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Iranian woman sentenced to death to be lashed over photo

When you torture people or threaten their family members confessions are easy. Obviously this is a flawed practice that does nothing. I have issues understanding how so many 15 and 16 year old kids and hung for murder in Iran.

The issue is, what you've written above, is based on preconceived notions about the legal system in Iran. I am in no way targeting you sir, this is a common element amongst most Iranian expatriates as well, which I believe should be your primary source. The presence of some degree of forced confessions, alongside prison brutality, are a hidden element in all states and Iran is no exception to that. However, to state that it is a common or overriding practice in Iran is false. Iran too has her citizens who exceed stated laws.

As to the last bit, despite writing journal entries, I honestly have not heard of the hordes of 15 to 16 year olds being hung for murder.

Why have some of my words in the previous posts been automatically censored with astriks (*)? I wrote nothing containing vulgar or any obscene words.
The issue is, what you've written above, is based on preconceived notions about the legal system in Iran. I am in no way targeting you sir, this is a common element amongst most Iranian expatriates as well, which I believe should be your primary source. The presence of some degree of forced confessions, alongside prison brutality, are a hidden element in all states and Iran is no exception to that. However, to state that it is a common or overriding practice in Iran is false. Iran too has her citizens who exceed stated laws.

As to the last bit, despite writing journal entries, I honestly have not heard of the hordes of 15 to 16 year olds being hung for murder.

Iran, despite its ratification of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, is currently the world's biggest executioner of juvenile offenders

There are obvious signs. Large portion of underage executions. Not to mention many court cases simply have to be questioned.
The kids are not executed but wait for their execution.

About torture in jail in Iran : this is true as true as many women and girls were raped and even men. We all know that inside Iran.
You know the story of the coca bottle?
It is not possible to compare USA for exemple to what we have. Our jails are much more terrible.

I didn't see any interesting point discussing about sharia.
and discussing about Iranians laws?

ok let's speak about Sakineh (even i am upset we make so much noise for someone who maybe killed someone)
in Iran (not only) you should find 4 people who could notice the relationship between her and boyfriend. they didn't find any.
they never had any proof and any justice should accept it and stop.
but they used torture so she says what they want to hear.
and what about the last new?

the stupid lawyer Mostafai (this guy just cares about career, you know the guy near kouchner when kouchner said he wanted to save sakineh)... so he sent a fake pic without scarf of Sakineh
but it was not her pic but she got lashes because of that
Iran, despite its ratification of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, is currently the world's biggest executioner of juvenile offenders

I see what you are referring to. Iran is also the country with one of the world's most active legal processes in terms of the frequency of cases reported and rulings conducted. Hence, the regular availability of records. Iran has been reported to be, but isn't the biggest juvenile executioner though. The biggest juvenile executioners are amongst sub-Saharan and central African states. Iran does have a large number of juvenile cases in any case. A judicial review has been requested for numerous times. Because of the bureaucratic process, it is excruciatingly slow.
Aren't they? because I can't see any thread about the American prisoners, death penalty in USA or the juveniles in Guantanamo !
But a criminal in Iran who murdered his husband crucially, who had extra marital relations, and whose trial is not even finished yet, have attracted all the politician in the world, from POP to Carla.
FYI, stoning has been replaced by hanging for some years in Iran but as usual western media looking for propaganda not truth.
just as a footnote since it seems not important, yesterday American drones bombed civilians again, never mind they are bunch of terrorists who care about children and women. We got Iran and stoning as headlines.

I agree with you here bro, this reveals the hypocrisy of these liberal minded so called modernists (who are stricken with a serious inferiority complex BTW), when innocent people get killed by drone bombings these people will justify it but when it comes to Shariah law, Iran, and things related these same people will protest as if their own mother or sister was being stoned or lashed!

I wonder what these ultra liberal modernists have to say about Dr.Afia Sidique who was tortured and thrown into prison for no reason but here they are defending a lady who's case BTW they only learned about through western sources which are biased regarding Iran! We all know how well innocent Iraqis were treated in Abu Ghraib prison but these hypocrites never raised a voice but instead justify those horrible crimes against humanity, crimes committed by the so called "modern" and 21'st century law abiding armies but for some reason they have the audacity to point fingers at others!

Double standards and hypocrisy at its best!
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the stupid lawyer Mostafai (this guy just cares about career, you know the guy near kouchner when kouchner said he wanted to save sakineh)... so he sent a fake pic without scarf of Sakineh
but it was not her pic but she got lashes because of that

The lawyer used Sakineh as a stepping stone for his own ends. He was able to bring attention to himself, later stating that he was wronged (alongside her). He has now found asylum and support in Norway after stating that he had fled because of possible 'repercussions' against him. He, intentionally or not, acted much to her detriment.
I agree with you here bro, this reveals the hypocrisy of these liberal minded so called modernists (who are stricken with a serious inferiority complex BTW), when innocent people get killed by drone bombings these people will justify it but when it comes to Shariah law, Iran, and things related these same people will protest as if their own mother or sister was being stoned or lashed!

Nice, so you compare the Drones which have low civilian casualties (which are part of every war) with the judicial murders, awesome, very awesome comparison (though i can agree with you over Iraq)

people will protest as if their own mother or sister was being stoned or lashed!

is it necessary that it must be your sister & your mother, before portesting
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Nice, so you compare the Drones which have low civilian casualties which are part of every war with the judicial murders, awesome, very awesome comparison (though i can agree with you over Iraq)

why am i not surprised? So your here justifying bombing homes full of women and children eh? Tell me how do you know that the people killed in the drone strikes are terrorists? Were you there?

Your here complaining that the Iranian court gave unjust punishment to that lady without proof and evidence and that iran is following 7th century medieval laws and:blah: but now your justifying bombing innocent people without proof of them being terrorists! Even if these drone bombings are a part of war doesn't mean that it doesn't require proof that the people were innocent or not, show some humanity for once and stop justifying cruelty!

Like i said, your hypocrisy doesn't surprise me!

is it necessary that it must be your sister & your mother before portesting

I was just making a point that we don't cry and protest when Afia Sidique was tortured (and God knows what else happened to her) but here we are defending someone who we only heard of through western media which is biased toward Iran!
There is a difference between the Drone killings and the systematic abuse of human rights in Iran..

The Drone attacks are not intended to hurt the innocent civilians.But casualty happens sometimes,which is regrettable...

But what happens in Iran,in my opinion is some one gets a bigger punishment for a relatively smaller crime.If the judiciary is barbaric,then the nation fails.

The very same is my opinion about laws in Saudi Arabia....

Common people deserve to live freely and peacefully.The ruling authority must not terrorize them by making strict and oppressive laws.....
I have also followed the numerous controversies regarding the headscarf.....

If someone does not wish to wear a headscarf,the how can you force it upon her???It is not like the girl is roaming out in the streets nude.....
The taliban like laws fail here.

Likewise,if someone wishes to wear a headscarf,then how can you force her not to wear it???It is not like she is covering her face denying the chance of identification....
The French govt. fails here....

People must be given the opportunity to exercise their own freedom of expression....
boy o boy, why am i not surprised? So your here justifying bombing homes full of women and children eh? Tell me how do you know that the people killed in the drone strikes are terrorists? Were you there?

actually you've been reading too conspiracy theories that world is down & out to get Muslims


Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan

  • Do you see drone attacks bringing about fear and terror in the common people? (Yes 45%, No 55%)

    [*]Do you think the drones are accurate in their strikes? (Yes 52%, No 48%)

    [*]Do you think anti-American feelings in the area increased due to drone attacks recently? (Yes 42%, No 58%)

    [*]Should Pakistan military carry out targeted strikes at the militant organisations? (Yes 70%, No 30%)

    [*]Do the militant organisations get damaged due to drone attacks? (Yes 60%, No 40%)

There are people who are linked with the Taliban. Terrorists visit their houses as guests and live in the houses and hujras. The drones attacks kill women and small children of the hosts. These are innocent deaths because the women and children have no role in the men’s links with terrorists.

The people of Waziristan are suffering a brutal kind of occupation under the Taliban and al Qaeda. Therefore, they welcome the drone attacks

I pose that challenge because no one is in a position to give a correct estimate of how many individuals have been killed so far in drone attacks. On the basis of American media estimates, 600 to 700 ‘civilian population’ have been killed. The Pakistani government, pro-Taliban political parties like Jamaat-e-Islami, Jamiat-e-Ulema-e-Islam, Tehrik-e-Insaf, and the media are quoting the same figure. Neither the government of Pakistan nor the media have any access to the area and no system is in place to arrive at precise estimates. The Pakistani government and media take the figure appearing in the American media as an admission by the American government. The US media too do not have access to the area. Moreover, the area is simply not accessible for any kind of independent journalistic or scholarly work on drone attacks. The Taliban simply kill anyone doing so.

The militants themselves collect the bodies, burry the dead and then issue the statement that all of them were innocent civilians. This has been part of their propaganda to provide excuses to the pro-Taliban and al Qaeda media persons and political forces in Pakistan to generate public sympathies for the terrorists. The Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) or other militants have never admitted to the killing of any important figure of al Qaeda or the TTP. One exception is the killing of Baitullah Mehsud that the TTP reluctantly admitted several days after his death.

The people of Waziristan are suffering a brutal kind of occupation under the Taliban and al Qaeda. It is in this context that they would welcome anyone, Americans, Israelis, Indians or even the devil, to rid them of the Taliban and al Qaeda. Therefore, they welcome the drone attacks. Secondly, the people feel comfortable with the drones because of their precision and targeted strikes.

should i take words that when air strikes by PAF must also stop because they are killing civilians

Your here complaining that the Iranian court gave unjust punishment to that lady without proof and evidence and that iran is following 7th century medieval laws and:blah: but now your justifying bombing innocent people without proof of them being terrorists!

yes they are following a Medieval law, should i use your phrase? Will you like your sister & mother to get stoned to death over a picture?

Like i said, your hypocrisy doesn't surprise me!

you actually changed the definition of hypocrisy

I was just making a point that we don't cry and protest when Afia Sidique was tortured (and God knows what else happened to her) but here we are defending someone who we only heard of through western media which is biased toward Iran!

we don't protest when Dr. Afia is tortured? are you sure? Iranians have medieval laws, whats wrong in saying that, If you love 'em so much go live under them
See here in Turkey and the U.S. when people are not happy or cheating in a relationship happens. You get divorced. You don't stone a person to death in large mobs.
the same in Iran. also, no one cares about your extra marital relation until you become so much hideous to make love in public to that extent that 4 people could witness the male organ going inside female. More over, you should be an unfortunate enough that they came to the court and all of them testify without even a simple disparity, considering that a simple disparity in one testify lead to punishment for all witnesses. In that case you will condemned to adultery with the sentence of stoning (if you were in marital engagement) which in Iran they will hang you instead.

Lashing someone 99 times for having been seen in a picture without a headscarf is sensible ?
First of all, the image of many Iranian within them some celebrities have been published without headscarf and no one lashed them. therefor if they no one care for them why lashing this one who is in the center of attentions? It's a lie, try not to rely on medias who are in hostile position toward Iran or provide me with a reliable source and enlighten me.
Are you seriously comparing hunting animals for food to stoning human beings based on illogical ideologies ?

I just made an examples about behaviors which look like crucial in first sight but for some reason in second thought they become legitimate, to understand it, you need to think like an alien who witnesses the murder of lamb then the act of skinning then grilling and eating ! to value a social behavior the first necessity is to look the whole entity not an item. So for criticizing Islamic law you need to look at the entity of Islam.
If you decide to put emotions forward logic then you could ask your question exactly whit the same tone and feeling about life incarceration, like this one: how could you dare to take freedom of a human being and put him until his death in a 2 meter cell preventing him from simplest human contact, forcing him to sleep near his W.C and living within a bunch of criminals and by that tutoring him psychologically all his miserable life? (now a days many criminologist believe that death penalty is less painful than a long term prisons because it last in a minute but the prisoner suffer life or in case of release, his pain will continue due to his incapability to fit in the society. usually this inability returns him back to crimes)
I have the videos buddy. I don't need fox news to tell me what is going on there. I see people being hung with cranes for not conforming to the state religion and the corruption that goes on in the court systems. Your country is running on a system that is not compatible with the modern world.
You saw all of that in the videos? how the video informed you with the corruption or the reason of hang? that must be a video! i never said you watched fox but in these cases there is no difference between fox, CNN, BBC, cnbc, NBC, tv5, tv1, France 24, ....
all of them are in odd with us and they do what ever they got in their power to ruin our image in the world public opinion.
eventually, the corruption exist in all judicial systems and I'm not going to deny it in my country but nothing more than any other country.
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actually you've been reading too conspiracy theories that world is down & out to get Muslims


Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan

so is this supposed to justify bombing innocent people? so going by your logic the Iranian gov is doing the right thing?

should i take words that when air strikes by PAF must also stop because they are killing civilians

Killing anyone without proof is barbarity, isn't that your logic? So yeah they should stop!:agree:

yes they are following a Medieval law,

I see no difference in their "medieval law" and the so called 21st century modern laws that you defend, especially when it comes to torturing and raping prisoners of war (especially when there were innocent women and children)!

should i use your phrase? Will you like your sister & mother to get stoned to death over a picture?

no i wouldn't, and neither was i defending Iranian laws so don't know where your getting the idea from! would you like your house to be bombed by drones?

we don't protest when Dr. Afia is tortured? are you sure?
was this a reply or a rant?

Iranians have medieval laws, whats wrong in saying that, If you love 'em so much go live under them

:lol: and when was i defending Iranian laws? as usual you resort to rants and cheap shots, nice try but your hypocrisy still shows!

Next time bring me some evidence and i mean solid evidence to prove to me something (going by your logic)! I don't need any western biased mouthpiece but real evidence!
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so is this supposed to justify bombing innocent people? so going by your logic the Iranian gov is doing the right thing?

did you even read them? of course not, There is difference b/w collateral damage & Judaical murder, Go look up for it

Killing anyone without proof is barbarity, isn't that your logic? So yeah they should stop!:agree:

you think they bomb everything & anything in their way

I see no difference in their "medieval law" and the so called 21st century modern laws that you defend, especially when it comes to torturing and raping prisoners of war (even though there were innocent women and children)!
duh, I said Iraq is different issue, I can agree over that

no i wouldn't, and neither was i defending Iranian laws so don't know where your getting the idea from! would you like your house to be bombed by drones?

so what were you doing?

going by your logic relatives of the people killed by terrorists must go out & kill 'em all

was this a reply or a rant?

you are unable to comprehend simple lines then that's not my problem

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