

The reason behind its shrinkage was not drought. It was due to dams that were built during Hashemi era that had limited inflow of water to the lake.

What they did among things @mangekyo mentioned was to open up some of those dams. It was a man made problem and was fixed by man.

I remember very well, the shrinkage started after they filled all those damn dams, and built the last section of the bridge connecting Urmia to Tabriz.
Don’t post propaganda Or you will get exposed.



Yeah sure it did bud

They connected the Urumiyeh lake to sewage water from nearby cities to save it long before the floods. It made a lot of noise back then as some people feared that it would kill the wildlife of the lake and the whole area would stink forever.
Apparently you have reading comprehension issues so let me break it down for you.

You and the other propaganda user in this thread were congratulating Iran as if Iran (government) was the reason lake filled up with water. I literally wrote the reason lake dries up and the reason why Iran is in dire state with water is it’s terrible water practices (ie dams, irrigation, etc) and pollution/damages to aquifers.

I said the spring flood saved The lake, not the policies enacted by the corrupt inept government or even worse the lame duck president. If they continue these destructive practices then lake will eventually resort back to its a bad state if not replenished by Mother Nature.

And don’t spread more lies. The lake clearly revived itself in the 2 months not 2 years as evidenced by official reports and satellite imagery.

Also yes lakes can disappear from drought (ie climate change) after all the Sahara was once a body of water!

don’t attack my post with a tangent on why the lake disappeared (my post wasn’t even about the WHY, it was clearly about the HOW) but again it’s a clever tactic by propagandist to change the topic of argument at the start in order to divert attention away from their lies.

Now be gone sir.
You are just embarrassing yourself with these comments. It shows your negligence and actually a compound negligence.

Here, this is the precipitation statistics for all areas in Iran. If you cannot read Farsi, have someone read it for you:


Last year's precipitation in Lake Oroumieh has actually been very close to its 11 year and 50 year average. Meaning, unlike what you claim, it was a normal year in terms of precipitation. In 2018, it was only 40% more than average which is again not out of the ordinary. This much rain has happened more than once in that area during last 2 decades (2006 for example)

High precipitations happened near Persian Gulf or Caspian Sea where they were more that 50% higher than average.

Judging by your comments, you are not old enough to know that the first red flags about Lake Oroumieh went off almost 20 years ago. I know because we were talking about it back in the time in professional communities. Be humble and learn something instead of riding your ego.

Have a nice day!
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Water Flowing Into Lake Urmia

Water Flowing Into Lake Urmia
With programs to revive Urmia Lake making their mark, over six billion cubic meters of water from dams flowed into the world famous lake and is increasing, the Energy Minister said Thursday at a ceremony to inaugurate Oshnavieh Dam in northwest West Azarbaijan Province.

“The lake now is 1,271.8 meters above sea level. This level is 1.32 meters higher compared to five years ago when restoration measures started,” the Energy Ministry news website Paven quoted Reza Ardakanian as saying.

It spreads over 3,240 square kilometers, holding 5.25 billion cubic meters of water.

Close to $1 billion has been spent on Urmia Lake Restoration Program in the last five years.

Located between the provinces of East and West Azarbaijan, the lake is a closed water body fed through 21 permanent and 39 seasonal rivers.

Oshnaviyeh storage dam can hold 46 million cubic meters of water and most of its water is intended to be transferred to Urmia Lake.

It will also provide drinking water to Nalus, Oshnaviyeh, Mohammadyar, Naqadeh and the surrounding villages. A part of the dam water will be used for 1,000 hectares of farmlands.

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