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Iranian F-14 Tomcat crashed last year mistakenly downed by Iranian Air Defense?

Arabian Legend

Mar 7, 2012
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Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia
Iranian F-14 Tomcat crashed last year mistakenly downed by Iranian Air Defense?


In the early morning hours of Jan. 26, 2012, an Iranian F-14A (serial 3-6062 that can be seen here) was scrambled tointercept a ‘UFO’ near the port city of Bushehr in south of Iran. Less than 5 minutes into the flight, the mighty ‘Tomcat’ disappeared from the ground control radar. The pilot and RIO both lost their lives in the crash.

So far the Iranian regime has attributed the cause of this terrible incident to some unknown technical failures.

But that was not the case.

The ’3-6062′ F-14 was one of the best maintained aircraft in the Iranian Air Force’s inventory assigned to critical ‘QRA’ duties in the important port city of Bushehr where Iran’s sole nuclear reactor is also located.

But what was the cause of this mysterious crash?

The Iranian regime has not revealed much beyond its official line that the crash was due to technical issues. But now it can reliably be said that the ‘Revolutionary Guards’ air defense near Bushehr 6th tactical air base shot this valuable ‘Tomcat’ down.

The regular air force officers I spoke with over the past week claim that the IRGC’s air defense personnel are “totally unfamiliar” with the type of aircraft flying for their own country. One of them told me that the ‘IRGC’ AAA personnelfire at anything that might scare them. Although my guess is that they fire at all high speed flying objects out of fear of getting reprimanded for not actually fighting.

This story exposes an existing gap between the regular armed forces and their more radical revolutionary guards’ comrades. A gap that could be exploited during a coalition air strike to de-fang the Iranian regime and its nuclear weapons facilities.

What a bunch of nonsense. It's concluding its own desired version of the incident based on NOTHING. The 'regular' air force officers he spoke to? Who? Where? He not offering one single proof for his bold claim.
First, its a blog and not so much a professionally established one like AviationWeek or others. The claims are based on sources that the author claims to know.. whose officers? Iran?
I certainly doubt Iranian AF officers or sources would speak to(or be allowed to speak to) a man with this twitter handle.

A pro-America, pro-Israel, right wing, neo-con atheist Iranian activist. And an advocate of 'regime change' in Iran. Great Satan's bf.

So that further takes out credibility of the source. However, considering that only the top cream of Iranian pilots goes onto the Tomcat.. the loss of a fighter barely a few minutes after take off is quite bizarre. The Iranians still use the older TF-30 which was quite prone to flameouts(and the occasional fire). Yet, a friendly fire incident cannot be ruled out as Busheher is close to the coast(and not the normal roost of F-14s) but that would literally imply that the Iranian AAA gunners are trigger happy folks who shoot anything that flies.
author is Winston Smith...

Winston is a pen name for a Canada based Pro-America, Pro-Israel, neo-conservative, right wing, Zionist atheist Iranian who is seeking 'regime change' in Iran. Oh, and I despise ex community organizer Obama.


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well , I knew only one such incidence and it was at the first year of Iran-Iraq war and the one responsible was from basij if I'm not wrong not irgc . he managed to shut down one of our airplanes over the city of Ahvaz. but nothing of recents.
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