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Iran to Start Production of Intelligent Bombs in Days

Just a few seconds to conclude that it is a Maverick... They just altered the wing structure. They did the same with projects like F5 or Phoenix/Hawk on F14... Hardly impressive cause they got TOT during Shah era.

For those that find it unbelievable... It took just 2 seconds to verify it. They even took the same paint... But the seeker is surely a 100% carbon copy...

I am not sure, but i do know that Pakistan builds smart bombs (perhaps they too have guidance inplanted?), and assuming the more load you put in, the more it will cause the devastation.
Instead of building these so called smart weapons it would be smarter if the built their A bomb, the only way to keep the USA at bay. In a battle situation with USA these bombs will be no match as the US / Israeli air dominance will ensure not one Iranian Plane takes of to deliver the smart bombs. I think its more for local in house propoganda. Out of curiosity what kind of guidance will it have.

Cannot have GPS as the Americans control it.
Cannot be laser guided as they would require someone or an aircraft to paint the target, which the Americans will not allow.

Only defence against USA is ICBM. No matter how good a conventional army is, it wont match up to USA. They spend a goddam 400+ billion dollars on defence. thats more than the GDPs of most nations!

Iran's best hope is to

a) Build an ICBM and nuclear weapons OR
b) Stop their nuclear program
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