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Iranian Chill Thread

Saudis are next door and with full US assistance went to war with Houthis for years and couldn't degrade their weapons capabilities, Israel can't do shit with limited bombing runs or missile strikes from 1800km away

This is Houthis third missile strike against Israel. First time Israel used its own ABM AD (Arrow-2) to intercept MRBM (Toufan/Iranian Ghadr-F SCUD-based MRBM) in this war. Houthi strikes seem to be improving and getting closer, first time they didn't even get past US ships in Red Sea

Degradation of IADs through attrition of interceptor stocks is inevitable; even if Houthi long-range missiles/drones cannot achieve effect on their targets. It will still mean less interceptors overall.

Can’t say whether or not American production will keep up pace if the attacks pick up in intensity and frequency.
The threat of Dimona by Yemen's Ansarullah

The poster published by Yemen's Ansarullah media with the title "We will not hesitate" along with a view of the Zionist regime's nuclear research center (Dimona).
The threat of Dimona by Yemen's Ansarullah
View attachment 967008
The poster published by Yemen's Ansarullah media with the title "We will not hesitate" along with a view of the Zionist regime's nuclear research center (Dimona).

The amount of Ghadr-F and H copies they have is likely lower and unable to match the Iranian variants.

So it would be a challenge to reach that far into Israel.

My opinion I think 1500-1700KM is the max they can do with BMs without drastically reducing payload.


This chart assumes they have the -1950KM capable BM. That would be pushing capabilities.

Quds Force likely assisted with the launch of the BM in Yemen today and it was to collect data on Arrow-2 system. They already collected enough data during the war on Saudi Patriots and their performance. But now presents a good opportunity to test Israeli Arrow system.
Summary of Israeli losses inflicted by Hezbollah so far

- 120 casualties (dead or wounded soldiers)
- 9 destroyed tanks and 2 APCs
- 1 UAV
- 33 radars
- 69 communication systems
- 17 jamming systems
- 27 intelligence systems
- 140 cameras
- 65,000 settlers evacuated from 28 settlements
Summary of Israeli losses inflicted by Hezbollah so far
- 120 casualties (dead or wounded soldiers)

laughable number

Israel flying across south Lebanon has only managed to find and kill 50+

But HZ with its 5-9KM ATGM and short range mortars have killed or wounded 120?

Come on
The amount of Ghadr-F and H copies they have is likely lower and unable to match the Iranian variants.

So it would be a challenge to reach that far into Israel.

My opinion I think 1500-1700KM is the max they can do with BMs without drastically reducing payload.
Dimona is 1700-1750km away from north Yemen, theoretically they can do it. But in practice the quality and capabilities of the missile (effectively a glorified SCUD derivative with low manufacturing / quality standards) will struggle to penetrate Israel's dense ABM/AD network. But no harm in trying and forcing them to worry about it and bleed Arrow-2/3 interceptor missiles

When Haj Qasem was unveiled (1400km range) they talked about increasing its range to 1800km, would be a good time for Iran to try to transfer slightly more advanced MRBMs to Yemen beyond the usual SCUD derivatives, although this is obviously not easy

laughable number

Israel flying across south Lebanon has only managed to find and kill 50+

But HZ with its 5-9KM ATGM and short range mortars have killed or wounded 120?

Come on
It's not laughable at all, they launched hundreds of attacks. Of those 120 casualties it's probably 10-20 killed

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