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Iranian Chill Thread

Suddenly Hamas or PIJ has a missile that can level an entire hospital.

Yet during this entire war and precious war they haven’t been able to do anything more than moderately damage apartment buildings or a few cars?
Suddenly Hamas or PIJ has a missile that can level an entire hospital.

Yet during this entire war and precious war they haven’t been able to do anything more than moderately damage apartment buildings or a few cars?
“Time is Up” though
No that’s not what u are saying.

It is precisely what I'm saying.


Also, Iranian leaders are not saying that the situat!ion is under their control

Nor did I make that particular statement.

or nonsense about “escalation ladder” and strategic superiority”, you are the one saying that. And on the context that you are saying that is illogical.

In relation to the topics I commented on, what did Iran convey in essence?

1) Enemy escalation will be met by an adequate response from the Resistance, as Foreign Minister Amir-Abdollahian indicated. Implies the enemy does not enjoy freedom of unopposed upward movement on said ladder.

To which I would add that since the enemy is taking heed of the Resistance's declared readiness to intervene, and since this is restraining the enemy's leeway (e.g. subpar zionist retaliation against HezbAllah in northern Palestine), the Resistance has control over the ladder.

2) In the words of Supreme Leader Khamenei (h.A.):

"in the events of October 7 and onward, the usurping Zionist regime has suffered an irreparable defeat, both in terms of military and intelligence. Everyone has called this “a defeat,” but I emphasize that it’s “irreparable.” I say that this devastating earthquake [Al-Aqsa Storm Operation] has managed to destroy some of the main structures of the usurping regime’s rule, which cannot be rebuilt so easily.

It is very unlikely that the usurping Zionist regime will be able to restore those structures even with all the commotion that they are making and with all the support that it currently receives from the West. I would like to say that after Saturday, October 7, the Zionist regime will no longer be the regime it used to be, and they cannot easily compensate for the blow that has struck them.

In other terms, they lost whatever strategic edge they were supposedly enjoying.

That the Gurion doctrine is lying in shambles now is a fact accessible to any observer.


The strategic response it proposed called for “a nation in arms” and was based on “three pillars,” deterrence, early warning, and military decision, and on a defensive strategy to be executed offensively, by transferring the battle to enemy territory.

If you cannot see the damage to all three pillars of the doctrine cited above, there's nothing more to say.

Other users have highlighted the same thing.

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‘Bark’? Shame in you.

Alizade said it bluntly but correctly in the discussion below: if the enemy thought for a second Iran was bluffing, they'd be proceeding to attack Iran as we speak.

This ought to be viewed by doubters and naggers, since it addresses all these types of contentions.

Another point to ponder: they've labeled the recent Palestinian offensive as "Isra"el"'s 9/11". Let's leave out for a moment the fact that these two events have nothing in common and focus on the enemy's own discourse and actions. Iran happens to be the long time supporter of the Palestinian Resistance including at the military level.

In 2001, how did the USA regime deal with state backers of Al-Qaida? This is while Taleban weren't empowering Al-Qaida the way Iran has been empowering the Palestinian Resistance, they were basically hosting them, nothing more. What was Washington's reaction to that?

Fast forward to 2023, what's Washington's and Tel Aviv's reaction to Iran, main state partner of the Palestinian Resistance, which according to them caused another "9/11" in Isra"el"? Why aren't they launching war on Iran yet?

It's pretty clear which party is producing hot air and which is confidently moving on the chessboard with competence.
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“Time is Up” though

Should have wrote

“The jig is up”

This is more embarrassing than the Solemani revenge attack. At least Iran did something there after they warned the base hours in advance and picked targets away from bomb shelters. Even in that case they probably didn’t want to do anything, but were forced due to the severity of the attack on Iran.
Should have wrote

“The jig is up”

This is more embarrassing than the Solemani revenge attack. At least Iran did something there after they warned the base hours in advance and picked targets away from bomb shelters. Even in that case they probably didn’t want to do anything, but were forced due to the severity of the attack on Iran.

I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt. Maybe they’re still shoring up their assets and moving them into place or something, idk.

Ayn Al-Assad took several days to plan then carry out after all.
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Fun fact

If Iran was armed with nukes , then USA couldn't threat us .... ( This is what happen when you don't arm yourself with nukes to show your good intentions to the west )

I'm repeating my words for almost over a decade , IRAN SHOULD HAVE NUKES

The DPRK is armed with nuclear weapons, it didn't prevent Trump from threatening that country nonetheless.

Mind you, Trump was not talking about American response to a hypothetical Korean attack on the USA but about the DPRK's official discourse he deemed "threatening". In short, he threatened Korea with war simply for statements issued by the Korean government (!).

However, uttering threats and acting on them are different matters. Who cares if all Washington does is to bark?

Joke's on the USA and Isra"el" for not daring to lift a finger against the main state backer of Palestinian Resistance groups they (falsely) accuse of having perpetrated "another 9/11". Embarrassment of historic proportions for imperialist powers. Signs of a changing era.
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Hard to imagine a small fucking rocket can level a whole hospital. Amazing the lies they will come up with.

I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt. Maybe they’re still shoring up their assets and moving them into place or something, idk.

Theirs certainly activity going on, and you need to be emotionless, prepared and act with art to defeat your enemy. They know what they are doing. They just need the final order
Ayn Al-Assad took several days to plan then carry out after all.
It didn't though, they could've fired missiles immediately, many missiles are already ready in silos waiting for the order with coordinates already set. TELs can move out, and setup in a matter of hours, and a salvo could've been launched by the time the sun rose again.

They delayed because they were deliberating on how they wanted to respond.
Hard to imagine a small fucking rocket can level a whole hospital. Amazing the lies they will come up with.

Theirs certainly activity going on, and you need to be emotionless, prepared and act with art to defeat your enemy. They know what they are doing. They just need the final order

It didn't though, they could've fired missiles immediately, many missiles are already ready in silos waiting for the order with coordinates already set. TELs can move out, and setup in a matter of hours, and a salvo could've been launched by the time the sun rose again.

They delayed because they were deliberating on how they wanted to respond.

Isn't that what planning an attack is all about? Choosing your targets carefully so you can deliver a measured response, allowing your enemy to move out personnel ultimately mitigating potential further escalation; thus justifying waiting several days.

The targets may have been predetermined from a list but the strike against Ayn Al-Assad took several days to plan, specifically, due to the circumstances surrounding it. Neither side wanted all-out-war. So it was all accounted for in pre-op all the way to operation and post-op.

But yes, Iran could have immediately responded that very night Shahid Qassem Soleimani was murdered.
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It is precisely what I'm saying.

View attachment 963103

Nor did I make that particular statement.

In relation to the topics I commented on, what did Iran convey in essence?

1) Enemy escalation will be met by an adequate response from the Resistance, as Foreign Minister Amir-Abdollahian indicated. Implies the enemy does not enjoy freedom of unopposed upward movement on said ladder.

To which I would add that since the enemy is taking heed of the Resistance's declared readiness to intervene, and since this is restraining the enemy's leeway (e.g. subpar zionist retaliation against HezbAllah in northern Palestine), the Resistance has control over the ladder.

2) In the words of Supreme Leader Khamenei (h.A.):

"in the events of October 7 and onward, the usurping Zionist regime has suffered an irreparable defeat, both in terms of military and intelligence. Everyone has called this “a defeat,” but I emphasize that it’s “irreparable.” I say that this devastating earthquake [Al-Aqsa Storm Operation] has managed to destroy some of the main structures of the usurping regime’s rule, which cannot be rebuilt so easily.

It is very unlikely that the usurping Zionist regime will be able to restore those structures even with all the commotion that they are making and with all the support that it currently receives from the West. I would like to say that after Saturday, October 7, the Zionist regime will no longer be the regime it used to be, and they cannot easily compensate for the blow that has struck them.

In other terms, they lost whatever strategic edge they were supposedly enjoying.

That the Gurion doctrine is lying in shambles now is a fact accessible to any observer.


If you cannot see the damage to all three pillars of the doctrine cited above, there's nothing more to say.
“To which I would add that since the enemy is taking heed of the Resistance's declared readiness to intervene, and since this is restraining the enemy's leeway (e.g. subpar zionist retaliation against HezbAllah in northern Palestine), the Resistance has control over the ladder.”

Do you understand the we are paying too much cost when it comes to innocent civilian life? Do you understand that the Zionist regime is indiscriminately massacring the Palestinians. Like never before. Are you able to grasp the cost of that?

What “restraining the enemy’s leeway”? Hezbollah are soldiers, the losses inflicted on soldiers are acceptable but the cost of innocent women and children losing their lives, bombed, scattered decapitated bodies buried under the rubbles. Do you understand the price of that?

CIVILIAN LIVES, the lives of innocent women and children are more precious than the life of a hardened soldier in terms of cost, who has accepted his death knowing they have chosen to fight.

when is there more outrage? When soldiers die in war or wen civilians die? Sit down and think. And why is that? Cuz it’s heinous to target those who are not participating in war.

So yeah we are paying a heavy cost. And that cost is far more expensive than watever the god knows hell “escalation ladder that you are talking about”

And also, intellect is honesty at the highest level. Intellect is just that and nothing more. Keep that into account. You know more annyone how much I love the iranian establishment.

You know how much of I love and support iran. But it’s not about that, I’ll always love and support Iran, it’s people and its leaders and all of its warriors. But this is about the honest fact that I know, the supreme leader knows and Hassan nasrallah knows that we are indeed paying a heavy price. Why? Cuz the fight for the liberation of Palestine is nothing without Palestinians and they are dying , butchered like dogs.

So some might think what you are saying makes logical sense. But I believe it’s not so. But let’s disagree peacefully and I apologise for my previous harshly worded rhetoric But ideologically I have no regret on the idea that I’m expressing.

You keep saying that the resistance have control over the ladder. This is an absolutely incorrect statement. We don’t and it doesn’t work like that. It doesn’t mean that we are losing this battle but it means considering the situation that we are in we must double down and do sumfin. And to accept the fact that there is no victory or “strategic superiority” nonsense, when Palestinians are subject to literal GENOCIDE. Nothing can cover the cost of that.

The Palestinian cause that the great nation of Iran stands for is a humane cause, a cause of justice and Islam. A cause which embodies the spirit of THE ISLAMIC REVOLUTION, which is the foundation of the Iranian state.
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