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Iranian UAVs | News and Discussions

Holy shit, you are literally now arguing for just the sake of arguing, nothing more.

I didn't choose the C-901, it was merely an example of how easily one can find drones of similar roles if they use Google. You're the one who's stuck on using this example over and over again.

The Chinese drone is like better due to it have better tech involved; computational power is quite relevant when it comes to drones. It may lack in range, but that's about it, and that can be easily fixed.

This isn't speculation, we know this because China has far more reliable technology than Iran does.

As for the f15/f35 example, you're the one making the argument that range is the most important parameter, not me. So you asking me "in what way" doesn't even make sense here, because this is literally your argument.

You haven't backed anything, you merely made a statement, nothing more.

As for RCS, it doesn't matter. On the Iranian section, the readers are gonna support the shahed 100% regardless of if indisputable evidence is provided. That has always been my experience in the Iranian section.

You don't think your friend Justin Trudeau is shaming us in the world and why are you adding to it with your stupidity? Remove the Canadian flag from your profile, you're making us look like idiots.
I am sure people were about Russia purchasing them as well, until we saw them flying in Ukraine.

That may be closest UAV they have to shahed-136, but that does not mean it is on par with it. Harpy's range for example is only around 600km.

As for their ADN-301/ JWS-01, those are a minuscule in terms of range compared to the Shahed:

"It can be launched from a truck and used to attack the radar system to blind the enemy's "eyes". The aircraft has a length of 2.5 meters, a wingspan of 2.2 meters, a maximum flight speed of 220 kilometers per hour, a endurance of 4 hours, and a range of up to 280 kilometers."

It is borderline satirical to try and compare these to something like a shahed-136 which has a range more than most long range cruise missiles. There are other factors as well, such as Shahed being made from RCS reducing materials. I have mentioned plenty of other reasons previously in this thread as to why the Chinese would go for Shahed-136, including reasons why they would frankly be fools if they did not want to get their hands on this battle tested system.

Apples and oranges. Those UAVs are of a completely different class and mission profile. It would be like saying Russians have the Okhotnik heavy strike UAV and thus surely do not need to import a simpler UAV like Shahed-136.



Is it a fairytale because you have evidence that is false or because you don't want to believe it?
for someone whose name is philosopher you don't even know the logic fallacy test. Its not someones job to provide it doesn't exist e.g. not my job to prove there are no purple cows in the centre of the sun, its your job to prove it does exist or in this case, the purchase was made and drones are being sold. Show me where the chinese paid for the drones? show me where the drones are in the chinese military? Exactly, you should maybe consider changing your name to day-dreamer instead. Cheers
The Russians also can, but they are still importing Iranian Shahed-136, arent they?
You realise the Russians are at war and are probably importing weapons and ammo from North Korea too right?

Russia is not exactly a good or even viable example in any sense

Have Chinese UAVs proven to be more reliable than Iranian UAVs?
Proven, tested and well known by everyone.

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for someone whose name is philosopher you don't even know the logic fallacy test. Its not someones job to provide it doesn't exist e.g. not my job to prove there are no purple cows in the centre of the sun, its your job to prove it does exist or in this case, the purchase was made and drones are being sold. Show me where the chinese paid for the drones? show me where the drones are in the chinese military? Exactly, you should maybe consider changing your name to day-dreamer instead. Cheers

It's probably best you don't talk about logic if this is the best rationalisation you can muster. You claimed the news is "fairytale" meaning you're claiming it is fake hence why I asked you for proof and instead of doing so you repy with this mumbo jumo. It is actually simple for this story to be disproven, two ways actually. 1) Iran denies the story, 2) China denies it. So far some Iranian military official have stated this possible sale and nothing from China. We will wait and see what happens. I am not claiming this deal has been confirmed, only that I see no reason why the Chinese would not go for it.

You appear to be quite emotional over this news. I suggest you don't engage in these discussion if its too much for you to handle emotionally.
It's probably best you don't talk about logic if this is the best rationalisation you can muster. You claimed the news is "fairytale" meaning you're claiming it is fake hence why I asked you for proof and instead of doing so you repy with this mumbo jumo. It is actually simple for this story to be disproven, two ways actually. 1) Iran denies the story, 2) China denies it. So far some Iranian military official have stated this possible sale and nothing from China. We will wait and see what happens. I am not claiming this deal has been confirmed, only that I see no reason why the Chinese would not go for it.

You appear to be quite emotional over this news. I suggest you don't engage in these discussion if its too much for you to handle emotionally.
You got destroyed by logic fallacy test and have no proof or evidence. You were asking people to literally prove things like a purple hippo lives on neptune 500km below the surface or if God takes showers in a black hole. You prove your assertions not ask people to prove them wrong, be thankful you got educated so you stop looking like a fool for years onwards. Therefore, prove your assertions that this happened e.g. photos of the drones in China or China paying for the drones, or keep looking like a one of those delusional morons. If you enjoy being delusional then normal people like me just don't have time to even talk with people with no sense of reality. Enjoy your free lesson for the day, and no I don't talk with delusional people its a waste of my time. Cheers bye.
You realise the Russians are at war and are probably importing weapons and ammo from North Korea too right?

Why are they not importing Chinese UAVs then?

Russia is not exactly a good or even viable example in any sense

Actually they're a very good example, they're more advanced than China in most military sectors and if they will choose to import the Shahed-136, I don't see why China wont.

Moreover, the shahed was sold to the Russian before the war began.

Proven, tested and well known by everyone.

Sure, they are:

Faults in Chinese-made Unmanned Aerial Systems damaging Pakistan's military capability

Operational Failure: The CH-4B’s Short-Lived Career In Jordan​

BIG SETBACK: China’s Very-Own Version Of US Predator Drones ‘Falling Apart’ In Global Sales & Reputation?

There's probably a hundred articles like these around.
Why are they not importing Chinese UAVs then?
Are you like retarded? China doesn't sell Russia weapons for the war so they don't get sanctioned by the West as China makes trillions selling crap to the West. China doesn't support the war one way or the other. I see we have gone to the dark and delusional zone with you now...

Why are they not importing Chinese UAVs then?

Actually they're a very good example, they're more advanced than China in most military sectors and if they will choose to import the Shahed-136, I don't see why China wont.

Moreover, the shahed was sold to the Russian before the war began.

Sure, they are:

Faults in Chinese-made Unmanned Aerial Systems damaging Pakistan's military capability

Operational Failure: The CH-4B’s Short-Lived Career In Jordan​

BIG SETBACK: China’s Very-Own Version Of US Predator Drones ‘Falling Apart’ In Global Sales & Reputation?

There's probably a hundred articles like these around.
Why China is one of the largest if not soon to be largest advanced UAV sellers in the world then?\

You have gone off the deep end son, facts and figures don't lie, but a delusional person like you does so enjoy being delusional kiddo. We normal people have other things to do.
You got destroyed by logic fallacy test and have no proof or evidence.

My evidence is the fact this news was mentioned by an Iranian official. I see no reason why he would make up such a story, especially when China would easily deny it if it's not true.

The question is, what is your proof it is a fairytale? Your own imagination?

You were asking people to literally prove things like a purple hippo lives on neptune 500km below the surface or if God takes showers in a black hole.

I have already explained to you how you can easily disprove the news.

You prove your assertions not ask people to prove them wrong,

Your assertion = claiming this news is a fairytale.
Try Applying your comment to yourself.

be thankful you got educated so you stop looking like a fool for years onwards.

Frankly, the only thing you're achieving is making yourself look emotional and irrational.

Therefore, prove your assertions that this happened e.g. photos of the drones in China

What assertions? I take it reading carefully is not your forte? I did not say this news was confirmed.

or China paying for the drones,

How would anyone here have access to this proof?

or keep looking like a one of those delusional morons. If you enjoy being delusional then normal people like me just don't have time to even talk with people with no sense of reality.

You're overheating a little, calm your emotions down.

Are you like retarded?

Resorting to insults= sign of desperation.

China doesn't sell Russia weapons for the war so they don't get sanctioned by the West as China makes trillions selling crap to the West.

Sure, keep telling yourself that. How much did you sell to them before the war started? Has Russia actually ever purchased anything from China?

Why China is one of the largest if not soon to be largest advanced UAV sellers in the world then?\

You have gone off the deep end son, facts and figures don't lie, but a delusional person like you does so enjoy being delusional kiddo. We normal people have other things to do.

You mentioned about reliability and I posted multiple articles highlighting the unreliability of their UAVs.
Don't cry to me just because you don't like the facts on the ground.

There is one main reasons people may buy Chinese hardware: because they're cheap. But as we all know, the reputation of Chinese products is that the quality matches their low price.

Chinese UCAVs remain popular, but buyer beware!​

I like our Chinese friends, but lets not get carried away with these claims regarding the reliability and quality.of their hardware. They are certainly improving however.
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You're not even making sense at this point. I asked for a specific example to back your assertion and you posted some random loitering UAV. The point here is that UAV you posted is in no shape or form matching the description of your claim.


You're arguing in a circle. You're assuming it is more advance in those departments without any actual proof of this.

Have Chinese UAVs proven to be more reliable than Iranian UAVs?

You're creating a strawman argument. I never said it is the most important. But it certainly is a very imporant parameter.

That's irrlevent.

You can't ask a vague question like "which is better" without specifying further. Better in what sense?
Moroever, I'll give you a counterfactual example, suppose the F-35 has more range than the F-15, then your question would have been moot. Well not only does Shahed-136 have more range, but it is also of low RCS. Which Chinse loiering UAV can mach this capability?

Yes, that's one form of backing.

Your comments are getting sillier by the second.

No, they can use common sense. The reason they're "laughing" at you is because you're coming across as someone who does not even realise the absurdity of the claims they're making.
A random twitter account isn't backing anything.

I gave you what you want. Instead of arguing the point, you attack the examples. That is your problem.

I did not create a strawman, I am literally reiterating your point. You were the one to highlight the range of the shahed and ignored the other parameters.

As for the Chinese having better tech and being more reliable, we can see the tech from their battlefield successes. While the Shahed did do well in the beginning, it was mainly due to surprise and the lack of air defenses on Ukraine's part. Meanwhile Chinese drones and tech have been used in multiple battle fields to great success. In fact, the Russians rely more on Chinese drone tech than they do Iranian, once again we know this due to Russian sources.

Anyway, I can't debate this further, something important has come up. I'll probably be offline for a day or so.
A random twitter account isn't backing anything.

It's analysis. If you disagree with his assessment, then lets see your counter arguments.

I gave you what you want. Instead of arguing the point, you attack the examples. That is your problem.

So you're saying the UAV you posted you think is better/more capable than Shahed-136?

I did not create a strawman, I am literally reiterating your point. You were the one to highlight the range of the shahed and ignored the other parameters.
You said:

"you're the one making the argument that range is the most important parameter"

And I never made that claim. That is by definion a strawman arguement,

As for the Chinese having better tech and being more reliable, we can see the tech from their battlefield successes.

Which successes are you reffering to? Post specific examples so then we can analyse them in more detail.

While the Shahed did do well in the beginning, it was mainly due to surprise and the lack of air defenses on Ukraine's part.

It is still doing well. Feel free to visit the Shahed-136 thread.

Meanwhile Chinese drones and tech have been used in multiple battle fields to great success.

As with above, can you post specific examples.

In fact, the Russians rely more on Chinese drone tech than they do Iranian, once again we know this due to Russian sources.

Care to share these so called sources? I don't see any Chinese UAVs being used by the Russians in Ukraine. Meanwhile Iranian Shahed-136 is stealing the show.
You don't think your friend Justin Trudeau is shaming us in the world and why are you adding to it with your stupidity? Remove the Canadian flag from your profile, you're making us look like idiots.
Nah, you singlehandedly are shaming your entire nation. They get rid of you, their reputation goes up 100000000%.

I came back from doing something important just to dunk on you.

You should feel honored.
It would be like saying Russians have the Okhotnik heavy strike UAV and thus surely do not need to import a simpler UAV like Shahed-136.
It doesn't matter how advanced your weapon is
What matters is that have you mass produced that weapon?
Similar is the case with Russian Okhotnik UAV
It was never mass produced/operationalized.
Only two prototypes were built.
Fact is that it is still in development phase.

Similar is the case with their Orion series UAVs


These birds are produced no more than 50 in number.
Story is similar for many other Russian weapons like supersonic cruise missiles,Su-57,etc.
This is their hypersonic Zircon missile

Its production began very recently in August 2022 so these are not really available in numbers

The truth is that Russians are way behind in mass production of their military hardware except Artillery systems i guess.
Their whole invasion involves only Artillery and imported UAVs.Missiles, Air Force and Naval Forces have seen Little involvement in war.

These UAVs are extremely important and will be play a great role in the future of anti infantry warfare.
Miniaturisation of UAVs is a very important development and Iran must pursue this rigorously. Swarming the battlefield with 1000's of micro UAVs that will pursue individual soldiers/combatants will be one of those areas that if a nation falls behind in, they will suffer the consequences greatly.

Nice short film on the matter:

Also a nice documentary on the future of UAV warfare. It is western so as usual it has a underlying tone of anti-Iran/Russia.

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