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Iranian Chill Thread

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Man Yemenis are built different
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"Hezbollah's attacks on the Lebanese-Palestinian border today are considered the most severe since the beginning of the war, whether by using Burkan missiles, which turned the Baranit barracks into a junk yard, or by using kamikaze drones while intensifying the Kornet missile attacks, targeting occupation army troops and damaging its vehicles, let alone sniping operations.

This development has been noticed after blinding the enemy on its northern front by destroying most of its radars, censors and cameras.. etc, and taking advantage of the IDF's lack of long-war capacity by engaging progressively, along with a very essential factor, which is a significant development in dealing with the Israeli UAV attacks."

The sectarian idiots trolling and insulting Hezbollah for its "war on the tower" lack the honesty or intellect to understand this. This is why Hamas is Hamas and Hezbollah is Hezbollah, respectfully.
What about U.S. troops in South Korea next to the DMZ? They could be killed. Ask why does the Pentagon not pulled the troops out of ME since Iran has the ballistic missile tech and the range?
Yeah, you can apply same rule. If you hit and kill some thousands of NK soldiers, guess which small pacific navy base island will be sink in minutes.

But, returning to the main. Protecting that small subsidized "democracy" (for white jewish), US is not only spending a crazy money to keep it alive... US is spreading a whole system of clientele based on feeding some of the scariest dictators of the world, starting from Saudi Arabia and finishing with Egypt... passing by Turkey and Marocco.

None of them are democracies, but good allies of Israel.

So good luck with your new venture.

As usual, even though the ‘unveiling’ was great, far more interesting is the message sent about what was NOT unveiled. THAT’s what opponents will try to figure out.

Tripwire. Which is being stroked like a rock guitar daily without tripping.

Rock on!
Hey, that Rami must pay taxes. Just that!. Someone must rebuilt Gaza after that!
Houthi helicopter with sextuple rocket pod, this may explain why Falaq rockets were in Ukraine

What was the response of Israel from Houthi missiles and drones?
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Ten million people in Iran declared their readiness to go to war with Israel and help Palestinians (until now)
Let's not mock the guys surrendering, they are just workers and doesn't care besides earning money for their family

Hope they have been released to their families fast, good job by Houthis to not show their faces
"Hezbollah's attacks on the Lebanese-Palestinian border today are considered the most severe since the beginning of the war, whether by using Burkan missiles, which turned the Baranit barracks into a junk yard, or by using kamikaze drones while intensifying the Kornet missile attacks, targeting occupation army troops and damaging its vehicles, let alone sniping operations.

This development has been noticed after blinding the enemy on its northern front by destroying most of its radars, censors and cameras.. etc, and taking advantage of the IDF's lack of long-war capacity by engaging progressively, along with a very essential factor, which is a significant development in dealing with the Israeli UAV attacks."

The sectarian idiots trolling and insulting Hezbollah for its "war on the tower" lack the honesty or intellect to understand this. This is why Hamas is Hamas and Hezbollah is Hezbollah, respectfully.
Well we had had those right here making fun of HZB attacking the monitoring towers.
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