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Iranian Chill Thread

Iran also claims that Albania seized hard drives from their raid of the MEK's base in Albania and sent these to Iran!

Interesting thread:

MKO confirmed it. Apparently the US/Europe organised the transfer. Weird chain of events. Hopefully there is useful information that Iran can use to neutralise terrorist elements operating within Iran.
American public is starting to notice what is really behind this Ukraine war..eye opener for some..
Note that Iran+Iraq+Syria+Lebanon+Yemen will have 250mln people by 2050 of which 100mln will be in Iran.

Over the next 10-15 years Iran must entrench and consolidate its influence in these countries and integrate with them economically, politically, militarily, connect infrastructure and institutionalize this sphere of influence in some form of Middle Eastern EU and Warsaw Pact with Iran at its centre.

From military point of view, military alliance between these countries will create a military block (Axis of Resistance) in the near future with 610K (Iran)+ 193K (Iraq) + 170K (Syria) +40K (Hezbollah) + 100K (Houthis) =1,1 mln troops under Tehran's control and with Iranian nuclear umbrella.

This grouping of 250mln people under Tehran's control will be like a rebirth of yet another Persian Empire by 2050.

In the future:
1) dominating minimum 250mln people in the Middle East,
2) dominating Bab-el-Mandeb Straight (12% of global trade),
3) dominating Straight of Hormuz (20% of global oil supply),
4) becoming a key transit country in the New Silk Road
5) becoming a key supplier of natural gas to 2bln people in South Asia
6) becoming a nuclear and space power with developed military industry and technology
7) becoming a central country of the ME military alliance (Axis of Resistance) that will have 1,1mln troops
will make Iran a globally significant country by 2050.
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Note that Iran+Iraq+Syria+Lebanon+Yemen will have 250mln people by 2050 of which 100mln will be in Iran.

Over the next 10-15 years Iran must entrench and consolidate its influence in these countries and integrate with them economically, politically, militarily, connect infrastructure and institutionalize this sphere of influence in some form of Middle Eastern EU and Warsaw Pact with Iran at its centre.

From military point of view, military union between these countries will create a military block in the near future with 610K (Iran)+ 193K (Iraq) + 170K (Syria) +40K (Hezbollah) + 100K (Houthis) =1,1 mln troops under Tehran's control and with Iranian nuclear umbrella.

This grouping of 250mln people under Tehran's control will be like a rebirth of yet another Persian Empire by 2050.

In the future:
1) dominating minimum 250mln people in the Middle East,
2) dominating Bab-el-Mandeb Straight (12% of global trade),
3) dominating Straight of Hormuz (20% of global oil supply),
4) becoming a key transit country in the New Silk Road
5) becoming a key supplier of natural gas to 2bln people in South Asia
6) becoming a nuclear and space power with developed military industry and technology
7) becoming a central country in a ME military union that will have 1,1mln troops
will make Iran a globally significant country by 2050.
8) Make a rocket capable of putting humans and pregnant women on the moon
9) Make moonproof houses and goods
10) Send voluntary formed astronauts to settle the houses and renewable water/food systems and get back to the earth
11) Take volunteers willing to live on the moon and make babies there
- Moon conquered in 5-10 years after the first families make babies
12) Same as 8-11 but with Mars
13) Make the moon a weapon to instantly destroy any disobeying land on earth
14) Search for non-human intelligent entities outside the solar system
15) Same as 8-12 but with their planets, sign agreements with them, ToT from them
8) Make a rocket capable of putting humans and pregnant women on the moon
9) Make moonproof houses and goods
10) Send voluntary formed astronauts to settle the houses and renewable water/food systems and get back to the earth
11) Take volunteers willing to live on the moon and make babies there
- Moon conquered in 5-10 years after the first families make babies
12) Same as 8-11 but with Mars
13) Make the moon a weapon to instantly destroy any disobeying land on earth
14) Search for non-human intelligent entities outside the solar system
15) Same as 8-12 but with their planets, sign agreements with them, ToT from them
What you wrote shows that you are out of touch with reality.

1) Iran already dominates in 4 Arab countries that will have 250mln people by 2050
2) Dominating Yemen via Houthi allies means possible deployment of Iranian military assets in the Straight of Bab-el-Mandeb
3) Iran already deploys military assets and has superior firepower in the Straight of Hormuz
4) China is building the New Silk Road and its main line will pass through Iranian territory and this will make Iran an important transit country by 2040
5) Economies of Pakistan, India, Bangladesh grow at a rate of 5% and these countries will have a population of 2bln people by 2040 and of course they will need natural gas for their economies and they can get that gas only from Iran
6) Iran seeks to enter the elite club of nuclear/ICBM/space powers and Iran will enter that club in the near future
7) you should educate yourself about the emerging Axis of Resistance and calculate the number of troops it already has and might have in the near future
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The situation in Iran is still very serious.
Yemen is still under a tight blockade with Saudi Arabia and the UAE occupying 3/4 of its territory.
Iraq's oil revenues are entirely controlled by the U.S., and it cannot spend a single dollar of its own volition.
Syria is occupied by the U.S. in the eastern part of its territory and by Turkey in the northwest.
In Lebanon, the FPM, which had been an ally of Hezbollah, has run into a alliance with the brutal LF, and the Shiites are being driven back.
To be honest, it is rather a miracle that Iran still retains its independence.
And yet, Iran's defense budget for this year was not only the same as the previous year when prices are taken into account, but rather decreased...astonishing.
Note that Iran+Iraq+Syria+Lebanon+Yemen will have 250mln people by 2050 of which 100mln will be in Iran.

Over the next 10-15 years Iran must entrench and consolidate its influence in these countries and integrate with them economically, politically, militarily, connect infrastructure and institutionalize this sphere of influence in some form of Middle Eastern EU and Warsaw Pact with Iran at its centre.

From military point of view, military alliance between these countries will create a military block (Axis of Resistance) in the near future with 610K (Iran)+ 193K (Iraq) + 170K (Syria) +40K (Hezbollah) + 100K (Houthis) =1,1 mln troops under Tehran's control and with Iranian nuclear umbrella.

This grouping of 250mln people under Tehran's control will be like a rebirth of yet another Persian Empire by 2050.

In the future:
1) dominating minimum 250mln people in the Middle East,
2) dominating Bab-el-Mandeb Straight (12% of global trade),
3) dominating Straight of Hormuz (20% of global oil supply),
4) becoming a key transit country in the New Silk Road
5) becoming a key supplier of natural gas to 2bln people in South Asia
6) becoming a nuclear and space power with developed military industry and technology
7) becoming a central country of the ME military alliance (Axis of Resistance) that will have 1,1mln troops
will make Iran a globally significant country by 2050.

Caution not to imitate ’western’ forms of ‘consolidation’. It must be the Resistance way. Enduring alliances without imposition of value. THAT is the Iranian way. A great example, is how SalAm FarmAndeh is sung in different ways in different places. But the chords are identical. The message is identical.
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So Iran literally fired 20+mm rounds on the tanker?

Above the tanker

I would trust it if US at least shows radio conversations with the vessels

Maybe they will

Also this is a weird time for seizing tankers as nothing happened from thé other side past days

You do realize not all tankers are actually “innocent”? They can do illegal activities (drug running/fuel smuggling,etc) or carry hostile individuals or plain simply violate maritime law.

Not every tank seizure has to be a diplomatic chess game with the West. Some are valid crime offenders.

The tanker hit an Iranian vessel and the Iranian courts ordered its seizure.

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