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Iranian Chill Thread

Not much more. Hamas is under a near total embargo with checkpoints manned by Egypt and Israeli soldiers. Not easy smuggling military grade explosives and technology. What has made it thru is testament to how difffukt it is.

HZ on the other hand is part of the Lebanese government and has much more open access to receive technology as long as it makes past Israeli air strikes in Syria.

So I wouldn’t compare future Hamas capabilities to HZ/Houthis. Completely different scenarios.
Knowledge is just like a virus. When it spreads to a new host, it starts to develop and mutate. Hamas will be resourceful with what they have and innovate, just like ansarullah. The next logical step for them is to develop more accurate missiles and more intelligent drones. It’s only a matter of time!
What exactly are the Russians doing about these Azerbaijani border incursions into Armenia. Are these people retarded?

Hell, I'm more worried about what Iran is going to do since Azerbaijan has found gumption and is increasing its boldness as of late. It's only a matter of time before they put their sights on Iranian land and want to take that as well (if they feel ready enough).

If Armenia doesn't protect its national integrity and fight back against Azeri aggression, then what's the point of allying up to Russia who apparently can't do shit for them?
Hell, I'm more worried about what Iran is going to do since Azerbaijan has found gumption and is increasing its boldness as of late. It's only a matter of time before they put their sights on Iranian land and want to take that as well (if they feel ready enough).

If Armenia doesn't protect its national integrity and fight back against Azeri aggression, then what's the point of allying up to Russia who apparently can't do shit for them?

I mean, Azerbaijani will be absolutely obliterated by Iran, but yes I am concerned about a new Saddam forming with Turkey and Azerbaijan. We will pay a heavy price for in action.
Armenia proper is protected by Russia in a military alliance so Azerbaijan can't touch it. Aliev wants to portray the last conflict as a 100% complete victory but Azerbaijan never even tried to take Stepanakert and in the end they sustained at least 5000 casualties. 5000 dead, that means at least double that number were injured and crippled if not more. 15,000 dead and injured out of an army of 50,000, that's a 30% casualty rate at the minimum, not that great.

Armenians lost for several reasons. They didn't upgrade their air defenses, missile technology and most importantly drone technology. Also they did not modernize their style of fighting to cope with new weapons systems. They sent their troops to the front in large columns in the open, rather than using underground tunnels networks or staying hidden.

Azerbaijan will never try anything against Russia or Iran. Iran wouldn't even need to send troops. Just punishing them with a few hundred missiles, drone strikes, destroying their little pipeline would devastate them. Not only that but they're extremely vulnerable. Look at the Nakhchivan enclave. It's surrounded by the Iranian border to the south and it's separated from Azerbaijan proper. Iran doesn't want any issues, but if they tried anything, Iran has red lines and will respond They wouldn't be able to do anything and their forces would get annihilated.

If they became too arrogant then Russia and Iran could tear them to pieces and they know it. Turkey won't be able to save them. Turkey is financially bankrupt with the Lira at an all time low. Turkey has no access to Azerbaijan proper, only the Nakhchivan enclave and only through a very narrow corridor, which is like a choke point.

They're just behaving belligerent recently because they're irritated. They supposedly won this great decisive war but Armenia is not giving them all the concessions that they were promised, including the corridor to Turkey and now Russian soldiers are there for a minimum of 5 years with the option to renew for another 5 years. They're just acting like a spoiled child screaming for their ice cream.

I mean, Azerbaijani will be absolutely obliterated by Iran, but yes I am concerned about a new Saddam forming with Turkey and Azerbaijan. We will pay a heavy price for in action.
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Even western mainstream media are turning on Israel this time. Palestinians don't have precision weapons because they have no access to precision missile technology. If the Palestinians could strike at Israeli forces directly they would but they can't. Regardless of the fact that Israel has some of the most precise weapons in the world, they're still killing 10 times as many civilians as Hamas.

Now Netanyahu is desperately looking for some kind of victory. This has been extremely humiliating for Israel, so they keep looking for some kind of victory, but it's just an embarassment. The entire world knew that Israel has powerful precision weapons. The world however did not think that Hamas could cause so much damage to Israel and they did not think that Hamas rockets could reach so far into Israel despite their multi billion dollar Iron Dome.

Israeli society, which was supposed to be democratic and inclusive is on full display as an apartheid state. Their entire society has fallen apart with mass civil unrest and most of their civilians hiding in bunkers. This time even flights into Israel have been cancelled for days. That never happened before.

This is just Gaza inflicting this much damage and fear onto Israel. I think Arabs are realizing that the only way forward for them is mass resistance. Imagine if all the Muslim countries were to unite and strike at Israel. Israel would cease to exist. Turkey, Iran, Pakistan. But even if all the Arab countries got together and struck at Israel together and fully mobilized, Israel would be forced to fall back and allow Palestine to exist as a nation.

Yes the Arabs lost the 6 day war and in the 60's but that was a long time ago. If you fail at something, giving up doesn't solve your problems. Trying and trying again and again until you succeed is the best option for any endeavor, any goal. Arabs are realizing this.

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Now Netanyahu is desperately looking for some kind of victory. This has been extremely humiliating for Israel, so they keep looking for some kind of victory, but it's just an embarassment.

This is just a wrong analysis.

Israeli defense doctrine calls for scorched earth and massive casualties and infrastructure damage to deter the enemy from attacking in the future. They want the enemy to remember the high costs.

This is clearly visible in how Israel talks about next Lebanon war and openly proclaims they will “raze Beriut to the ground”. It is one of the reasons why HZ has not started another war because Israel commits massive war crimes and will literally flatten Beirut even if they are losing the war. They are taking a page out of the Russian tactic playbook.

Israel fights dirty. Tough to wage a war when you have no city to protect. That is the philosophy.
But again the entire world knew what Israel was capable of. However not many believed that Hamas would have been able to inflict so much damage onto Israel and that their rockets could have reached so far and overwhelmed the Iron Dome.

Remember this is just Hamas, nobody else. So imagine now if Hezbollah and Hamas or even another third or fourth party joined in ?

Not just the rockets but their own citizens are killing each other and their democratic and supposedly liberal society is on full display as an apartheid state as lynchings and inter-ethnic violence continues.

Also this time around the western mainstream media is not as sympathetic and many analysts have stated that the left is moving more to the left when it comes to the Israeli issue. If you consider all this, it's not good for Israel. It doesn't look good

Like what are they trying to get out of this ? One Arab neighborhood with a few Palestinian houses and Al Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem ? That's worth all this damage to their reputation and prestige and the cost of having all their citizens going into bunkers and all their flights shutting down this entire week ? I don't know...

Of course just like in 2006, Israel is going to claim victory no matter what but the truth is not as black and white. They can't even destroy Hamas. The funny part is that they've already claimed that they had decisively defeated Hamas in 2014, so then what happened ?

This is just a wrong analysis.

Israeli defense doctrine calls for scorched earth and massive casualties and infrastructure damage to deter the enemy from attacking in the future. They want the enemy to remember the high costs.

This is clearly visible in how Israel talks about next Lebanon war and openly proclaims they will “raze Beriut to the ground”. It is one of the reasons why HZ has not started another war because Israel commits massive war crimes and will literally flatten Beirut even if they are losing the war. They are taking a page out of the Russian tactic playbook.

Israel fights dirty. Tough to wage a war when you have no city to protect. That is the philosophy.
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What exactly are the Russians doing about these Azerbaijani border incursions into Armenia. Are these people retarded?

These stupid Azerbaijanis are just like Israelis, can't resist manufacturing some incident to steal land. They will get bitch slapped hard if they even think about taking on Iran.
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