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Iran to supply Russia with “hundreds” of Drones

Iran should transfer the drones if asked for. It is a win for them at multiple levels:
1. A major power is openly breaking the weapons ban on it. It sets a precedent for others to follow.
2. They get paid either in money,materials, technology or goodwill ( eg UN) in any combination.
3. The prestige of the nation rises, the prestige of it's armed forces even more do( notice how Turks mojo increased after TB-2)
4. If weapons sanctions is breached, economic sanctions breaches will follow
5. Iran is already badly sanctioned. There is not much the West can do besides gnashing their teeth. In fact Iran can leverage this transaction for sanctions lifting.. or else.
Russia should swallow it's ego and go for armed UAVs in a big way... it's very frustrating to see countless Orlan footages of NATO weapons doing it's thing, and Russian artillery barrages mostly missing them. A few dozen armed UAV s can literally wipe these weapon systems on sight....
Quite the opposite.
Iran will have a viable friend to check the west and Israel

Suffice to say that Vladimir Putin, is the least anti-Semitic ruler of Russia in the last 300 years. The rest is realpolitik. Russia has interests. Israel has interests. More often than not, those interests align
I think what the Ruskies really need is along range, muliti attack precision kamakazi drones from Iran. This comes to mind:







Arent all these israeli drones? China cannot transfer technology of its drones without israel's approval or am i wrong?
There is a point by some members that west will be veryyyyy upset.

Answer is:

Well their NATO ally has more military relationship with Putin.

What can they do anyway? Cut off INSTEX? Start a war and set the oil rigs of the region on fire?
Reinstate sanctions for the fourth time?

There is one bad thing about maximum pressure policy: You cannot do more pressure.
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Honestly, the dumbest thing that Iran could do right now.

You'll getting what in return? A few millions? The minute an Iranian drone has been shot down by Ukrainian forces or the minute it has been seen operational in the Ukrainian skies the entire Western world plus many other allied nations will cry for new sanctions on Tehran.

Risking long lasting damages for Moscow isn't worth it. Russia threw Iran many, many times under the bus. I don't see any benefits to Iran from this deal.
I think this is fake news Russia would never consider iranian garbage drones but if am wrong then its a huge victory for iranian defence industry if a country like russia which is one of largest weapons exporter in the world uses their drones thats nothing else but a great achievement.

another question comes to mind why dont russians order chinese drones. chinese have all sorts of drones this news seems fake.
Honestly, the dumbest thing that Iran could do right now.

You'll getting what in return? A few millions? The minute an Iranian drone has been shot down by Ukrainian forces or the minute it has been seen operational in the Ukrainian skies the entire Western world plus many other allied nations will cry for new sanctions on Tehran.

Risking long lasting damages for Moscow isn't worth it. Russia threw Iran many, many times under the bus. I don't see any benefits to Iran from this deal.

You worry about your Great Grand Crowdfunded TB-2 drones getting shot down or jammed by Russians and allies.
And micro jet tech for longer & faster super/hypersonic cruise missiles and supersonic UAVs.

Russia isn’t a good source for micro processors, China is.

You think a “hundreds of drones” cost a few millions? A single TB-2 cost ~5M.

And Iran is after certain jet engine tech, missile tech, cruise missile tech. A modern missile engine or jet engine tech transfer is worth doing this deal 110 times out of 100.

Nothing left to sanction. You going to sanction the air in Iran? Iran doesn’t trade with any “western” nations in a major way due to Trump maximum pressure campaign.

If sanctions were working US wouldn’t be at negotiating table trying to get Iran back into JCPOA.
The Russians even refused to sell you S300 even after the deal was made and payment was done. Let alone jet engine and missile engine technology for a bunch of drones. Besides they could buy much better ones from China
I dont think iran cares about what the west thinks or feels. They sanctioned iran badly and now iran will make them pay for it.
A new world order is emerging and countries are realigning. From current situation, it seems Turkiye and Iran will be winners and big beneficiaries of the new world order, they have carefully and smartly taken steps in the right direction. India, saudi, UAE, Indonesia and malaysia are also doing great. The big loser in this new world order seems to be Pakistan. Pakistan will endup without any benefits and any cooperation. All thanks to the moronic military.
I think this is fake news Russia would never consider iranian garbage drones but if am wrong then its a huge victory for iranian defence industry if a country like russia which is one of largest weapons exporter in the world uses their drones thats nothing else but a great achievement.

another question comes to mind why dont russians order chinese drones. chinese have all sorts of drones this news seems fake.

Iran is the inventor of UCAV in 1980s. The only major military invention of Muslims.

US military general Mccenzie calls Iranian drones the best of its class.
well if it's billions in hard cash upfront. To me it doesn't seem like that Iran is desperate for cash at the moment. Iran should ask Russia to do more against Israeli strikes in Syria that sounds more worth it. Or S400s to Iran, that'd be cool.

Iran’s S-300 was a customized order that was really close to S-400 in capability since S-300 production lines were shut down.

S-400 wouldn’t make sense. Getting in line for S-500 would be better after Russia satisfies domestic consumption then China.

No point in speculating what Iran is getting in return. As it’s just guesses where we could all be wrong.

I doubt Iran would do this for cash ($1-5B) it’s not that desperate for cash to do such a deal.

The Russians even refused to sell you S300 even after the deal was made and payment was done. Let alone jet engine and missile engine technology for a bunch of drones. Besides they could buy much better ones from China

It is true Russian realiability in major arms deals has been sub par since 1990’s. But in other areas it has decent including radar transfer and various sub components. For example, our OTH radar design is based on a Russian one.

And China is wary of EU/US sanctions so it’s not going to supply Russia with anything noteworthy. Iran on the other hand is already sanctioned to the max so it has nothing to lose. China has ALOT to lose since it’s economic ties are strong with the West and Europe.

Arent all these israeli drones? China cannot transfer technology of its drones without israel's approval or am i wrong?

Those are Iranian drones based on Israeli design that Iran has captured throughout Middle East. Why would Iran have Israeli made drones in Iran?

Chinese drones have no ties with Israeli tech that I am aware of. Unless China licensed a specific UAV model, but China has plenty of own domestic designed drones.

However, China isnt going to risk sanctions over this. Iran and Russia can risk it because they are sanctioned to the max.
Iranians, I counted, we may have something around like ~300 MALE UCAV fleet in all services branches. It's high time we put an OWJ/Toloue Turbojet (5000 lbs), Bayyenat-II Pulse doppler radar along with Fattar Sidewinders. IRIAF can get 300 Wingmen if it wants in the future.

50+ x Shahed 171/191

140-150 x Mohajer-6


40 x Shahed-129

Unknown no. x Shahed 149

Unknown No. x Kaman-22

Unknown No. x Fotros

30 x Kaman-12

20 x Ababil-5
Those are Iranian drones based on Israeli design that Iran has captured throughout Middle East. Why would Iran have Israeli made drones in Iran?

Chinese drones have no ties with Israeli tech that I am aware of. Unless China licensed a specific UAV model, but China has plenty of own domestic designed drones.

However, China isnt going to risk sanctions over this. Iran and Russia can risk it because they are sanctioned to the max.
Can you point out when or where was it captured?
Ironically, Iran was lingered by Russians many years when it needed fighter jets the most.

These news have been coming out for 3-4 months, we will soon see how true it is, but if it is true, it will be very nice for Iran to milking Russia.
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