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Iranian UAVs | News and Discussions

Can't answer some of these questions because no one really knows, and it's not discussed publicly. We can only go by open source stuff, which is limited. They don't make spec sheets or infographics, most infographics you see are fan made and unofficial.
Looks good, but what sort of datalink capability is on this thing? How far can you transmit this video feed? Can you target update based on that?
Never mentioned any details on it. Although I'd imagine probably somewhere under 200km I think the mini-jet engine version of the Shahed 131/136 would probably have the optics installed, because it's range is reduced alot. To me no point in putting optics on a UAS that can travel theater distances but can only transmit data below 200 or 150 km.
Can different 136s communicate with each other? Can the one with the camera update the target information of the ones that do not, together acting like a swarm?

Good question. I don't know. The only thing I can recall is from Russian telegram channels that have said, other UAVs like Mohajer-6 that is in their possession can update target coordinates mid-flight. Since most uses of Shahed-136/Geran are to replace CMs for long distance attacks deep in opponent airspace, can't communicate from that kind of range.
The camera necessitates a lot of other features to fully exploit the potential of the system. How many of those are in place?
Never mentioned this either, nor do we actually have a clear image of the UAS or the optics, just a 2 second part of the video that shows it being launched from under a pickup truck. You have to also consider their are some op-sec issues and multiple intel agencies always have eyes on Iran, so they may not want to reveal anything that could give their opponent a better understanding of the systems strength and weakness.

Just in the documentary I saw, they finally showed the seeker of the 358 SAM that proxies in the region use to down UAVs. Maybe they shouldn't have shown that, maybe it's fine, but this is after 7 years it was first seen in Yemen, so I reckon we won't know details for a while on many things.
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Can't answer some of these questions because no one really knows, and it's not discussed publicly. We can only go by open source stuff, which is limited. They don't make spec sheets or infographics, most infographics you see are fan made and unofficial.

Never mentioned any details on it. Although I'd imagine probably somewhere under 200km I think the mini-jet engine version of the Shahed 131/136 would probably have the optics installed, because it's range is reduced alot. To me no point in putting optics on a UAS that can travel theater distances but can only transmit data below 200 or 150 km.

Good question. I don't know. The only thing I can recall is from Russian telegram channels that have said, other UAVs like Mohajer-6 that is in their possession can update target coordinates mid-flight. Since most uses of Shahed-136/Geran are to replace CMs for long distance attacks deep in opponent airspace, can't communicate from that kind of range.

Never mentioned this either, nor do we actually have a clear image of the UAS or the optics, just a 2 second part of the video that shows it being launched from under a pickup truck. You have to also consider their are some op-sec issues and multiple intel agencies always have eyes on Iran, so they may not want to reveal anything that could give their opponent a better understanding of the systems strength and weakness.

Just in the documentary I saw, they finally showed the seeker of the 358 SAM that proxies in the region use to down UAVs. Maybe they shouldn't have shown that, maybe it's fine, but this is after 7 years it was first seen in Yemen, so I reckon we won't know details for a while on many things.
You have to appreciate the stark contrast between the two countries considering just how ridiculously open Turkey is, we're making a 5. Gen. Fighter jet and everything is public, not just what it is now but also how it will be in 5 and 10 years in the future, but when you're looking at Iran, everything is secret.

Your estimates seem fair but for all we know there isn't ability to transmit video at all and we just watched something that got recorded in an SD card and retreived later lol.
You have to appreciate the stark contrast between the two countries considering just how ridiculously open Turkey is, we're making a 5. Gen. Fighter jet and everything is public, not just what it is now but also how it will be in 5 and 10 years in the future, but when you're looking at Iran, everything is secret.
Definitely very stark.

It's a function of foreign policy and the rivals/enemies that are created by them. I would argue that if US & Israel was your enemy, the military would be much more quiet about developments. For example they probably would have kept the Kizilelma secret until it was complete, and probably not mention much about its internals. Certainly no peak into the future plans or further development of the platforms capabilities.

The reason for this secrecy is cause every time we do something like test a piece of equipment or launch a satellite, a 1000 media outlets say we are dangerous and are provoking the world.

Your estimates seem fair but for all we know there isn't ability to transmit video at all and we just watched something that got recorded in an SD card and retreived later lol.
It's a suicide drone so I don't see how an SD card would be viable. That's just a screenshot i took. It's short video of it honing onto a target before the feed gets cut off on impact.

I don't really know how to respond to this. It's baffling to me that you think Iran can't do a simple datalink connection despite already having systems that require it.


32,000ft, around 700km/h. Might be Shahed-129, or Shahed-149 "Gaza". I think it can be the Gaza one. Should be able to keep an eye on Al-Udied AB and the 5th fleet HQ in Bahrain.
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It's a suicide drone so I don't see how an SD card would be viable.
I guess it would be just to test the camera during flight, lol. We haven't the slightest clue of what stage of development this thing currently is, if it will receive a new designation like Shahed 136-B or whatever

We don't know whether it's in prototype stage or already in mass production for 6 months :cheesy:

Just to clarify, I don't think it's from an SD card, I was just pointing out the absurdity of the lack of information we have to go with.

32,000ft, around 700km/h. Might be Shahed-129, or Shahed-149 "Gaza". I think it can be the Gaza one. Should be able to keep an eye on Al-Udied AB and the 5th fleet HQ in Bahrain.
700 km/h is quite fast. probably too fast for either 129 or 149, likely a manned aircraft.
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Just to clarify, I don't think it's from an SD card, I was just pointing out the absurdity of the lack of information we have to go with.
Get used to it lol but i understand its purpose. You'd have to put things together and assume theirs a decent chance it exists. So if you see two different technologies on two different platforms, you can probably assume, theirs a platform that mixes them both. Like you have a UCAV, with optics and data-link, and you have a guided but not man-in-the-loop UAS. why not just mix them together. It's probably been around for sometime, but it doesn't look like they gave them to the Russians, perhaps their are not large quantities of them yet for them to feel comfortable giving some.

700 km/h is quite fast. probably too fast for either 129 or 149, likely a manned aircraft.
Probably, or the data on the flight tracker is wrong. I don't recall any manned aircraft they would use for the recon job though.

I guess this cements the point that Iran and Russia are undoubtedly partners in military matters. Much closer now than two or three years ago.

Iran gets Rockets and Space assistance (massive win) and Russia gets access to indigenous Iranian drone capabilities, infrastructure and knowledge.

It’s a game-changing dynamic.

I’m assuming this clip is implying that an Iran received assistance with Space related issues. But any assistance gained surely is worth it.
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Probably, or the data on the flight tracker is wrong. I don't recall any manned aircraft they would use for the recon job though.
Are you kidding me? Iran doesn't have RF-4Es?

That's what Turkish Air Force used before we retired them.
Shahed-191 production line (I think)
View attachment 1003399

Shahed 131/136 Production line

View attachment 1003405

Some kind of cold press mould design for the airframe of a Shahed-191

View attachment 1003411

Same design process for the Shahed-171

View attachment 1003417

Engine test for Shahed-191

View attachment 1003451
this is what indigenous really looks like not copying from West who give u blue prints and proclaiming its the next generation.
This is a bit of an odd one...
Get used to it lol but i understand its purpose. You'd have to put things together and assume theirs a decent chance it exists. So if you see two different technologies on two different platforms, you can probably assume, theirs a platform that mixes them both. Like you have a UCAV, with optics and data-link, and you have a guided but not man-in-the-loop UAS. why not just mix them together. It's probably been around for sometime, but it doesn't look like they gave them to the Russians, perhaps their are not large quantities of them yet for them to feel comfortable giving some.

Probably, or the data on the flight tracker is wrong. I don't recall any manned aircraft they would use for the recon job though.
Perhaps I misunderstand, but Iran used recon RF-4E’s extensively during the Sacred Defense.
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