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Iranian Chill Thread

I used to think khalkhali was a lunatic. But he always used to say that in his time Iran was extremely weak and unstable, and “revolutionary decisiveness “ was needed to save the country

Now im watching a combination of western backed terrorists and western backed indoctrinated morons. I think he may have been onto soMething

Enough is enough. These rioters are now a threat to national security, and need to be made examples out of.

They are all young easily manipulated idiots that need a lesson their parents failed in giving them

Those little kids that are disrespecting and assaulting the elderly clerics. I support a few weeks of jail for them. Sharing cells with psychotic murederers. It will instantly stop

Fa. Rsi. Benevis

Lotfann avazesh konn
Enough is enough. These rioters are now a threat to national security, and need to be made examples out of.
they are not, the ones who say use violence against them are more threat

They are all young easily manipulated idiots that need a lesson their parents failed in giving them
their parreents also come to street at the time of khatami and Ahmadinejad.
and the children of these people will also come out later .
if you see the distance between the protest must ring a bell for you . it imitate what happened before revolution , the protest become closer . before they become like late 56 - 57 its better find what cause the unrest , what is the actual reason and fix them.

and don't say , internet and satellite and telegram , at the time of khatami there was no such thing

Those little kids that are disrespecting and assaulting the elderly clerics. I support a few weeks of jail for them. Sharing cells with psychotic murederers. It will instantly stop
good , they go to jail and learn many things else from a school called jail , but i seriously doubt you'll like what they learn in that school

I used to think khalkhali was a lunatic.
he was not lunatic , he just like all other humans had some good and some bad ideas
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IRGC general Hossein Shahshahani, spotted in Kherson
There needs to be massive retaliation for this. The culprits they captured need to be tortured to death slowly.

The main culprits are sitting in Tel Aviv, Washington D.C., Brussels. Not anywhere else.

In the end of the video notice how most of the men walking in the crowd are mullahs. LOL

Just one tiny excerpt from amidst a huge crowd. The extreme majority of people present at the rally were not clerics.

they are not,

Yes they are. These rioters murdered over 30 security personnel, and moreover they are facilitating the work for Iran's existential foreign enemies. The slightest setback to central state control will be mercilessly exploited by the zionist, USA and EU regimes as well as their regional clients to foment more violence and terrorist attacks in Iran. As witnessed this week.

and don't say , internet and satellite and telegram , at the time of khatami there was no such thing

There was satellite TV at the time of Khatami.

realm of tin hat , likely and might

That's not called "tin hat", it's called fact based, rational assessment of probabilities.

don't forget ,the facts , she herself dismissed camera woman as she was dissatisfied with her work and write to his mother(if i recall correctly) that she bought a camera and from now its a one man show. so no there was no camera woman in the car
and camera woman didn't make any claim , it was the underage cousin that was driving the car
and no it square to nothing as there was no camera woman in the board but mrs. Serena Shim

Wrong, the driver of the car was her acting camerawoman, as confirmed by Press TV.

that made the accident claims and then change the story 2 years later again accident claim but this time the truck driver hit her from the back while

I already offered a plausible explanation as to why she proceeded this way. After seeing her cousin murdered, she would not dare to openly question the accident story peddled by NATO. She'd play it safe and make a statement designed to alert the audiences about the inaccuracy of the official version while stopping short of questioning its premise altogether, seeing how it would have exposed her to violent retaliation by the same powers likely to have assassinated her cousin.

all available evidence point to the fact that she was in wrong lane and the accident was from the front.

Nothing's easier to stage than the photographs NATO has been presenting as "evidence".
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Yes they are. These rioters murdered over 30 security personnel, and moreover they are facilitating the work for Iran's existential foreign enemies. The slightest setback to central state control will be mercilessly exploited by the zionist, USA and EU regimes as well as their regional clients to foment more violence and terrorist attacks in Iran. As witnessed this week.
and how many protesters died , let me guess you want to say none

There was satellite TV at the time of Khatami.
that very few watched at the time

That's not called "tin hat", it's called fact based, rational assessment of probabilities
conspiracy theory facts
and how many protesters died , let me guess you want to say none

Law enforcement tends to be better armed and trained. That's why it's a particularly silly idea to attack them, let alone with weapons.

Also, hostile intelligence agencies will not miss the opportunity to direct their infiltrated agents to shoot at protesters in hopes of provoking an escalation of violence. This is a standard procedure for services like the CIA.

that very few watched at the time

Enough people watched it. Most of the participants to the 2009 fitna had been familiar with their broadcasts.

conspiracy theory facts

Established facts.
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Wrong, the driver of the car was her acting camerawoman, as confirmed by Press TV.
and you change the facts again , you and your press tv . the day before she dismissed the cameraman because she was dissatisfied with her work and even wrote to her mother from now its a one man show.
the driver was her underage cousins . even if till the day of judgement you say it was the camera woman the fact remain that it was her underage cousin that didn't had any license .
I already offered a plausible explanation as to why she proceeded this way. After seeing her cousin murdered, she would not dare to openly question the accident story peddled by NATO. She'd play it safe and make a statement designed to alert the audiences about the inaccuracy of the official version, while at the same time stopping short of questioning its premise altogether, seeing how it would have exposed her to violent retaliation by the same powers likely to have assassinated her cousin.
no a conspiracy theory , the plausible explanation is that her underage without license cousin , drives recklessly and hit the truck.
Nothing's easier to stage than the photographs NATO has been presenting as "evidence".
and thats the begining and end of your argument , no evident at all , NATO staged it . you have zero evidence for what you say
and you change the facts again , you and your press tv . the day before she dismissed the cameraman because she was dissatisfied with her work and even wrote to her mother from now its a one man show.
the driver was her underage cousins . even if till the day of judgement you say it was the camera woman the fact remain that it was her underage cousin that didn't had any license .

The fact is that Press TV reported she was accompanied by her camerawoman. Alternative stories promoted by NATO have no value.

no a conspiracy theory , the plausible explanation is that her underage without license cousin , drives recklessly and hit the truck.

There's nothing convincing about the notion that a journalist working for an Iranian media, who two days earlier declared having received threats from Turkish intelligence services, and who one day prior confirmed publicly that she'll continue investigating and lifting the veil on NATO arms shipments to terrorists in Syria undeterred by these threats, would suddenly be killed in a "car accident".

Especially when her mother states there was not a mark on her daughter after her demise, and when the alleged driver of the car is denying the official version peddled by Ankara.

and thats the begining and end of your argument , no evident at all , NATO staged it . you have zero evidence for what you say

We have strong indications, which I presented. In fact, there's zero proof for the NATO version you keep endorsing.
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Law enforcement is better armed. That's why it's a particularly silly idea to attack them, let alone with weapons.
in zahedan Jaish al adl attacked a police station and they opened fire on every body and your rationalization is funny , there are videos that show they attack people who had nothing to do with protest , there are videos that show they break the door of the houses and go inside them against the law and .......
don't come here and say they are blameless , the day the head of tehra n police come on TV and lied that the police is unarmed , i myself saw them in San'at square with shot gun.
Enough people watched it. Most of the participants to the 2009 fitna had been familiar with their broadcasts.
the protest then was over the closure of Salam newspaper and had nothing to do with satellite , hijab aor anything and they were mainly university students and i assure you there was no satellite tv in university dormitories
Established facts.
proven conspiracy theories

The fact is that Press TV reported she was accompanied by her camerawoman. Alternative stories promoted by NATO have no value.
then PressTV lied , and it wasn't the first time .
There's nothing "plausible" about the notion that a journalist working for an Iranian media, who received death threats two days prior from Turkish intelligence services, and who one day prior confirmed publicly that she's undeterred by these threats and will continue investigating and lifting the veil on NATO arms shipments to terrorists in Syria, would suddenly die in a "car accident".

Especially when her mother declares there was not a mark on her daughter after her demise, and when the alleged driver of the car is denying the official version peddled by Ankara.
yes by your logic if a journalist work for iran can't have accident . the cousin claimed accident two times . so if she lied why nobody ask her why she lied ?
I have solid indications, which I presented. In fact, there's zero proof for the NATO version you keep endorsing.
there is the cousin interviews , the police reports and the accident photos.
on other hand there is zero evidence supporting Press TV lies

and i discussed this matter more than enough with you over 2-3 week . from now you can discuss press tv lies with yourself .my answers to all of them are in previous pages .
in zahedan Jaish al adl attacked a police station and they opened fire on every body and your rationalization is funny , there are videos that show they attack people who had nothing to do with protest , there are videos that show they break the door of the houses and go inside them against the law and .......

There's no evidence for Iranian law enforcement randomly opening fire on citizens for no valid reason.

don't come here and say they are blameless , the day the head of tehra n police come on TV and lied that the police is unarmed , i myself saw them in San'at square with shot gun.

No evidence they were police forces rather than Basij. Moreover, assuming the information given by the head of Tehran police was wrong, it doesn't prove the quoted allegations.

the protest then was over the closure of Salam newspaper and had nothing to do with satellite , hijab aor anything and they were mainly university students and i assure you there was no satellite tv in university dormitories

But dishes were mounted at the homes of many students, who spend time there during vacations. Also, the impact of the propaganda beamed into Iran has never been confined to actual viewers alone. The latter repeat it in discussions with friends and family, and end up influencing those as well.

proven conspiracy theories

I referenced established facts, no more and no less.

then PressTV lied , and it wasn't the first time .

NATO regimes lie all the time. A former USA Secretary of State went as far as admitting nonchalantly to the CIA's habit of speaking untruth.

yes by your logic if a journalist work for iran can't have accident . the cousin claimed accident two times . so if she lied why nobody ask her why she lied ?

By your logic, there's nothing fishy about an alleged fatal accident when it happens to be immediately consecutive to threats the victim proclaimed having received from a hostile intelligence agency. Nor when the victim's mother declares there was no mark on her deceased daughter.

As for the cousin's remarks, I did offer a rational explanation: when someone's relative is murdered by a NATO intelligence agency, they will think twice about wholesale refutation of NATO's version of the event. Rather, they'll weigh their words and try to alert listeners whithout going too far, for their own safety's sake.

there is the cousin interviews , the police reports and the accident photos.
on other hand there is zero evidence supporting Press TV lies

There's Sahim's public statement on the threats she received, her mother's statement about the condition of her daughter's remains, and the explanations of her cousin which aren't consistent with the declarations of Turkish authorities.

Police reports and the photographs shown by Ankara do not constitute proof, as both these elements can easily be made to convey disinformation. It simply means you consider the Turkish government to be a more credible source than Iranian media.
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