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Iranians We Love You: Israel

Well out of all the Middle Eastern countries, Israel would have the most in common with Iran. After all Iran has the most Jews in the region after Israel and there are a lot of Iranian Jews in Israel.

20 000 Iranian Jews in Iran and 150 000 Iranian Jews in Israel.
So those on the photo from Facebook are probably Iranian Jews living in Israel.
Hezbashytan leader says, If Bashar falls we have to unite with Israel against the new goverment!!

The are already allies but they are making mock up battles and killing many innocent lives on the process to make it look real. Using the Media to fool the masses have backfired in an extremely bad way when they started massacring the Syrian people.
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Also, If Israel considered Iran or hizbashytan an enemy they would strongly support military intervention in Syria, and not have Natinyahoo go to Obama and tell to be quite about Syrian massacres.
Well out of all the Middle Eastern countries, Israel would have the most in common with Iran. After all Iran has the most Jews in the region after Israel and there are a lot of Iranian Jews in Israel.

20 000 Iranian Jews in Iran and 150 000 Iranian Jews in Israel.
So those on the photo from Facebook are probably Iranian Jews living in Israel.
Of course they love them they are working together against their common Enemy the Arabs.
Hezbollah and Hamas are zionists :hitwall:

Yeah people of Iran have no problem with Jews
and it is very nice to see the humanity of many Israelis in this campaign against war.

Ah and you believe in Arab unity? LOL big big lol
i don't see any point between Algeria , Morocco , Syria, Iraq , KSA , Egypt... many different cultures ! don't think KSA is the arab leader. there is NO arab leader. Only Egypt could provide a leader ...
never mind
Hezbashytan leader says, If Bashar falls we have to unite with Israel against the new goverment!!

He is not leader of Hezbollah you nutjob.Gush all Saudis here are the same.Same level of intelligent,a good troll and a waste of human brains.
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Why would they destroy their ally?? The Arabs spent close to 2 decades to finally portray Israel as the bad guy in the world's eyes and Iran just in a few years made Israel a hero in the eyes of the world. So yes Israelis naturally should love Iran.

Israel's ally is America and Sauds. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a fool
If Arabs don't wake up soon Middle East will become a p1ss measuring ground between the three powers - Turkey, Iran and Israel. Arabs stay united and stay strong :tup:

Problem is not Arab people. It is their donkey leaders who have been imposed upon them directly or indirectly by western imperialism
Oh, stop your lies. You never ever helped Palestinians. In fact the only war ever won by Muslims against Israel was the one Hizbullah fought. Saudis have always been working for the interests of Israel. In fact Saudis condemned Hizbullah for their victory against Israel:
Leading Saudi Sheik Pronounces Fatwa Against Hezbollah - The New York Sun

International reactions to the 2006 Lebanon War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Saudis Condemn Hamas and Hizbullah :: Daniel Pipes

Such is your hypocrisy trying to defend Israel. Iranians have taken the fear into Israel. They are not cowards like you.

They want to be like American liars that's why they lie.
That is because these extremists like him who want to burn Shias do not understand the difference between Zionism and Judaism. No body has any problem with Judaism. On the other hand Zionism is a fascist ideology and a fundamentalist one. Iran is not against Jews just against Zionism.

That's what they teach them in their schools. I can vouch for it there is a school here in UK funded by Sauds where they turn out this kind of rubbish. One of the tube bombers in UK was indoctrinated by Saud ideology here. Back to topic It is the Israeli govt and Zionists who have hijacked the Jewish religion and want to make war on Iran
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