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Iran’s ‘Fake’ Stealth Fighter Is Reportedly in Production

well they better hurry up. Its back to 'all options on the table' with their admirers.
the design is way beautiful , looks beautiful than F-35 ... let see what it can do ..

am going to order 1 for my self :D
Still better than our jf 17
its not about design that it look like star war stylish fighter plane ........ what matter is specs and what it can do ... i can design fancy plane like that , ....... so lets wait for its test flights ... if it was so easy to make 5th gen fighters india would have done it years ago ...
Still better than our jf 17
JF-17 is a 4th gen. aircraft and has thousands of operational hours while Qaher-proposed 5th generation aircraft has yet to take its first test flight. There is no comparison.
Which engine is the aircraft using?
just as an example

so credible info, dollar value:3300 :lol:
the cash flow in the latest central bank report is 1,150,000 not 120,000!

:احمدی‌نژاد جواب روحانی را با تاخیر چهار ساله داد

صرف نظر از اینکه هنوز بعضی‌ها از کلمه خزانه، یک تعریف و تصویر دوران قاجار را در ذهن دارند که مثلاً یک انبار و یک انباردار از خراج ها مراقبت و با دستور شاه آن را توزیع می کنند ، نکات زیر قابل ذکر است:

1- خزانه عبارت از چند حساب دولت نزد بانک مرکزی است . درآمد دولت، در طول سال و به صورت روزانه به این حساب ها وارد و خزانه دار کل ، آن را بر اساس قانون بودجه، روزانه به دستگاه ها اختصاص می دهد. بنابراین تصور انباشت منابع در این حسابها نادرست است.

2- با این وجود ، در تاریخ 13 مرداد 1392 یعنی زمان آغاز به کار دولت فعلی ، بیش از یک هزار و 600 میلیارد تومان در حسابهای جاری خزانه و معادل همین مقدار در سایر حسابها و حساب فروش شرکت ها وجود داشته است که در گذشته ، کمتر زمانی این مقدار ، در حسابها پول وجود داشته است.

3- کل پرداختی خزانه در سال 1391 یعنی سال آخر دولت قبل ، با همه فراز و نشیب های مهم ، حدود 104هزار و 500 (یکصد و چهار هزار و پانصد) میلیارد تومان بوده است . در این سال پروژه‌های عمرانی و دیگر خدمات دولت کاملاً فعال بوده و حقوق و مطالبات کارمندان، طبق روال معمول پرداخت شده است. در این سال استقراضی انجام نشده و تنخواه خزانه نیز مسترد شده است.

4- در سال 1392 یعنی اولین سال دولت فعلی مجموعاً 147 هزار و 500 (یکصد و چهل و هفت هزار و پانصد) میلیارد تومان درآمد کسب شده و توسط خزانه به دستگاه ها برای هزینه اختصاص یافته است. که این رقم نسبت به سال 1391 بیش از 40% رشد داشته است، این رشد در دهه های اخیر ، کم نظیر بوده است.

در سال 1392 به بهانه کمبود درآمد بسیاری از پروژه ها، تعطیل شد و شاه بیت کلام مدیران دولتی کمبود منابع و درآمد بوده است.

5- روند افزایش درآمد و هزینه های جاری دولت کمابیش در سال های 93 و 94 نیز ادامه یافته و به ترتیب 178 هزار میلیارد تومان و 204 هزار میلیارد تومان درآمد کسب گردید که متقابلاً هزینه شده است.

6- علت اصلی این تفاوت درآمد را باید در واگذاری های اصل 44 و اجرای مالیات ارزش افزوده در دولت قبل و تفاوت قیمت ارز در محاسبات بانک مرکزی در دولت فعلی دانست.

7- علاوه بر این ، صندوق توسعه ملی با 55 میلیارد دلار سرمایه و 32 میلیارد دلار موجودی و بانک مرکزی با حدود 108 میلیارد دلار ذخایر ارزی و حدود 22 میلیارد دلار طلب از محل فروش نفت، تحویل دولت فعلی شده است.

به این ترتیب روشن است که بر خلاف ادعای کذب مطرح شده ، درآمد دولت کاملاً مناسب و دست دولت در اداره کشور و هزینه کردن برای امور عمومی باز بوده است





In your heart and his supporters.

I don't want to make this thread an Ahmadinejad thread, but in relation to the Q-313, it was really a disaster.
If Rohani wouldn't cut the defense ministry's budget by 85%, Qaher project wouldn't suspend and our enemies wouldn't get the chance to mock us.

If Rohani wouldn't cut the defense ministry's budget by 85%, Qaher project wouldn't suspend and our enemies wouldn't get the chance to mock us.
You have consistently put forward this theory, and I have consistently refuted it. As if Iran spends only $2 billion. Lol. All non-conservative sources say the figure has increased.

Regardless, even if Rouhani had cut the budget by 99.999999%, doesn't change the fact that Ahmadinejad's unveiling styles, especially with Qaher, were an utter shambles. Thank God Dehqan has put a stop to this.
You have consistently put forward this theory, and I have consistently refuted it. As if Iran spends only $2 billion. Lol. All non-conservative sources say the figure has increased.

Regardless, even if Rouhani had cut the budget by 99.999999%, doesn't change the fact that Ahmadinejad's unveiling styles, especially with Qaher, were an utter shambles. Thank God Dehqan has put a stop to this.
well, I guess except denying the official budget reports you had nothing to say.

Deny 5 years delay, deny Dehghan's own words that said I susspended the project.

Dehghan put an end to everything.
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well, I guess except denying the official budget reports you had nothing to say.

You can bring conservative sources that say the budget is $2 billion, I can bring those that say it is $10 billion.


We can discuss this to death like we already have before. I frankly have no time or motivation to do that. Let's just agree to disagree.

deny Dehghan's own words that said I susspended the project

Is that why he also said there will be taxi tests in the next few days?

Dehghan put an end to everything.

Sure, everything.

Anyway, I think you are saying all this because you don't want to admit what an utter mess the Qaher unveiling under Ahmadinejad was.
You can bring conservative sources that say the budget is $2 billion, I can bring those that say it is $10 billion.


We can discuss this to death like we already have before. I frankly have no time or motivation to do that. Let's just agree to disagree.

Is that why he also said there will be taxi tests in the next few days?

Sure, everything.

Anyway, I think you are saying all this because you don't want to admit what an utter mess the Qaher unveiling under Ahmadinejad was.

Wow Saudi Arabia 87+ billions. That's crazy.
You can bring conservative sources that say the budget is $2 billion, I can bring those that say it is $10 billion.


We can discuss this to death like we already have before. I frankly have no time or motivation to do that. Let's just agree to disagree.
You can't bring even one reformist's link to backup your words.
Total budget is diferrent than defense ministry's budget.
Foreign sources may estimate extra income for IRGC, it doesn't mean defense ministry will gain anything.
Regardless of budget which is official report, Dehghan admitted the suspension of the project.

Is that why he also said there will be taxi tests in the next few days?
After 5 years. after supreme leader intervened in the minimum defense budget.

Anyway, I think you are saying all this because you don't want to admit what an utter mess the Qaher unveiling under Ahmadinejad was.
A mess in unveiling is a thousand time better than the suspension of project.
If Dehghan wouldn't do that, all of blabberings would end quickly.
Off topic but what does this have to do anything with India? There are plenty of things that Iran could learn from India. Here are a few thing: civil rights and gender equality, space...

I think as far as gender equality and civil right go, theres no point of gender equality when there's heaps of racism and barriers for minorities. in Spae, yes, theres a lot to learn. but the same expertise is possessed by Pakistan/China nexus. Look at the amount of armed uprisings going on and the denial of basic rights to the minorities e.g. in Kashmir, punjab and the Naxalites, theyre all fighting for the basic rights.
You can't bring even one reformist's link to backup your words.

I don't read Iranian media. Anyway what's the point, if I did you'd just say it was biased.

After 5 years.

So in the 4 years that Dehqan has been DM, he suspended the project for 5 years until now, at which point somehow we jumped from a mockup to taxi tests with no development at all for 5 (or is it 4?) years. That doesn't make chronological or technological sense.

A mess in unveiling is a thousand time better than the suspension of project

Unless the project was suspended for legitimate reasons, like high cost, insufficient capability/reliability etc.

Alternatively, Ahmadinejad could have suppressed his ego and not unveiled anything until the thing was actually ready. This would save a whole lot of embarrassment and speculation.

Wow Saudi Arabia 87+ billions. That's crazy.

They spend more than Russia, yet their armed forces are but a shadow of Russia's in capability, numbers and doctrine. They just have a lot of shiny toys. Paper tiger.

Yet US politicians get frisky every time Iran thinks of using its own money to increase its defence budget from 11% of Saudi spending to 17%.

Destabilising the region my ***.
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