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Iranian UAVs | News and Discussions

Will drones be used actively to secure border at Sist. Baluch.?
An Iranian military commander says the Islamic Republic will stage specialized drone maneuvers for the first time ever to display the country’s military might.

Reconnaissance and combat drones will take part in the drills, said Commander of the Iranian Army’s Ground Forces Brigadier General Ahmad-Reza Pourdastan on Saturday.

He added that the country has, so far, been using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) as a single unit in military exercises, “but this [Iranian calendar] year, we have decided to stage specialized drone maneuvers given the drone potentialities in the country.”

The commander emphasized that the exercises would be held to show off the military powers of the Iranian Army’s Ground Forces as well as to identify and remove potential points of weakness.

Pourdastan further noted that the country has also plans to increase the range and precision of its domestically made missiles, including the Nazeat missile.

Last November, Iran unveiled its biggest remote-controlled UAV, dubbed Fotros, to be used for reconnaissance and combat operations.

The strategic UAV has an operational radius of up to 2,000 kilometers, an operational altitude of 25,000 feet and flight endurance of up to 30 hours. It also has the potential to carry out combat operations once armed with air-to-surface missiles and other types of rockets.

Iran unveiled its first domestically manufactured long-range combat drone, the Karrar (Striker), on August 23, 2010. It reportedly has an operational radius of 1,000 kilometers (620 miles) and can carry two 115-kilogram bombs or precision-guided munitions weighing 227 kilograms.

The first Iranian medium-altitude long-endurance UAV, the Shahed-129 (Witness-129), was unveiled in September 2012, which is capable of carrying out combat and reconnaissance missions for 24 hours.

Tehran has repeatedly assured other nations that its military might poses no threat to other countries since the Islamic Republic’s defense doctrine is entirely based on deterrence.

SF/NN/HRB PressTV - Iran to stage specialized drone drill: Commander


Iranian Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicles (UCAV) :

1- Fotros :


2- Shahed 129 :




To sum it up , Yeah !!! we are that cool :D

even our drones have drills ;)
You had one drone named "Mrityudoot" What happened to that??

Now dont tell me that you didnt have that drone with this name to begin with.
You had one drone named "Mrityudoot" What happened to that??

Now dont tell me that you didnt have that drone with this name to begin with.
exactly , lol :lol:

we have no drone under such name ...

BTW , iran builds 21 different drones , 7 of which (including prototypes) are UCAVs
exactly , lol :lol:

we have no drone under such name ...
Ok i will wearch for it.But i clearly remember an Indian news channel showing this thing.It had range of 1000 km and could carry two missiles.Mr. Ahmadinejad was your president.
At that time i didnt have any knowledge of weapons and i became a great fan of Iran after reading taht news :partay:
Ok i will wearch for it.But i clearly remember an Indian news channel showing this thing.It had range of 1000 km and could carry two missiles.Mr. Ahmadinejad was your president.
At that time i didnt have any knowledge of weapons and i became a great fan of Iran after reading taht news :partay:
Ahah !!

you're talking about karar :D yeah thats true :

Karrar (Persian: کرار‎ karrār, "striker",[2] nickname of Ali, Cousin and Son-in-Law of Muhammad, the Fourth and Last of theRashidun of the Sunni, and the first Imam of the Shi'a,[3]) is an unmanned combat air vehicle produced for the military of Iran. According to reports, the UCAV can bomb targets at high speed.[3] It is the first long-range unmanned aerial dronemanufactured in Iran.[4]

The long-range drone was unveiled on August 23, 2010 - one day after the activation of the nuclear reactor in Bushehr. Television footage showed the president of IranMahmoud Ahmadinejad applauding as a blue cloth was pulled back to reveal a short aircraft, painted in military-green with the words Bomber jet on its side. The ceremony was held in a hall of Tehran'sMalek Ashtar University.[3] Later, the President Ahmadinejad stated, "This jet is a messenger of honour and human generosity and a saviour of mankind, before being a messenger of death for enemies of mankind."[5]

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Nice drone program, I think it's very critical to move to unmanned drone warfare in the Middle Eastern region because that's how future warfare will be based. Now you need to catch up with Israel in this field and export some technology to allies in the region. :D

I asked General Solomieni for a couple gifts and he denied me, I just got off the phone with him. :undecided::P
Nice drone program
Tnx bro :)

Now you need to catch up with Israel in this field
Already done ;) Israel produces some heron and hermes crap which has already been hacked into by iran ;)
Iran Hacks Azerbaijan’s Israeli-Made Drone Fleet Tikun-Olam Tikun Olam-תיקון עולם

I asked General Solomieni for a couple gifts and he denied me
He is a normal guy , not a millionaire :D it depends what was your demand ? :D

I just got off the phone with him
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