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Iranian Navy Commander Urges Iran-India Closer Maritime Ties

Thank you very much for your gracious invitation. The fact is that I had friends from Iran much before I even went there. They were fellow students in India, in college. One of them even introduced me to the beauty of Indian Classical Music !
Great friends. Of course some of them were very active in the movement against the Shah, but that is in the past now. Tell me: is there a Deigosha Avenue in Teheran ? I never had a chance to visit Teheran, only the port cities.

I had a chance to travel most of the world, the people of Iran were the friendliest that I met. I am not talking about City dwellers who speak English and interact with tourists or something like that. I am talking about simple people living in modest houses on the outskirts of town called Khorramshahr on the Shatt al Arab river, people who could not speak a word of any language but Farsi, and the way they responded to a young Indian youth visiting in their country.

wow cool people Iranians :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:

Iran-India Closer Maritime Ties .
as i been tell you .

closer Maritime Ties look at word Ties NOT cooperation or coordination he used word Ties which is code for signing agreement and close security operation .

so basically it means Iran and India getting closer militarily .which .............................
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Thank you very much for your gracious invitation. The fact is that I had friends from Iran much before I even went there. They were fellow students in India, in college. One of them even introduced me to the beauty of Indian Classical Music !
Great friends. Of course some of them were very active in the movement against the Shah, but that is in the past now. Tell me: is there a Deigosha Avenue in Teheran ? I never had a chance to visit Teheran, only the port cities.

I had a chance to travel most of the world, the people of Iran were the friendliest that I met. I am not talking about City dwellers who speak English and interact with tourists or something like that. I am talking about simple people living in modest houses on the outskirts of town called Khorramshahr on the Shatt al Arab river, people who could not speak a word of any language but Farsi, and the way they responded to a young Indian youth visiting in their country.
If you mean "Delgosha Garden" it's in Shiraz mate.
Tasnim News Agency - Navy Commander Urges Iran-India Closer Maritime Ties

Iranian Navy Commander Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari called for stronger relations between Tehran and New Delhi in maritime fields.Speaking to reporters on the sidelines of a meeting with a top-ranking military delegation from India’s University of Strategic Sciences, Sayyari said Iran and India, as two influential countries in the region, can develop broad maritime relations with each other.

Sayyari expressed the hope that Iran and India would promote their relations in a way to end trans-regional countries’ presence for safeguarding security in the northern part of Indian Ocean.He then said northern part of Indian Ocean is one of the strategic trade areas of the world due to the existence of energy routes.

Elsewhere, Sayyari announced that the country will host navies from 45 world countries since it has received the official membership of a conference of navy commanders of Indian Ocean littoral countries in 2018, IRNA reported.
Earlier this month, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi had expressed his country’s enthusiasm for establishing a new era of relations with Iran.

In a meeting with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif in New Delhi, Modi said he has prepared all Indian officials for a new round of relations with Iran.The Indian premier said he was impressed by the Iranian President Hassan Rouhani’s “positive and constructive” stances in a July summit in the Russian city of Ufa.

Modi said he has felt President Rouhani’s seriousness on the enhancement of Iran-India relations.The Indian prime minister also called for the immediate establishment of a joint commission for the expansion of bilateral relations.

It seems both nations are boosting their ties in every field
as i been telling you .

to all Indian friends . as Iranians stated we Iranians have made mistake and admit that we have made mistake so we hope our Indian friends forgive us for our past mistakes .

but we need to look to the future .
I ask all the Indian members here please please judge it by our future actions . the past wars between India and Pakistan have past and gone and mistake are been made by Iran in past and it cannot be returned .
what our Indian friends and Indian members here need to look at is the future wars which may happen between India and whom ever .

I ask to all our Indian friends and Indian members here
what do you think is going to happen in future wars ??
you think we Iranians will make same mistake ??

all i can add is look at Syria or Iraq or Yemen or lebanon .Iran is standing in one side and US and their alias . and see how much iran is prepared to stick his neck out for its friends

Iran-India Closer Maritime Ties .
as i been tell you .

closer Maritime Ties look at word Ties NOT cooperation or coordination he used word Ties which is code for signing agreement and close security operation .

so basically it means Iran and India getting closer militarily .which .............................
PressTV-Indian warships dock at Iranian port


An Indian navy fleet has docked at the southern Iranian port city of Bandar Abbas, as the two countries work to boost friendly maritime relations.

The fleet, comprising the INS Beas (F37) and INS Betwa (F39) frigates, arrived in Bandar Abbas, the capital of Hormozgan Province, on Friday for a four-day stay.


Admiral Amir Hossein Azad, the commander of Iran’s First Naval Zone, said the Indian warship is visiting Iran to promote peace and security in the region and improve Tehran-New Delhi ties in security and economic fields.

He added that Iran and India play a leading role in regional peace and security and said, “The world now believes that Iran is the axis of stability and security in the region.”

During their stay in Iran, the Indian naval personnel on board the warships are scheduled to hold joint exercises with Iran’s Navy, hold talks with Iranian Navy commanders and local officials and visit historical and cultural sites of Hormozgan.

Iran-India joint military naval exercise

تمرین مشترک نظامی ارتش ایران و هند در آبهای خلیج فارس و هند

فرمانده منطقه یکم نیروی دریایی ارتش جمهوری اسلامی ایران در بندرعباس با اشاره به ورود ناوگروه کشور هندوستان به بندرعباس از برگزاری تمرین مشترک نظامی در خلیج فارس و اقیانوس هند طی روزهای آینده خبرداد

خبرگزاری بین المللی تسنیم - تمرین مشترک نظامی ارتش ایران و هند در آبهای خلیج فارس و هند
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yes my friend there is. it is in Darakeh neighborhood. and it is Del Ghosha meaning Heart cheering or somthing in that manner:

Google Maps

Thank you so much; dear friend. So "Del" is heart.... like we say in India "Dil" for heart !
Btw, I saw some one use the word "Dadash" here, what does it mean in Farsi ?
Thank you so much; dear friend. So "Del" is heart.... like we say in India "Dil" for heart !
Btw, I saw some one use the word "Dadash" here, what does it mean in Farsi ?
It is a casual word for brother. And yes Del means heart
That is interesting also. In some Indian languages "Dada" is an affectionate, yet respectful word to address an older brother. :)
There are many similarities between Persian and Punjabi. For example we call 5, Panj. I think you have a very close name for the number.
There are many similarities between Persian and Punjabi. For example we call 5, Panj. I think you have a very close name for the number.

We say exactly the same in some of our N.Indian languages, while in C.India it becomes 'Paanch'. :)

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