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Iranian Chill Thread

Anybody know where that IMF forum go with its foolish catso? in the last days a year ago, I remember it became an outlet for zionist shillage, feminist propaganda, pro israel and all kind of things and the administration was lying and protecting shill as turkopersian/kuwait jende that posts all over this forum now. just wanted to know. :o:

Iranian Military Forum is no more. It seems as though it was shut down due to funds or payments indefinitely.
Iranian Military Forum is no more. It seems as though it was shut down due to funds or payments indefinitely.

I am very happy, I told him I would report it or find him to break his nose, the guy catsoo there was acting like a megalomaniac threatening everybody in his virtual reality, pathetic fat pos scumbag he was, I am happy now he cant push things anymore, bastards who ran that place had allowed too much nonsense. funny how people think being a forum mod or something makes them have any power in real life, it attracts the low life low mind weaklings in real life. death to imf, after all it originally started as a pro shah website.
She got banned you know.

IMF was a sanctuary... Here, the trolls are everywhere and are constantly trolling. In IMF, there would only be 1 or 2 trolls at a time, and they would get banned eventually.
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She got banned you know.

IMF was a sanctuary... Here, the trolling are everywhere and are constantly trolling. In IMF, there would only be 1 or 2 trolls at a time, and they would get banned eventually.

No No, IMF had a agenda, remember back in 2009 that forum was used to target the green's to uprise?

turkopersian was banned 6 months after 3 members were banned, I was banned, put back up, banned and up again till I gathered enough backing and gave catsoo what he deserved, the guy was an utter liar scum as if they were getting paid to allow israeli propaganda to be posted there. now look how many posts that turkoshill has, like paid to post..I am telling you both that forum and this one has agendas, I think its government information collection agency. we need out own irani forum..real irani forum not green zoner irani forum.
remember back in 2009 that forum was used to target the green's to uprise?
No I don't. I never joined that forum. I joined the new IMF in, I think, 2011 or 2012.

I refute the rest of your post strongly.
gave catsoo what he deserved

And how?

the guy was an utter liar scum

I think you have a personal issue with him because you were banned by him. What member were you, if you don't mind me asking?

I agree that Catsoo was too harsh in his moderating, but you are being too strong.

getting paid to allow israeli propaganda

Are you serious right now? IMF, an Israeli propaganda outlet? o_O

I think its government information collection agency

Also seems extremely unlikely. But out of curiosity, for what government?
No I don't. I never joined that forum. I joined the new IMF in, I think, 2011 or 2012.

I refute the rest of your post strongly.

And how?

I think you have a personal issue with him because you were banned by him. What member were you, if you don't mind me asking?

I agree that Catsoo was too harsh in his moderating, but you are being too strong.

Are you serious right now? IMF, an Israeli propaganda outlet? o_O

Also seems extremely unlikely. But out of curiosity, for what government?

No Amir, Like me and the Zebuli Crew told you in the past forum, You are young, naieve, raised in England, and as you said been there since you were 7, Its funny you dont remember me, This is RZ. I have always had the same username there.

Almost everybody tolarated him because of his little virtual power over others. Writing in Red, and threatning people. He banned me, but members requested and I got bought back by pasdar.

I called him out in public, the man was proven a liar and when I had 4-5 more members (what was left of that dead forum) behind me I put him back in his place, an insignificant little forum man hiding behind a screen, I asked him to meet me in private so I could beat some sense into him, the man was a coward, a vegan propagandaist, a anti human planet first guy, a two bit feminist weak minded swine. So in the end I had an family member reported it.

Kind of yes, who were those mysterious people running the site?? Who took it over? it was a pro shah, pro usa, anti IRI site before 2009, after the failed green coupe, it all of a sudden reappeared as a nutrual site?? No.. It was mixing truth with lies, and you didn't see it.

All of it is, everything you do on the internet is logged, I use internet of neighbours or room mates. But hey, all information available, can be and will be used against you if they want to. so be careful. that forum slowly felt like an info collection agency, and so are most of the defense forums, look how similar they look, how or who owns and runs it..even this is a honey bait and some of us know it.

what government? the one that keeps tabs or runs them all. crazy tin foil hat guy aside, these things are too convenient..
This is RZ. I have always had the same username there.
Ah... Rustam Zebuli. Rustam is quite a common nationalistic name on the internet, so no, I didn't recognise you.

you said been there since you were 7
No, not that young, though I was quite young when I joined in 2011. About 13/14 I think.

I called him out in public

Ah, I remember that. I must say, me and most other members thought it was excessively harsh.

the man was a coward, a vegan propagandaist, a anti human planet first guy, a two bit feminist weak minded swine

I know he was a vegetarian and a proponent of animal's rights, but I think your personal issue with him is exaggerating your criticism (not to mention, I don't see vegetarianism as a flaw, but I wouldn't want to be one. Meat is tasty).

So in the end I had an family member reported it.

I don't see how this would make a difference.

I heard Izirbat had stopped paying and Pasdar couldn't contact him.

Kind of yes, who were those mysterious people running the site?? Who took it over? it was a pro shah, pro usa, anti IRI site before 2009, after the failed green coupe, it all of a sudden reappeared as a nutrual site??

As I understand from the "History of IMF" thread I read a bajillion years ago, IMF was owned by someone who's name I cannot remember. He was apparently not pro-IR, and was permanently offline since 2009. Pasdar and Izirbat (Admins of new site) made the new forum, with Catsoo as the mod.

I think it would be highly far fetched to assume the admins were somehow linked to the old forum admin's political views. In my 4-5 years on that site I never saw a single indication of this. Quite the opposite.

forum slowly felt like an info collection agency

A forum as huge as IMF was sure to have some governments prowling, but I think to suggest the admins were somehow in league with such governments is also far fetched. With the state of global cyber security I don't think they even needed to be.
Yemeni resistance air defence, UAV,missile capabilities in progress مقاومت یمن پدافند هوایی، پهپاد

Oh my God! Thanks! What a great start for my day! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

This guy is a genius! Did you hear his joke about why guys kneel before their girl when they propose?

So that if the answer is no, they are in perfect position for an upper cut!!:lol::lol::lol::lol:

Men dont Kneel, only beta males kneel, I prefer to have the girl kneel when shes proposing any form of...things. :whistle:

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