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Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenai Removes Gen. Mohammed Ali Jafari Who Threatened Pakistan

:pakistan: Pakistan playing its cards nicely.. Iran needs our support ..

We both need each other, for Pakistan we can not afford to open another front, and Iran lacks true friends, Pakistan can provide them safety on at least side of their border , and once the sanctions on them are lifted they can surely take Advantage from Pakistan's experience in Aviation industry and also training and logistics .

I hope that if someone in Iranian side has played a part in this Omara Attack will get sacked and punished as a good will gesture , and Also Pakistan Lunch a massive operation in Baluchistan and destroy all kinds of scums from our soil .
WTF, why Pakistani PM is visiting a terrorist state at all.

They're not a terrorist state but a state that looks for its benefit wherever. Also, both Pak and Iran need to build mutual relations since they share a border and stability within the region lies in both countries cooperating with each other
Hindjew coming out of the woodwork.

-_- you really need to think before you talk. Look through my posts and you will see my stance with regards to Pakistan. And don't comment about people who you don't know about. Please go do some research because frankly speaking, I don't have time to respond to idiots especially those uneducated in matter of foreign politics.
:pakistan: Pakistan playing its cards nicely.. Iran needs our support ..

For those who are jumping up and down wait for a day or two when another madrasa graduate ethno fascist General gonna replace him. Irgc is rampant with these blue eyed Aryans who consider us lesser humans and an obstruction in the way of establishing direct land route with Indian
Executing terrorism in Pakistan makes them terrorist state and clearly Pakistani PM is looking more to please his in laws rather than looking after interests of state.

By that logic, Pak should not maintain relations with India, Afghanistan, Iran leaving Pakitan with just one secure border with China.
They will never be out true friends. Sad reality but those who think Iran and Pakistan will be allies are dellusional. They have always favoured India over Pak since money rules everything in that part of the world.
iran is a narcissist nation and they want their sectarian dominance in the islamic world they will never be our friends stupid pakistanis should nutthgging them
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