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Iranian Chill Thread

Just alittle note, Saudi Arabia did run out of interceptors or ran dangerously low.

AnsarAllah will probably continue launches of various systems for the next few months to keep Israel busy during its ground war, and deplete some of their interceptors which would be a wise thing to do since HZ intervention will be unlikely for the time being.
Exactly. Now is a good time for Iran to send 1800km range variant of Haj Qasem and extended range version of Kheybar Shekan (Houthis already have the non-extended 1450km range version) to Houthis and test them against Israeli ABM defences. Would provide a useful indicator of Israeli ABM responsiveness, approach and effectiveness against those missiles (Iranians on the ground in Yemen can manage/monitor the launches).

The difficulty of course is smuggling those missiles into Yemen in sufficient quantities. But Iran already managed to send Kheybar Shekan and Ghadr-F into Yemen so it seems very possible.
Exactly. Now is a good time for Iran to send 1800km range variant of Haj Qasem and extended range version of Kheybar Shekan (Houthis already have the non-extended 1450km range version) to Houthis and test them against Israeli ABM defences. Would provide a useful indicator of Israeli ABM responsiveness, approach and effectiveness against those missiles (Iranians on the ground in Yemen can manage/monitor the launches).

The difficulty of course is smuggling those missiles into Yemen in sufficient quantities. But Iran already managed to send Kheybar Shekan and Ghadr-F into Yemen so it seems very possible.
Very plausible Iran can send some re-supply to them to continue a consistent rate of launches, keeping Iran both out and in the conflict. Give some unguided Ghadrs and harras them. Getting Houthis to fire even 100 missiles over 3 months is significant, Without Iran firing a direct shot, it already forces consumption of interceptors.

Without even firing a shot, Iran broke SA's missile defense.

Same strategy should be enacted here, all US and Israel can do is some token strikes to give the appearance of action without effecting strategic equations. AnsarAllah has probably been the best thing that has happened to Iran in 20 years maybe in terms of what they were able to achieve. But also, Iran has given them so much equipment and support, it is unprecedented in the world. Which shows how effective they are, and also how much Iran trusts them with 2000km range BMs, CMs, and Kheybar Shekan system. Iran is lucky to have such an ally which will launch against Israel.
Very plausible Iran can send some re-supply to them to continue a consistent rate of launches, keeping Iran both out and in the conflict. Give some unguided Ghadrs and harras them. Getting Houthis to fire even 100 missiles over 3 months is significant, Without Iran firing a direct shot, it already forces consumption of interceptors.

Without even firing a shot, Iran broke SA's missile defense.

Same strategy should be enacted here, all US and Israel can do is some token strikes to give the appearance of action without effecting strategic equations.
Exactly, this is precisely what I have been saying about the utility of these strikes.

We also know Iran has been emphasising local production / self-sufficiency of the axis of resistance, so it's plausible that Iran only has to smuggle in parts of these weapon systems at this point. We also know that Iran has a strong presence on the ground in Yemen via the Qods Force, so it is plausible they are assisting with local assembly / launching.

Notice how the Houthis changed their strategy after the first attack and have been getting closer each time (first time USA intercepted over Red Sea, third time Israel intercepted over the Red Sea near Eilat, fourth time (today) Israel intercepted over Eilat with one missile allegedly impacting inside Israel).

Houthis have an incredible arsenal of Iranian weapons:

- Ballistic missiles: Fateh-110 (300km), Raad-500 (500km), Qiam-1/2 (800/1000km), Kheibar Shekan (1450km), Rezvan (1400km), Ghadr-F (1650-1950km)
- Cruise missiles: Paveh LACM (up to 2000km range with Qods-4)
- Drones: Shahed-131 (900km range), Shahed-136 (claimed up to 2500km range), Ababil-2
- Air defence: 358 SAM (100/150km range), Taer-2 SAM (50/70km range)
- Anti-ship: Ghader ASCM (300km range), Hoveizeh ASCM with optical guidance (1400km range), Khalije-Fars ASBM with EO guidance (300km range), Raad-500 ASBM with EO guidance (500km range - this hasn't even been seen in Iran yet)

This is just their Iranian-supplied weapons that they have publicly shown or used - they also have large inventories of Soviet weapons they inherited from the former Yemen Army (including SCUD and Tochka ballistic missiles, S-75 air defence and anti-ship missiles). They also recently flew a F-5 jet over the capital city Saana, which is pretty funny/insane.

Thanks to Iran, they are without a doubt the best armed non-state actor in the world. An incredibly powerful (and strategically located) ally in the Axis of Resistance that the Saudis gifted to Iran due to their strategic stupidity.
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There is a paywall, can you share the text?
Mine is now limited too. Basically , begrudgingly, saying Iranians excelling at cyber warfare.
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Images of drone and missile attacks by Yemen's Ansarullah against Israhell





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