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Iranian woman sentenced to death to be lashed over photo

the same in Iran. also, no one cares about your extra marital relation until you become so much hideous to make love in public to that extent that 4 people could witness the male organ going inside female. More over, you should be an unfortunate enough that they came to the court and all of them testify without even a simple disparity, considering that a simple disparity in one testify lead to punishment for all witnesses. In that case you will condemned to adultery with the sentence of stoning (if you were in marital engagement) which in Iran they will hang you instead.

First of all, the image of many Iranian within them some celebrities have been published without headscarf and no one lashed them. therefor if they no one care for them why lashing this one who is in the center of attentions? It's a lie, try not to rely on medias who are in hostile position toward Iran or provide me with a reliable source and enlighten me.

I just made an examples about behaviors which look like crucial in first sight but for some reason in second thought they become legitimate, to understand it, you need to think like an alien who witnesses the murder of lamb then the act of skinning then grilling and eating ! to value a social behavior the first necessity is to look the whole entity not an item. So for criticizing Islamic law you need to look at the entity of Islam.
If you decide to put emotions forward logic then you could ask your question exactly whit the same tone and feeling about life incarceration, like this one: how could you dare to take freedom of a human being and put him until his death in a 2 meter cell preventing him from simplest human contact, forcing him to sleep near his W.C and living within a bunch of criminals and by that tutoring him psychologically all his miserable life? (now a days many criminologist believe that death penalty is less painful than a long term prisons because it last in a minute but the prisoner suffer life or in case of release, his pain will continue due to his incapability to fit in the society. usually this inability returns him back to crimes)

You saw all of that in the videos? how the video informed you with the corruption or the reason of hang? that must be a video! i never said you watched fox but in these cases there is no difference between fox, CNN, BBC, cnbc, NBC, tv5, tv1, France 24, ....
all of them are in odd with us and they do what ever they got in their power to ruin our image in the world public opinion.
eventually, the corruption exist in all judicial systems and I'm not going to deny it in my country but nothing more than any other country.

---------- Post added at 09:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:39 PM ----------

the same in Iran. also, no one cares about your extra marital relation until you become so much hideous to make love in public to that extent that 4 people could witness the male organ going inside female. More over, you should be an unfortunate enough that they came to the court and all of them testify without even a simple disparity, considering that a simple disparity in one testify lead to punishment for all witnesses. In that case you will condemned to adultery with the sentence of stoning (if you were in marital engagement) which in Iran they will hang you instead.

First of all, the image of many Iranian within them some celebrities have been published without headscarf and no one lashed them. therefor if they no one care for them why lashing this one who is in the center of attentions? It's a lie, try not to rely on medias who are in hostile position toward Iran or provide me with a reliable source and enlighten me.

I just made an examples about behaviors which look like crucial in first sight but for some reason in second thought they become legitimate, to understand it, you need to think like an alien who witnesses the murder of lamb then the act of skinning then grilling and eating ! to value a social behavior the first necessity is to look the whole entity not an item. So for criticizing Islamic law you need to look at the entity of Islam.
If you decide to put emotions forward logic then you could ask your question exactly whit the same tone and feeling about life incarceration, like this one: how could you dare to take freedom of a human being and put him until his death in a 2 meter cell preventing him from simplest human contact, forcing him to sleep near his W.C and living within a bunch of criminals and by that tutoring him psychologically all his miserable life? (now a days many criminologist believe that death penalty is less painful than a long term prisons because it last in a minute but the prisoner suffer life or in case of release, his pain will continue due to his incapability to fit in the society. usually this inability returns him back to crimes)

You saw all of that in the videos? how the video informed you with the corruption or the reason of hang? that must be a video! i never said you watched fox but in these cases there is no difference between fox, CNN, BBC, cnbc, NBC, tv5, tv1, France 24, ....
all of them are in odd with us and they do what ever they got in their power to ruin our image in the world public opinion.
eventually, the corruption exist in all judicial systems and I'm not going to deny it in my country but nothing more than any other country.

I get it the whole world is against Iran and everything is a big conspiracy. Headscarf thing is a lie and cheating while married results in you being hanged (not stoned) like it makes a difference. They are barbaric and backward laws that have no place in modern society. The judge even said it was true. Is that a media conspiracy ?

Your just backpedaling. You know lashing someone that refused to wear a piece of cloth on their head is wrong. It is human rights buddy.
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the same in Iran. also, no one cares about your extra marital relation until you become so much hideous to make love in public to that extent that 4 people could witness the male organ going inside female.
Is that what happened, that the woman and her man was boinking in public?

More over, you should be an unfortunate enough that they came to the court and all of them testify without even a simple disparity, considering that a simple disparity in one testify lead to punishment for all witnesses. In that case you will condemned to adultery with the sentence of stoning (if you were in marital engagement) which in Iran they will hang you instead.
All the more reason and incentive for the 'witnesses' to get their tales straight. Think about it for a moment...Four persons, most likely men, who claimed they saw an act of carnal intercourse between a man and a woman, one of whom is married. The prosecutor said that if any of them lie or that his story is inconsistent, all four will be punished for making a false charge. Hmmm...Now what would all four men say...??? :rolleyes:
did you even read them? of course not, There is difference b/w collateral damage & Judaical murder, Go look up for it

i was only going by your very own logic, or do you not like the taste of your own medicine!

and the link to the second article which you posted says the following:

The people of Waziristan are suffering a brutal kind of occupation under the Taliban and al Qaeda. Therefore, they welcome the drone attacks

i just hope that its true, because for some reason the ground reality seems otherwise!

you think they bomb everything & anything in their way

just recently a PAF strike in North Waziristan or South Waziristan (don't remember which) killed 60 people out of which 20 were unconfirmed militants and rest 40 were civilians! Although the PAF did apologize and paid compensation to the relatives of the innocents killed i don't think money will bring back the lost one to their family, especially when a child loses his mother and grows up to become a suicide bomber in order to take revenge.

duh, I said Iraq is different issue, I can agree over that

First of all you don't just excuse and pass Iraq off as a "different issue", especially when the so called upholders of democracy, human rights, and freedom whom you were defending knew all about what was going on in Iraq and Afghanistan but yet kept silent and this makes them far more cruel and worse than the Taliban or present Iranian regime!

so what were you doing?

What do you mean what was i doing? You couldn't comprehend all along? I was explaining to you that the so called human rights upholders whom you defend with so much passion are just as bad or even worse than Iranian regime!

going by your logic relatives of the people killed by terrorists must go out & kill 'em all

If you mean kill the terrorists then yes they should!

you are unable to comprehend simple lines then that's not my problem

no my friend, that applies to you!
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did you even read them? of course not, There is difference b/w collateral damage & Judaical murder, Go look up for it

first, in judicial it's not murder, it is conviction and sentence. and also in that case you were aware of the crime and its punishment. then you decide to commit it, then after a fair trial you will face with the sentence.
in drone case, you were in your home, sitting with your children and wife, out of blue someone in some other country decide you are a terrorist, less than a minute you will be ashes.
sure the drone case is fair, because no one likes to talk about it, it's a pretty normal war casualty but the first case is systematically murdering 'cause media define it like that. and in all country in the world Iran is the single case in that crucial judiciary problems.
Is that what happened, that the woman and her man was boinking in public?
I don't know, that's a criminal case and it's in the process. I explained the criminal law.
All the more reason and incentive for the 'witnesses' to get their tales straight. Think about it for a moment...Four persons, most likely men, who claimed they saw an act of carnal intercourse between a man and a woman, one of whom is married. The prosecutor said that if any of them lie or that his story is inconsistent, all four will be punished for making a false charge. Hmmm...Now what would all four men say...??? :rolleyes:
that's the benefit. Islamic law is like paper tiger. in serious crimes, it is harsh and severe so it had the deterrence but it designed not to execute the punishment. In sexual cases the public morality is the important value ,therefore Islam prefer to avoid this kind of cases and favor private affair remain hidden for the sack of society and individual honers. So if the testifies do not match it will be consider as defamation. it prevent the case to start in the first place. More over there are several ways to defy witness and make his testimony neutral. for example by putting doubt in his testimony. in Sexual cases non of the witnesses allowed to be present in others testimony.
It had a complicated process and conditions that most of the time prevent conviction.
Is that what happened, that the woman and her man was boinking in public?
I don't know, that's a criminal case and it's in the process. I explained the criminal law.
No one sane, not even the secular and decadent West, would perform sexual activities in public. So it begs the question of how was this woman's extramarital affair exposed.

that's the benefit. Islamic law is like paper tiger. in serious crimes, it is harsh and severe so it had the deterrence but it designed not to execute the punishment. In sexual cases the public morality is the important value ,therefore Islam prefer to avoid this kind of cases and favor private affair remain hidden for the sack of society and individual honers. So if the testifies do not match it will be consider as defamation. it prevent the case to start in the first place. More over there are several ways to defy witness and make his testimony neutral. for example by putting doubt in his testimony. in Sexual cases non of the witnesses allowed to be present in others testimony.
It had a complicated process and conditions that most of the time prevent conviction.
That mean all four 'witnesses' could lie and the court would have to accept the lie as the 'truth'.
I get it the whole world is against Iran and everything is a big conspiracy. Headscarf thing is a lie and cheating while married results in you being hanged (not stoned) like it makes a difference. They are barbaric and backward laws that have no place in modern society.

I never said whole world but the United stat and his allies are, and unfortunately they got the main stream media. I think you couldn't find a fact more clear than it. that's your choice you could simply accept their lies or searching for pure truth.
about barbaric and backward laws that's your opinion and i respect it. In my opinion preventing the girls with Hijab to participate in social activities and preventing them to educate or torturing people in aboughorib and Guantanamo is more barbaric if that was the case.
The judge even said it was true. Is that a media conspiracy ?
where? please provide the link
Your just backpedaling. You know lashing someone that refused to wear a piece of cloth on their head is wrong. It is human rights buddy.
you just repeating the same accusation by using the emotional words.
I never said whole world but the United stat and his allies are, and unfortunately they got the main stream media. I think you couldn't find a fact more clear than it. that's your choice you could simply accept their lies or searching for pure truth.
about barbaric and backward laws that's your opinion and i respect it. In my opinion preventing the girls with Hijab to participate in social activities and preventing them to educate or torturing people in aboughorib and Guantanamo is more barbaric if that was the case.

where? please provide the link

you just repeating the same accusation by using the emotional words.


An Iranian woman who'd already been condemned to death faces another sentence of 99 lashes because of a case of mistaken identity in a photograph, according to foes of the execution.

Iranian authorities imposed the sentence after they saw the photo of a woman without a head scarf in a newspaper, the International Committee Against Stoning, a human rights group, said Friday.

In an apology, The Times of London, which ran the photo on its front page on August 28, said the woman was wrongly identified as Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, who had previously been sentenced to death by stoning for adultery.

As far as the judge saying it. Read the article in my OP. Says the prison judge confirmed the lashes were carried out.
No one sane, not even the secular and decadent West, would perform sexual activities in public. So it begs the question of how was this woman's extramarital affair exposed.
the problem in this case is that an opportunist lawyer used this women for his own selfish ends and media for other goal. for judging about a judicial case you first need to study the dossier entirely which non of the media's audience had the chances. then the criminal law, these possibilities are probable:
1. the conviction is correct
2. the judge made a mistake
3. there are some other crimes involved
4. the case is in the appeal and furthermore...
we knew nothing more than some ambiguities
That mean all four 'witnesses' could lie and the court would have to accept the lie as the 'truth'.

not at all, the court had many ways to clarify their testimony, the judge will ask them some details and compare the testimonies and because their presence will be separate in the tribunal they could not make a story. and the detail that judge would ask.
that mostly means you shouldn't intervene in others privacy. and you should respect others honors even if they made a mistake.
the problem in this case is that an opportunist lawyer used this women for his own selfish ends and media for other goal. for judging about a judicial case you first need to study the dossier entirely which non of the media's audience had the chances. then the criminal law, these possibilities are probable:
1. the conviction is correct
2. the judge made a mistake
3. there are some other crimes involved
4. the case is in the appeal and furthermore...
we knew nothing more than some ambiguities

It seems that you agreed to the lawyer being opportunistic, shouldn't that be a reason enough for a mistrial and the accused to be retried?

not at all, the court had many ways to clarify their testimony, the judge will ask them some details and compare the testimonies and because their presence will be separate in the tribunal they could not make a story. and the detail that judge would ask.

Are the witnesses held in judicial custody while the trial is going on? If not, are they not allowed to be in contact?

that mostly means you shouldn't intervene in others privacy. and you should respect others honors even if they made a mistake.

So you agree that this woman shouldn't be stoned to death and this case shouldn't have come up in the first place?
Iran orders 99 lashes for woman facing execution, rights group says - CNN

As far as the judge saying it. Read the article in my OP. Says the prison judge confirmed the lashes were carried out.

In the link I could not find any thing from judge, and in your old post it just claimed that a prison judge (not the case judge) confirmed that and it didn't writ anything about his name and identity or his position and exact statement.
It's fishy. and regarding many lies i had heard from those media I'm not going to believe it. Google Iranian actresses you could find tones of their images without scarf, why no one going to lash them?
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the problem in this case is that an opportunist lawyer used this women for his own selfish ends and media for other goal. for judging about a judicial case you first need to study the dossier entirely which non of the media's audience had the chances. then the criminal law, these possibilities are probable:
1. the conviction is correct
2. the judge made a mistake
3. there are some other crimes involved
4. the case is in the appeal and furthermore...
we knew nothing more than some ambiguities
Right...This mean the whole thing was a sham.

not at all, the court had many ways to clarify their testimony, the judge will ask them some details and compare the testimonies and because their presence will be separate in the tribunal they could not make a story. and the detail that judge would ask.
that mostly means you shouldn't intervene in others privacy. and you should respect others honors even if they made a mistake.
If a 'witness' made up his story or lied during the trial, only he and no one else should be punished. When the justice system require X number of witnesses and that all of them could be collectively punished if one of them fail to corroborate the others, witnesses do not need to be in the same room to agree on the same story. No justice system is perfect but if ours is flawed, this Islamic version is even worse.
Google Iranian actresses you could find tones of their images without scarf, why no one going to lash them?

Cos they are rich, influential and can not be pushed around like others.

This woman was helpless, lost her husband and two little kids. She is an ideal candidate to show the women in Iran that mullahs control their fate.

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