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Iranian army ground force plans to deliver more home-made weapons to missil


Nov 10, 2012
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Iranian army ground force plans to deliver more home-made weapons to missile units.

The Iranian Army Ground Force plans to further upgrade and reinvigorate its missile units using home-made weapons and equipments, an army commander announced on Wednesday, May 1, 2013. Speaking to reporters Lieutenant Commander of the Army Ground Force General Kiomars Heidari said that the Army has already upgraded its missile units, and added that further expansion of the missile units is "top on our agenda" this year.


"These missiles have different ranges and we will announce it in future exercises and when we reach our optimal range. Of course, we have already achieved a desirable range," Heidari underscored.
He mentioned that all army tools, equipments and systems are manufactured by Iranian defense industries experts.

The commander further announced that his forces have test-fired their latest missile products in a series of wargames conducted in March, adding that the same missiles will be used the upcoming wargames this year.

In March, the Iranian Army Ground Force staged massive missile drills in Central Iran in a bid to test the capabilities of its missile units.

During the wargames, the Iranian army test-fired two new types of missiles, named Naze'at-10 and Fajr-5.

The Fajr-5 is long-range rocket artillery missile with a maximum range of 75 km, while Naze'at-10 is a medium-range ballistic missile.

Iranian officials and commanders have repeatedly stressed that all military exercises and trainings of the Iranian Armed Forces are merely meant to serve deterrent purposes.

Iranian army ground force plans to deliver more home-made weapons to missile units 0205132*-*Army Recognition
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