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Iranian sea skimming cruise missiles upgraded


Jan 5, 2020
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
United Kingdom
Iran's arsenal of sea skimming cruise missiles have been upgraded with new seekers and stronger warheads. The over the horizon, active radar (fire and forget) guided seeker increase the precision of the missile and also allow them to fly closer to the sea surface. Other improvement are in the area of electronic warfare resistance.




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New generation supersonic systems are also on the way. It appears Iran is working on multiple projects in the supersonic AshM field. Some will utilize the ramjet method, others will use the turbofan (with solid field), allowing for a longer range anti ship systems.
New generation supersonic systems are also on the way. It appears Iran is working on multiple projects in the supersonic AshM field. Some will utilize the ramjet method, others will use the turbofan (with solid field), allowing for a longer range anti ship systems.

It will be interesting to see what timeframe they are looking at for this
It will be interesting to see what timeframe they are looking at for this

Iran has been working on Supersonic AshM for many years now. The commander of the navy said in the near future we will see them in production. I say in the next 1-2 years. These low flying systems will greatly compliment the current Iranian Anti Ship ballistic missiles.
Such a shame we do not have a larger picture. However you can see a small mockup of one of the Iranian Supersonic systems here:

It is with new information, I added information regarding new upcoming systems. It is a separate thread. However he is referring to this thread I posted below. If you notice, he derailed it due to his trolling. This is not the first time he is trolling in Iranian threads. I have noticed that he appears to deliberately start flame wars. Here in this thread he comes in with his "repainted C-802" comment to once again cause flambait.


Ah ok I see no worries. I'll make sure it's not detailed.
It's a new thread I believe.

The content and pictures of both threads are exactly the same. No need spamming this section with duplicates of Iranian paint job bragging.

Btw @Philosopher, I am not trolling. You need to ask yourself, are small incremental improvements in reverse-engineered products worth to talk about? Iran claims to have made incremental improvements in its weaponry every other day. Imagine the flooding of threads if they all were posted.

I am a fan of your ballistic missiles, which are authentic new weapons transforming the battlefield and Iran's position in the region. Let's talk about that kind of news, not these slightly improved knock-off products of Chinese missiles.
The content and pictures of both threads are exactly the same. No need spamming this section with duplicates of Iranian paint job bragging.

That thread was taken off track, by yourself no less. I created this thread to allow for more constructive comment and here you are again with your "pain job" comments to try and inflame. If you're not trying to inflame, then refrain from such comments.

Btw @Philosopher, I am not trolling. You need to ask yourself, are small incremental improvements in reverse-engineered products worth to talk about?

When you call a system that uses a completely different engine, seeker, warhead, etc a "repainted" C-802, then then do you truly not realise you're coming across as a troll? Or Shall I assume you're simply plainly unaware and in genuine need for being informed?

Iran claims to have made incremental improvements in its weaponry every other day. Imagine the flooding of threads if they all were posted.
My friend,

Did you check the title of this thread? I posted information regarding next generation systems coming online, i.e supersonic systems. Furthermore, these improvement you see were significant enough to warrant a thread, as were the context in which they were shown in. You are in a defence forum, every little improvement is important for members to know. If you are no interested, then you are not obliged to enter these threads.

Let's talk about that kind of news, not these slightly improved knock-off products of Chinese missiles.

Perhaps instead of making accusation such as "knock-off", come into these threads with a more positive mindset and ask members to inform you. Iran once upon a time imported some Chinese missiles, today those missiles may in some cases share shells, but everything else is different. If you disagree, then post your analysis for me to see.
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over the horizon radar as seeker? It is anti ship missile and not a cruise missile, cruise missile can not skim over the sea:-). a improved anti ship missile ok....

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