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Iranian UAVs | News and Discussions

Just how many UAV's does Iran have?

If I didn't know better Iran has an entire army of drones rankings in the 500-1000 range.

By the looks of it, it uses a similar engine as the Shahed-129 and is of somewhat smaller dimensions but lacks the Shahed's retractable landing gear. It's sensor ball is definitely smaller in comparison.

So, definitely a HUGE improvement vs the previous members of the Mohajer family but not quite as capable as the Shahed-129. Perhaps Ghods Industry is pushing it as a cheaper alternative?

Actually, there's images of a different EO turret/ball on the Shahed-129 but I think they're both the same size, so my bad there. The images I was looking at from the Shahed's first unveiling make it seem like it was bigger.
3 switchblade tactical Assassination drones shot down in Syria by SAA. made in USA.
Iran for sure will get them into its hands, get ready to see in near future Iranian versions of it
And than also in Hezbollahs arsenal :)


This looks more like a guided mortar shell which I find way more effective than dumb mortar shell... Why fire 10 mortar shells when you can fire one with deadly precission.

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