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Those spike clones are the same or different variants?
What are you talking about? Iran copied spike missile, if you’re new here check before joining any convo...
And where did iran get their hands on israeli spikes to Begin with ? Iraq , afghanistan , places where they've never been used or did hassan nasralla like in your picture smuggle one from Lebanon to iran ?>
And where did iran get their hands on israeli spikes to Begin with ? Iraq , afghanistan , places where they've never been used or did hassan nasralla like in your picture smuggle one from Lebanon to iran ?>

Maybe Nettabalooh himself sell it to Iran for some shekel...

Ababil-3 with Iranian Spike missiles will come in extraordinarily handy for asymmetrical warfare.
Yes,small drones like the ababil 3 had long needed some sort of weapon and the spike fits the bill perfectly.Another advantage is that being rocket powered it also has excellent range and leaves the enemy little time to react even if they do manage to see it coming.It also gives the larger drones like the shahed 129 the option to carry either a mixed payload of heavy glide bombs and lighter weight spikes,ie 2 glide bombs and 4 spikes,or to carry a larger payload consisting solely of lighter spikes,ie 6-8.
It will be interesting to see if man portable or vehicle based versions are developed or whether it will remain a drone/air launched only weapon.
Another thing to ponder is whether the iranian spike will have backwards compatibility[and vice versa] with israeli spike launchers and missiles,as I do rather like the idea of hezbollah being able to use captured idf spikes in their own launchers or iranian spikes in captured idf launchers.
Theres also another interesting possibility that backwards compatibility could provide,and that is because there are a large number of other militaries currently using the spike,this could give iran a large potential market to sell its spike copies to if it can undercut the israelis in price or offer better deals.
Yes,small drones like the ababil 3 had long needed some sort of weapon and the spike fits the bill perfectly.Another advantage is that being rocket powered it also has excellent range and leaves the enemy little time to react even if they do manage to see it coming.It also gives the larger drones like the shahed 129 the option to carry either a mixed payload of heavy glide bombs and lighter weight spikes,ie 2 glide bombs and 4 spikes,or to carry a larger payload consisting solely of lighter spikes,ie 6-8.
It will be interesting to see if man portable or vehicle based versions are developed or whether it will remain a drone/air launched only weapon.
Another thing to ponder is whether the iranian spike will have backwards compatibility[and vice versa] with israeli spike launchers and missiles,as I do rather like the idea of hezbollah being able to use captured idf spikes in their own launchers or iranian spikes in captured idf launchers.
Theres also another interesting possibility that backwards compatibility could provide,and that is because there are a large number of other militaries currently using the spike,this could give iran a large potential market to sell its spike copies to if it can undercut the israelis in price or offer better deals.

this poster showed man portable launcher for spike....
Hope they did develop it
They are not Spike to begin with. They are russian coppies. unless the russian copies are isreali Spikes.


Your above comment was literally so retarded that it almost deserved a 5 mullah facepalm,but under the circumstances I thought a one putin facepalm was more appropriate.......:sarcastic:
And where did iran get their hands on israeli spikes to Begin with ? Iraq , afghanistan , places where they've never been used or did hassan nasralla like in your picture smuggle one from Lebanon to iran ?>
It was reported in the aftermath of the 2006 war that hezbollah had managed to capture at least one and possibly even 2 complete spike systems.There is a picture of part of one of these systems on display in a hezbollah war museum,tho interestingly the main control unit [CLU] for the system is absent.........make of this what you will.;)

This looks very similar to the Azarakhsh anti-armor version of the old sidewinder a2a missile that was trotted out a couple of years back,tho obviously much smaller of course.

The question is tho,is it intended for ground attack or anti-air?
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This looks very similar to the Azarakhsh anti-armor version of the old sidewinder a2a missile that was trotted out a couple of years back,tho obviously much smaller of course.

The question is tho,is it intended for ground attack or anti-air?

Karrar with Azarakhsh is amazing for hitting drones of Turkey over Idleb
According to tasmin journalists on Twitter it’s purpose is a2a with 10km range.
Designed to Protect fast attack crafts/boats of Army and IRGC against American helicopters, given that helis have huge advantage against small naval vessels.
I think that Mohajer drone will be used for that purpose.
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