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Iranian Journalist Sentenced to 10 Years in Prison For Criticizing Ultra-Conservative Cleric in a Tweet


Amir Mohammad Hossein Miresmaili, a former journalist and satirist for the Jahan Sana’at (Industry World) newspaper in Iran, has been sentenced to a decade in prison after allegedly disparaging a Shia imam in a tweet aimed at criticizing an ultra-conservative cleric in Iran.

Branch 1060 of the Government Workers Court in Tehran handed down the sentence on August 19, 2018. Miresmaili was also banned from media activities for two years as well as prohibited from traveling abroad for two years.

“There are many objections to the ruling against my client,” his lawyer Hossein Ahmadiniaz told the state-funded Iranian Students News Agency (ISNA).

“He was trying to criticize officials within the framework of satire but unfortunately, his words have been taken as insults,” he added. “I believe the government should show tolerance and understand the nature of satire.”

Miresmaili was arrested at Tehran’s Imam Khomeini International Airport a day after he tweeted the tongue-in-cheek criticism of Ahmad Alamolhoda, the ultra-conservative Friday prayer leader of Mashhad, for declaring that children shouldn’t be allowed to dance in public.

In a tweet on April 23, 2018, Miresmaili wrote: “There are two stories about how Imam Reza was martyred. One of them says he ate poisoned grapes and according to the other, he drank pomegranate juice. There’s no doubt he loved grape juice, chips and yogurt and then Alamolhoda says dancing and music are an insult to Imam Reza! Stop the nonsense. Imam Reza is one of us.”

Ali Ibn Musa al-Reza is the 8th Shia Imam (765-818 A.D.) and the butt of many Iranian jokes.

Hours later, Miresmaili deleted the tweet and apologized for posting it.

“I reiterate that I had no intention whatsoever to insult Imam Reza,” he tweeted at the time. “I’m a Shia Muslim and I just wanted to criticize Alamolhoda and if anyone got upset, I apologize.”

On the day of his arrest, religious extremists posted videos on social media showing a crowd in front of the judiciary’s headquarters in Tehran demanding stiff punishments against “foul-mouthed journalists.”

Miresmaili’s sentence was based on four charges: “insulting sacred tenants and the imams,” “insulting government and judicial officials,” “spreading falsehoods to disturb public opinion” and “publishing immoral and indecent matters.”

Ahmadiniaz said he would appeal the ruling within the 20-day time limit.
Fourth Human Rights Lawyer Slapped With National Security Charges in Iran
Source: Center for Human Rights in Iran

Arash Keykhosravi, a lawyer representing the family of an Iranian Canadian man who recently died under suspicious circumstances in state custody, has been slapped with national security charges, making him the fourth defense attorney detained under this pretense in Iran in less than a year.


Former moderate lawmaker Ghasem Sholeh Sa'di is facing the same charges for attending a lawful political rally along with Keykhosravi in August 2018. Their detention orders have also been extended for a month without eligibility for bail.

"The prosecutor upped the charge from 'disruption of public order' to 'assembly and collusion against national security' even though it's unrelated to what they did, which was attend a peaceful public gathering that didn't harm national security the slightest bit," attorney Payam Derafshan told the Center for Human Rights in Iran (CHRI) on August 21, 2018.

Since February 2018, at least seven lawyers who have taken on politically sensitive cases in Iran have also been arrested, charged, and blocked from taking on new cases in a crackdown aimed at preventing defense attorneys from representing people detained on politically motivated charges.

As part of the crackdown, the judiciary has restricted those detainees, who are held on "national security" charges, to choosing their lawyers from a list of just 20 approved by the judiciary.

Keykhosravi and Sa'di were arrested in front of Iran's Parliament building in Tehran at a rally on August 18 against the signing of an accord between Caspian Sea nations, including Iran, that divides the body of water and its oil and gas resources.

Keykhosravi has represented a number of high-profile human rights cases throughout his career, including the suspicious death of academic and environmentalist Kavous Seyed-Emami in Tehran's Evin Prison in February 2018.

Sa'di, a former two-term parliamentary representative from the city of Shiraz, is also a retired Tehran University law professor who has been a frequent critic of state policies.

Derafshan criticized the judicial authorities for treating the two as convicts by cuffing their hands and feet and making them wear prisoners' uniforms as they were transferred from Evin Prison to the Great Tehran Penitentiary, southeast of the capital.

"The authorities have really acted in a mean fashion toward two of the country's most esteemed lawyers just to abuse and humiliate them," the attorney told CHRI.

"You can put cuffs on suspects' hands and feet but only for dangerous criminals or prisoners who might escape," he added.
Today was a good but almost very good day for Iran at the Asian Games.

Iran won three silver medals in karate (two women, one men).

Tahmineh Sadeghi won bronze in Pencak Silat.

Ali Hashemi won bronze in the 105kg category of weightlifting.

Iran's 3x3 basketball team (men) won bronze also, just missing out on the final to China (19-21).

Hassan Taftian couldn't win a medal in the 100m and finished 6th.

Tomorrow is my favourite event of the Games - the 105kg+ weightlifting contest, with Salimi and Alihosseini, both are strong favourites to win gold/silver.
Good day for Iran at the Asian Games:

Salimi and Alihosseini won gold and silver in the 105kg+ weightlifting.

Bahman Ghoncheh won gold in 75kg karate (winning the final 5-0 against his Saudi opponent), Poorshab Zabiollah won bronze in 84kg karate, and Pegah Zangenehkarkooti won bronze in 68kg karate.

Iran also won bronze in the mixed team compound archery contest.

We have dropped down to 5th from 4th in the overall rankings however, as Indonesia won 8 golds today (all in some weird sport called 'pencak silat' which I suspect is only popular in Indonesia).
ترامپ پرچم آمریکا را اشتباه رنگ کرد! +عکس

ترامپ که پیشتر از بازیکن‌های لیگ فوتبال آمریکا بابت عدم ادای احترام به پرچم کشورش شدیدا انتقاد کرده بود، شخصا در جریان بازدید از یک بیمارستان کودکان در اوهایو مرتکب خطا شد و پرچم آمریکا را اشتباه رنگ‌آمیزی کرد!

پایگاه خبری تحلیلی انتخاب (Entekhab.ir) :

ترامپ که پیشتر از بازیکن‌های لیگ فوتبال آمریکا بابت عدم ادای احترام به پرچم کشورش شدیدا انتقاد کرده بود، شخصا در جریان بازدید از یک بیمارستان کودکان در اوهایو مرتکب خطا شد و پرچم آمریکا را اشتباه رنگ‌آمیزی کرد!

به گزارش ایسنا، به نوشته روزنامه ایندیپندنت، دونالد ترامپ، رئیس‌جمهوری آمریکا بابت رنگ‌آمیزی اشتباه پرچم آمریکا حین بازدید از یک بیمارستان کودکان مورد تمسخر قرار گرفت. او قاطعانه ردیفی که باید با مداد قرمز پر می‌شد، با آبی رنگ کرد.

رئیس‌جمهوری آمریکا پس از انتقادش از بازیکن‌های ان‌اف‌ال بابت عدم احترام به پرچم و زانو نزدن حین پخش سرود ملی آمریکا پیش از بازی‌ها، به دورویی متهم شد. او همچنین در حرکت زننده دیگری، پس از یک سخنرانی ضد مهاجرتی، پرچم آمریکا را به آغوش کشید.


یک فعال در پیامی نوشت: خطوط افقی پرچم آمریکا سفید و قرمز هستند. ترامپ باید این را بداند. با توجه به انتقادی که او از زانو نزدن بازیکن‌ها در یک مسابقه فوتبال کرده بود، این بی‌احترامی به پرچم است.

کاربران توئیتر این نکته را پیش کشیدند که آیا این اشتباه رئیس‌جمهوری آمریکا سهوی بوده است یا عمدی. برخی کاربران می‌گویند ترامپ قصد داشته است تا پرچم سه رنگ سفید، آبی، قرمز روسیه را بکشد؛ آن هم در شرایطی که اف‌بی‌آی درباره ارتباطات کمپین او با روسیه پیش از انتخابات ۲۰۱۶ تحقیق می‌کند. برخی هم تصاویری از پرچم قرمز، سفید،‌ آبی هلند را منتشر کردند.

در همین حال حامیان رئیس‌جمهوری آمریکا معتقدند که او با افزودن رنگ آبی در ردیف‌های پرچم کشورش قصد ادای احترام به نیروی پلیس را داشته است. با این حال کاربران می‌گویند اگر او به پرچمی هم که روی کتش الصاق شده بود، نگاه می‌انداخت مرتکب این خطا نمی‌شد.


سلام این رشته ی رزمی نیو کونگ فو رو من تو شمال تهران ۱۳ سال پیش دان دو اش رو گرفتم. بعدشم رفتم بوکس

اگه این درس و کنکور و این کوفت و زهری ماری ها میذاشت من الان تو کل کشور و نه بلکه به صورت جهانی مقام داشتم.

Behdad Salimi has retired! :o::(

The weightlifting world champs are in a few months so it's a shame he didn't at least wait for those, but not a bad way to go out with a gold medal at the Asian Games.

He achieved the second heaviest weightlifting snatch of all time, won an olympic gold, multiple world championships and broke world records.

He is not that old but weightlifting is a sport for the young and Behdad suffered many injuries in his career that stopped him reaching his full potential, but he still achieved so much for us and we will miss him.
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