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Iranian military engine development news and updates

The fact that the engine development is now being given to MAPNA tells me we are going to see serious production aimed development..

This sentence from the above report is significant:

"The CEO of the Civil Aviation Organization further noted that Iranian energy and infrastructure conglomerate MAPNA has embarked on a project to manufacture aircraft engines."

MANPA experts have likely been involved from the start or shortly thereafter. Iran trying to build engines would likely pull experts from 100+ companies and universities.

This ‘news’ is irrelevant and redundant.
MANPA experts have likely been involved from the start or shortly thereafter. Iran trying to build engines would likely pull experts from 100+ companies and universities.

This ‘news’ is irrelevant and redundant.

Sure part of MAPNA was involved from the beginning and also lots of iranian experts of different disciplines.

But for me the news is not irrelevant. For me the news says that they reach a point in research and development where now all is there to build the engine.
For me the news says that they reach a point in research and development where now all is there to build the engine.

Engines have already been built. It doesn’t take 10+ years to get to prototype.

There was a user a few years ago on here (long gone) with connections who overheard details about the project. Wether true or not, he provided some details.

Reportedly there are multiple prototypes of various designs built. Several different teams working on a national engine project. The issue they all had (at least until a few years ago) was developing a design that can go X amount of hours before overhaul. Some engines broke down quickly, some went longer, some didn’t even work consistently, etc.

It seems Iran was struggling with building an engine that could hit that sufficient threshold of hours before overhaul. We saw the Chinese also struggle mightly with this aspect as well when they were on their own development path. After all, what is the point of building AL-31 class engine if it can only go 40 hours before overhaul or 100 hours (example).

However, the user said there was promise in one design where a breakthrough was close to happening.

If you ask me today where Iran is at, I would say that they are close to building a 1st Gen medium class engine. I believe the first Gen will not have amazing hours before overhaul stats, but will be sufficient to begin design on a medium class fighter jet. With Russian assistance in the field of engines, I believe we can see the project accelerate faster.

I still believe we will see an Iranian fighter jet (non F-5 class) before 2030 unveiled and ready. I have stuck to this timeline for last 10 years or so.
Absolute bare minimum for flight hours before overhaul is 120 flight hours.
Something that can be relied upon somewhat is at 182 hours.
When it is 365 hours then there can be confidence in it.

Having separate national engine projects is wasteful of time and resources considering when all three or more projects total is combined.
Single project is always best one in problem solving and first projects of indigenous design should be conservative with the design.
Then once engine research and development is completed, passes testing and is enacted into service, then experimentation.

Anyway a good concise documentary on jet engines.
Absolute bare minimum for flight hours before overhaul is 120 flight hours.
Something that can be relied upon somewhat is at 182 hours.
When it is 365 hours then there can be confidence in it.

Having separate national engine projects is wasteful of time and resources considering when all three or more projects total is combined.
Single project is always best one in problem solving and first projects of indigenous design should be conservative with the design.
Then once engine research and development is completed, passes testing and is enacted into service, then experimentation.

Anyway a good concise documentary on jet engines.
I dont agree „several projects are waste of time and Energy „. Zu theory you might be right that concentration of Ressources at one point are good. But several Projekts by different companies and Organisations are several competing projects promote quality. if a company has a monopoly in iran, then this would not be so good precisely because the monopolist can rest on his laurels.
In addition, competition promotes innovation and, especially in the case of Iran, which does not have easy access from competing products from abroad, a monopolist would be more inclined to only develop qualitatively when told to do so or when it is deemed necessary from above becomes without doing anything of its own accord. The monopolist would be in the situation that he is the sole producer or seller of that product, so he would just start delivering poor quality. This problem has also existed in the auto industry and other sectors for a long time and is well known in Iran. It's not just the size of the project that counts, but how innovation is generated. I'm well aware that an aircraft engine isn't a car and is a lot more complex. But these market laws now apply to all industries. I think it makes more sense to build up competing products in order to then see which ones prevail and the product that prevails should then be promoted, which is usually the case in Iran, i.e. but not that a company should do this forever and ever Should form a monopoly or even an organization.
I dont agree „several projects are waste of time and Energy „. Zu theory you might be right that concentration of Ressources at one point are good. But several Projekts by different companies and Organisations are several competing projects promote quality. if a company has a monopoly in iran, then this would not be so good precisely because the monopolist can rest on his laurels.
In addition, competition promotes innovation and, especially in the case of Iran, which does not have easy access from competing products from abroad, a monopolist would be more inclined to only develop qualitatively when told to do so or when it is deemed necessary from above becomes without doing anything of its own accord. The monopolist would be in the situation that he is the sole producer or seller of that product, so he would just start delivering poor quality. This problem has also existed in the auto industry and other sectors for a long time and is well known in Iran. It's not just the size of the project that counts, but how innovation is generated. I'm well aware that an aircraft engine isn't a car and is a lot more complex. But these market laws now apply to all industries. I think it makes more sense to build up competing products in order to then see which ones prevail and the product that prevails should then be promoted, which is usually the case in Iran, i.e. but not that a company should do this forever and ever Should form a monopoly or even an organization.
I am not interested in delusions promoted by free market capitalist drones.
I am not interested in delusions promoted by free market capitalist drones.
It's not whether you're interested in it or not, it's what's actually most efficient and best for the country. Iran is not a communist state, nor should it be.
Hmm, i think that some sort of competition is the better way. It is the same process with engine/airplanes as it was in the US, e.g. F-20 and F-16
You're a saboteur, shut up.

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Not necessary to show me DPRK strength. My post was just a small answer to that previous rude attack from that other guy. It’s okay to have different opinions but no need to insult somebody or getting personal because of his or her opinion.
It's not whether you're interested in it or not, it's what's actually most efficient and best for the country. Iran is not a communist state, nor should it be.
True. But using western capitalist terminology is false as well. Nothing there to imitate or learn from. Nothing that maps to the Iranian burgeoning resistance economy.

Both ‘capitalism’ and ‘communism’ are synthetic constructs that have failed mightily in practice if not in theory.

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