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Iran warns: will hit militant 'safe havens' inside Pakistan

No, I haven't said you're a Kafir. I'll not judge you. Allah will Judge you. Only Allah can. If you don't disrespect the three caliphs and mother Ayesha, I've no problem with you. I hope its not famous shia Takiya. To abuse people who are much more pious and beyond our imagination is a big sin. Allah will hold those accountable on the day of Qayamat. The shias I'm referring to, they were in my college. Then I had Shias in my university. I tried the same card with them and it played. They after trusting me started talking crap about those beloved personalities. Someone who abuses his mother is no wonder cursed and a Lanati of highest order.

Anyone who abuses the first three caliphs and Hazrat Ayesha (R) are uneducated and 'jaahil' people.
dear pdf members take it as a warning . Plz , stop questioning the Pakistani shias loyalty towards the state of Islamic republic of Pakistan . Else i'll open a Pandora box which most of the posters wont be able to digest . Thank you :-)
I look forward to that...

God damn idiot i told you the truth. Our first Imam never went to war with caliphs.
First checkmate your aggression. If you want discussion, be gentle, I'm yet to start calling you names. It looks as if I pinched your nerve that hurts the most.
If the world affairs are handled by idiots like you, and their interpretation and definitions which border the declaration of war on sovereign nations, then we will would be living in post Armageddon by now.
If Iran can attack, they should. Takes balls to attack a country that can nuke you out of the globe.
As you can read, Taimoor, it's not "idiots like me" you need to worry about.
Hazrat Ali wasn't appointed as a field marshal by any of the first three caliphs. He was adviser to the caliphs pertaining to the religious matter. So He didn't need to go out for wars. I'm not knowledgeable beyond this. Maybe, someone with more knowledge can confirm if he had gone out for any wars or not. As far as I know, he didn't because he simply didn't need to.
Why you care to answer on behalf of them? Shall I get you some videos of the Iranians scholars disrespecting the first three caliphs and Hazrat Ayesha? Lets not dig any deeper than this. I know you can't defend it. Later on, you would say they aren't shia. We don't have such concepts etc...
It is important to me. You are like a bomb ready for explosion. Tell me what bothers you
Whose agenda is it to facilitate terrorists and create unrest in the regions..terrorism has no religion and terrorists must be finished and countries have to realize this rather than going for proxy wars which would only result in damage for all. If you would spread fire in others home , it would reach you too.
God forbid if that happens then CMs will be Irans worst nightmare PAF will not cross border until its very important and needed.
Only way I can see Pakistan crossing the border is to lay siege to Tehran, and force a surrender.
So.a country launching Indian spies inside Pakistan through its territory is now threatening us .
Isn't the right time to say goodbye to that brotherhood bullshit and care about our nation????
Pakistan first.

Kinda impossible, you can't say goodbye to neighbours or Muslim countries.
What we should do is to confront Iran on the matter of terrorist kulbhushan jadhav, considering he was in Iran before he entered in Pakistan+their stand regarding Pakistan and India, as it seems they are more inclined towards India knowing fully well how dangerous Indian policies have become for the region and peace.
And yes, we can say goodbye to India and we should as soon as possible.
It is important to me. You are like a bomb ready for explosion. Tell me what bothers you
What bothers me the most is, Hatred against first three caliphs and our mother Hazrat Ayesha. We can never ever ever ever imagine to disrespect Hazrat Ali or his family. Yet a specific sect compares Hazrat Ali with the first three caliphs, WHICH IS WRONG.
They compare Hazrat Ayesha and Hazrat Fatima, WHICH IS WRONG? Why to do these comparisons? Who are conducting these comparisons? You?? Me?? Are we even remotely close to the shoes they wore? Are we?? I don't think so. Then who are these so called religious scholars? What's their level in front of those beloved ones? Much less than the dust particle in front of them then why to conduct comparisons?
Only way I can see Pakistan crossing the border is to lay siege to Tehran, and force a surrender.

Sure, saudi prince did mention such provoking step in his recent statement. Pakistan can ill afford such provocation. Instead of taking provoking tone, shouldn't Pakistan take steps that creates friend than an enemy?
Sure, saudi prince did mention such provoking step in his recent statement. Pakistan can ill afford such provocation. Instead of taking provoking tone, shouldn't Pakistan take steps that creates friend than an enemy?
How can you make an enemy a friend if he says, he'll enter your home and take care of things? Will you?
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