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Iranian UAVs | News and Discussions

Saudi Arabia claims it shot down an Iranian Shahed-129 UAV from Yemen. However, the drone pictured has some differences with the S-129. It has 2 distinctive antennas on the underbelly not present on the S-129 and is substantially smaller than the S-129. 1/2





It is same one that Mrs 500 in Syria thread for long time was saying is S-129.
This one operate by Hezbollah, and probably provided to Yemenis by Hezbollah not Iran.
this drone does not have any official name!!!!
Its Iranian !
if its the Syrian drone then its proven that its one of Israeli Hermes variant . in Syria they mistook it for Iranian drone and for months 500 was on face saving mode trying to sell it as Iranian . it seems in Yemen the KSA army mistook its ally drone as an Iranian ones
I wonder if Iran divers have been able to recover the engine parts of the doomed global hawk..I think as we speak they must be really searching the sea floor for any piece..they may already have them just not showing....I expect (hope!) to see more of this Drone I read some where there were only two operational Global hawks..!:undecided:
I wonder if Iran divers have been able to recover the engine parts of the doomed global hawk..I think as we speak they must be really searching the sea floor for any piece..they may already have them just not showing....I expect (hope!) to see more of this Drone I read some where there were only two operational Global hawks..!:undecided:
the engine is completely burned out better look for what is in frontal part of the UAV
I wonder if Iran divers have been able to recover the engine parts of the doomed global hawk..I think as we speak they must be really searching the sea floor for any piece..they may already have them just not showing....I expect (hope!) to see more of this Drone I read some where there were only two operational Global hawks..!:undecided:

Just because you have a few damaged ones engine parts doesn’t mean you can build the engine.

Iran has had F-14 FULLY INTACT engines for over 3 decades and still can’t build one from scratch.

So what makes it possibly they could rebuild a jet engine from just a few pieces?

Considering that the drone exploded in the air, the debris field will be fairly widespread just based on the altitude. Then there is the water currents of the PG which will move the pieces further from where they hit the water. All in all, iran won’t bother using such resources to locate engine fragments.

Lastly the engine is a RR F-137 according to online sources and has a civilian version used in planes as well called AE 3007. Thus it’s not some “top secert” engine that Iran would really care about.

What was critical for Iran, was it’s defense system, radar system, and surveillance systems.
I remember a few month ago when Hazijadeh gave an interview, he said IRGC have said they're deliberately making sure their UAV look like the reverse engineered US drone. He said even though they could easily make new drones that are completely Iranian and different, the IRGC told him specifically they want to keep them to look like the US drone in order to use that as a psychological weapon. At first I was annoyed by this, but now, the more I think about it, that is one heck of a psychological move. Just imagine if you're the Americans, and you're seeing all the UAVs you lost to Iran all of a sudden being made in very large number to be used against you! :lol: Reminds me of this guy reviving the fallen soldiers for his armies:

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Iran has had F-14 FULLY INTACT engines for over 3 decades and still can’t build one from scratch.
WHAT R U SAYING are u thinking when commenting iran over 40 years use f14 without sup of usa .iran make all ports of f14 engine but bic the f14 engine is not good one and have problems dont make it iran make rd-33 engine more advanced than f14s
WHAT R U SAYING are u thinking when commenting iran over 40 years use f14 without sup of usa .iran make all ports of f14 engine but bic the f14 engine is not good one and have problems dont make it iran make rd-33 engine more advanced than f14s

This is propaganda.

Keeping an engine flying by being able to do maintenance on them and replacing some fatigued parts, is not the same as being able to serial produce the engine.

Iran is not producing RD-33 so stop spreading lies. BTW RD-33 is a 50 year old engine. So saying that RD-33 is “more advanced” than the F-110 is propaganda.

  • Maximum thrust: Dry thrust: 16,610 lbf (73.9 kN)
  • F110-GE-129: 29,500 lbf (131 kN); F110-GE-132: 32,000 lbf (142 kN)

  • Maximum thrust: 50.0 kN (11,230 lbf) Dry,
  • 81.3 kN (18,285 lbf) Afterburning.
This is propaganda.

Keeping an engine flying by being able to do maintenance on them and replacing some fatigued parts, is not the same as being able to serial produce the engine.

Iran is not producing RD-33 so stop spreading lies. BTW RD-33 is a 50 year old engine. So saying that RD-33 is “more advanced” than the F-110 is propaganda.

  • Maximum thrust: Dry thrust: 16,610 lbf (73.9 kN)
  • F110-GE-129: 29,500 lbf (131 kN); F110-GE-132: 32,000 lbf (142 kN)

  • Maximum thrust: 50.0 kN (11,230 lbf) Dry,
  • 81.3 kN (18,285 lbf) Afterburning.
well I believe F-110 is more advance than RD-33 but not for that reason ,if you want compare the power you also most consider that RD-33 is smaller and weight nearly half of F-110.
well I believe F-110 is more advance than RD-33 but not for that reason ,if you want compare the power you also most consider that RD-33 is smaller and weight nearly half of F-110.

Yes is smaller, but that is because you are comparing two different class engine. F-110 is for heavy fighter jets. RD-33 is classified for lightweight fighter jet.

Do you consider the amount of heat that is produced in the F-110 vs RD-33? The alloys needed to protect the engine from such heat?
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