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Iran's high-tech IEDs that haunt US troops in Iraq


Sep 18, 2019
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United States
Brian Castner combed over the armored vehicle, mostly intact aside from entry and exit holes tipped with molten copper that had since cooled.

The U.S. soldiers who had been inside had already been medevaced near Kirkuk that summer in 2006, leaving the Air Force bomb technician alone with the vehicle. Pools of blood simmered under the Iraqi sun, near what one soldier left behind.

"There was still one foot left in the Humvee," Castner said.

The vehicle that Castner inspected was eviscerated by an explosively formed penetrator (EFP), a weapon of Iranian engineering that was salted across battlefields wherever Iran-backed Shiite militias and fighters gathered, such as Kirkuk and Baghdad's Sadr City, he told The Washington Post on Friday.

The weapons, compact but potent, are deployed against armored vehicles in a way similar to traditional IEDs, but are much deadlier and more effective, Castner said.

Shaped like a coffee can but a little smaller, with a slightly concave end, the device is packed with plastic explosives that turn a copper plate into molten slugs that barrel through several inches of armor, sending molten shards tumbling through bodies and vehicle parts.

"They were really bad," Castner said, and by far the most-dreaded explosive device type he encountered because of their deadly efficiency.

EFPs killed at least 196 U.S. troops and wounded nearly 900 between 2005 and 2011, defense officials revealed in 2015, and Castner said a high number of amputations throughout the war were the direct result of the weapons. In the 2006 attack, slugs took the legs off a soldier and a gunner, he wrote in his memoir, "The Long Walk."

The copper slugs, which form into a tadpole shape, can reach Mach 6, or 2,000 meters per second, The Washington Post previously reported. By comparison, a .50-caliber round fired from a sniper rifle has a muzzle velocity of less than 900 meters a second.

Shaped charges have roots in World War II, but their variants, EFPs, were employed by Hezbollah as early as the 1990s against Israelis before migrating to Iraq in 2004, according to the U.S. Army's history of the war.

Soleimani's Quds Force provided training and logistics to militants in Iraq, along with far-reaching EFP supply routes and factories inside the country, the history said, where knowledge and tips on their construction filled CD-ROMs circulated among bombmakers.

Many were concealed in foam blocks made to look like curbs and rocks, with a telltale indicator of a passive infrared lens peeking through that earned the nickname the "Eye of Allah" from U.S. troops.

Iranian-backed bombmakers were also creative in their defeat of U.S. countermeasures, Castner said.

The infrared laser, operating in a manner similar to the safety beam used for garage doors, is used to trigger the explosion. So-called "rhino" horns were attached to vehicles to set them off prematurely, but bombmakers would revise their design to account for the horns and revamp the geometry of the array to make sure the slugs passed through drivers, passenger compartments and engines, he said.

"We honestly did not believe that these guys were capable of doing this kind of stuff," one senior defense official told The Post in 2007, speaking of Iranian foes. "We underestimated them."

The U.S. spent billions to curtail the threat of IEDs, but the killing continued long after measures such as radio signal jammers and other equipment saturated the country. The number of EFP attacks peaked in 2008, Military Times reported, and around 300 other deaths were linked to weapons from Iran.

Hundreds of victims of EFPs and family members of victims are seeking damages from Iran in federal court for their role in deploying the weapon, Military Times reported.

Quds Force activity in Iraq reached further than marbling roads with EFPs, and Soleimani's influence was imprinted on various Shiite militias that fought U.S. troops, such as Muqtada al-Sadr's Mahdi Army, which the cleric called on to reactivate in the wake of Soleimani's death.

One of the most daring insurgent operations of the war occurred in January 2007 in Karbala, south of Baghdad, that resulted in the deaths of five U.S. soldiers. Militants, brandishing U.S.-style uniforms, forged ID cards and using passable English entered a combined U.S.-Iraqi base in a column of SUVs.

A U.S. soldier was killed there and four others were abducted and driven miles away. Three were later found dead in and near one of the abandoned SUVs, and the other died on the way to a hospital, the Associated Press reported in 2007.

"The precision of the attack, the equipment used and the possible use of explosives to destroy the military vehicles in the compound suggests that the attack was well rehearsed prior to execution," a defense spokesman later said.

Officials later said the operation bore the fingerprints of Quds Force.

What were the Americans doing in Iraq in the first place ?

the noble americans went into Iraq from the goodness of their pure hearts. American people wailed for the anguish saddam had put the Iraqi people under and they simply could not stand it anymore..

the noble American will not allow any oppression in oil producing countries. so it felt a duty to bypass the UN, bypass international laws, bypass modern day ethics that frown upon 19th century colonial wars of slavery. and invade Iraq anyway.

in spite of all the worldwide condemnation, the noble American was undettered and pushed on to bring freedom and democracy by any price to the people of Iraq it bleeds for.

The noble American was just about finished with the evil-doers and the terrorist Iraqis who dared question foreign troops slaughtering them in their markets and streets.

that's when the satan worshipping Iranian entered. They gave evil efps to evil Iraqis fighting in their own land against the noble American.

the noble American was furious how they could come in, bomb the country to the stone age, destroy every piece of major infastracture that's there, completely destroy the country and its social fabric, turn people against each other, loot anything you can in the name of democracy.... how dare these Iraqis not embrace democracy said the noble American!!!
the noble americans went into Iraq from the goodness of their pure hearts. American people wailed for the anguish saddam had put the Iraqi people under and they simply could not stand it anymore..

the noble American will not allow any oppression in oil producing countries. so it felt a duty to bypass the UN, bypass international laws, bypass modern day ethics that frown upon 19th century colonial wars of slavery. and invade Iraq anyway.

in spite of all the worldwide condemnation, the noble American was undettered and pushed on to bring freedom and democracy by any price to the people of Iraq it bleeds for.

The noble American was just about finished with the evil-doers and the terrorist Iraqis who dared question foreign troops slaughtering them in their markets and streets.

that's when the satan worshipping Iranian entered. They gave evil efps to evil Iraqis fighting in their own land against the noble American.

the noble American was furious how they could come in, bomb the country to the stone age, destroy every piece of major infastracture that's there, completely destroy the country and its social fabric, turn people against each other, loot anything you can in the name of democracy.... how dare these Iraqis not embrace democracy said the noble American!!!

Very well put, sir. :tup: :D
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