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Iran warns India on gas (IPI) pipeline

it's pointless to talk to indian....they backed out of the deal due to pressure, and because americans have offered them civilian nuclear energy deal.

We should move on. There is MUCH MUCH more to gain if energy hungry China joins the deal, and they seem very eager to join (as per recent reports).

I-P-C pipeline should be the new reality.....forget indian.

I agree only to the part that India backed out because of Multiple factors

1) Nuke deal
2) High Transit fees
3) Security of Pipeline.

Even when Pipeline becomes IPC it does not mean IPI cannot be built later.
It doesnt.....which is why none of the actors in the deal could care less....especially since China is expressing interest.

once the logistics and routes are planned, and security is guaranteed, then we will all reap the fruit.

my only point is that india wasn't doing us a favour by joining the project. Similarly, indian wasnt doing us a dis-service by withdrawing (due to pressure).
indias real concern are not security related or price but transit fees paid to pakistan in hard foreign currency. India knows once the transit to india starts it is in effect bankrolling Pakistan for any project pakistans want for example the transit fees migh cover the whole of the defence expenditure of pakistan or build a few nuclear power stations every few years. India fears Pakistan using the pipeline as leverage in case India complains about Pakistan to the world for whatever reason Pakistan could turn of the tap or demand some sort of diplomatic advantage where Pakistan is the hegimon rather than India. Pakistan then could in theory decimate the indian industries reliant on the Gas.
indias real concern are not security related or price but transit fees paid to pakistan in hard foreign currency. India knows once the transit to india starts it is in effect bankrolling Pakistan for any project pakistans want for example the transit fees migh cover the whole of the defence expenditure of pakistan or build a few nuclear power stations every few years. India fears Pakistan using the pipeline as leverage in case India complains about Pakistan to the world for whatever reason Pakistan could turn of the tap or demand some sort of diplomatic advantage where Pakistan is the hegimon rather than India. Pakistan then could in theory decimate the indian industries reliant on the Gas.

Pakistan doesnt need India when we have numerous other friendly countries in our neighborhood.

They have rejected the IPI deal because they say of "security reasons" we can reject their request they just sent recently asking to be part of Islamabad-Tehran-Istanbul Railway.
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one geological problem of this ipc project is that it is very hard to pump the gas to an altitude of 5000 meters in the pipe and to cross the ice cold karakurum pass.

another problem has much to do with the unstable frontier of pakistan.

but if this pipe line success, it will greatly increase the regional pease and stability.

The pipeline from Iran doesnt have to go through the Frontier province to reach China.

The Balochistan province is near the Pak-Iran border. This province is connected to all the other provinces of Pakistan.

The pipeline from Iran has to go through Balochistan province and from there it can go through Punjab province to Azad Kashmir into near Karakoram Highway into China or it can go through Balochistan province to Punjab province to eastern parts of NWFP (which is very stable) into near Karakoram Highway into China.

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indias real concern are not security related or price but transit fees paid to pakistan in hard foreign currency. India knows once the transit to india starts it is in effect bankrolling Pakistan for any project pakistans want for example the transit fees migh cover the whole of the defence expenditure of pakistan or build a few nuclear power stations every few years. India fears Pakistan using the pipeline as leverage in case India complains about Pakistan to the world for whatever reason Pakistan could turn of the tap or demand some sort of diplomatic advantage where Pakistan is the hegimon rather than India. Pakistan then could in theory decimate the indian industries reliant on the Gas.

This is also "married" to the problem of Insecurity and as such you are very right in stating it as such.

The Transit Fees would be in the vicinity of US$ 100 Million annually which would be "Chicken Feed" in respect of Pakistan's Defence Expenditure or its Nuclear Power Projects.

Thank you.
giving india any leverage or access to turkey, iran and central asia is and should almost be a non-starter, unless india can offer us something exceptional in return.

contrary to popular opinion i do not think we can just simply turn off the taps, as that will effect the supplier's profiters, disrupt all the economies involved and cause regional instability - and it will be pakistans fault unless its the unlikely outcome that iran agree with us, which they wont.

in fact india i imagine will make more demands about safety and we will bring india and iran closer.

bringing china in is a fantastic move, when one looks at the overall ecnomic, strategic and political package

we need to develop gaslines and rail links with china first and foremost before india can even be considered any similar access

but knowing our corrupt govt. it will be the reverse.
giving india any leverage or access to turkey, iran and central asia is and should almost be a non-starter, unless india can offer us something exceptional in return.

contrary to popular opinion i do not think we can just simply turn off the taps, as that will effect the supplier's profiters, disrupt all the economies involved and cause regional instability - and it will be pakistans fault unless its the unlikely outcome that iran agree with us, which they wont.

in fact india i imagine will make more demands about safety and we will bring india and iran closer.

bringing china in is a fantastic move, when one looks at the overall ecnomic, strategic and political package

we need to develop gaslines and rail links with china first and foremost before india can even be considered any similar access

but knowing our corrupt govt. it will be the reverse.

I-P-C sounds like a better idea.

We should leave india out of all our projects, Pakistan will do just fine doing business with China, Central Asia, Middle East, and Turkey.

By the way, this government denied India transit route to Afghanistan, so they will deny India transit route to Turkey and Iran also because soon Afghanistan, as well as all the other Central Asian countries, will also be connected to Islamabad-Tehran-Istanbul railway.
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we need to develop gaslines and rail links with china first and foremost before india can even be considered any similar access

but knowing our corrupt govt. it will be the reverse.

Iran's ChahBahar port and road link to Afghanistan, built by India, are up and operational.

Meanwhile Gwadar is inactive and the proposed rail link with China is nowhere to be seen.
Iran's ChahBahar port and road link to Afghanistan, built by India, are up and operational.

Meanwhile Gwadar is inactive and the proposed rail link with China is nowhere to be seen.

The rail link with China is starting construction soon. There's 10,000 Chinese workers in Pakistan and I read in an article that those workers are also working on the rail link connecting Pakistan to China near the Pak-China border.

Chinese dig in as foreigners leave Pakistan | PK on web

Its a better idea to work more on Gilgit-Baltistan right now than Gwadar because of the situation in Gwadar, but still work is going on in Gwadar also. Gwadar Port is also operational.
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I-P-C sounds like a better idea.

We should leave india out of all our projects, Pakistan will do just fine doing business with China, Central Asia, Middle East, and Turkey.

By the way, this government denied India transit route to Afghanistan, so they will deny India transit route to Turkey and Iran also because soon Afghanistan will also be connected to Islamabad-Tehran-Istanbul railway.

i am sure you appreciate that i am not only looking at this from only an economic point of view, but an overall strategic, political and economic one.

i agree, for the short to medium term we need to isolate india from all projects that give it access to central asia, iran, turkey and the wider muslim world.

the thing is that once india has a foot in through land routes you can guarantee that the situation will work against pakistan and india know that once they are in pakistan are pretty much powerless to do anything.
Iran's ChahBahar port and road link to Afghanistan, built by India, are up and operational.

Meanwhile Gwadar is inactive and the proposed rail link with China is nowhere to be seen.

yes, but india have been denied direct routes through pakistan, from our end we should not make it easy or give any direct access, let them build around us.

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