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Iran to Build Refineries in Brazil


Apr 29, 2015
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
News ID: 2575545 - Sat 9 May 2015

TEHRAN, May 09 (MNA) – MD of NIORDC told reporters that Iran is negotiating to build refineries in India and Brazil.
Referring to recent talks with India and Brazil on building refineries, Managing Director of National Iranian Oil Refining and Distribution Company (NIORDC) Abbas Kazemi told reporters that once the agreement is reached, Iran will provide the crude oil of the new refineries.

On the sidelines of Tehran's 20th international oil and gas exhibition Kazemi held a press conference and briefly reviewed some major achievements of Iran gas and oil industry including the replacement of liquefied fuel with gas in power plants and big industries after the surge of Iran’s gas production.

Last Iranian year (ended on 21 March 2015), on a daily basis, Iran exported nearly 3 million liters of oil products to Iraq, Kazemi said, adding that after the Iraqi demand for more oil products the figure can be increased to 10 million l/d in the current year.

Referring to Brazil’s request for reconstruction and maintenance of some of its refineries, he revealed that Iran would feed those Brazilian refineries after the deal.

He also mentioned that the Indians have also asked Iran to build them a refinery with the capacity of 400 kb/d.

Adding the 4000 kilometers of oil pipelines under construction to the existing gridlines, we would have 18000 kilometers of oil transportation lines, he said.

Kicked off on May 6, Tehran's 20th International Oil, Gas Refining and Petrochemical Exhibition ran through May 9, 2015 at the city's permanent fairgrounds.

Many world countries are using the event to secure their comeback to the Iranian market, especially after a possible nuclear deal between Tehran and the 5+1, under which sanctions will be lifted against Iran.
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Iran Eyes $200b Investment in Oil

TEHRAN May 25(Shana)--Iran is planning to invest $200 billion in its oil sector over the coming 6 years, a deputy minister of petroleum said.

Amir-Hossein Zamani-Nia, deputy minister for international affairs and trading, said such big investment would be largely attractive for foreign companies.“In case [international] sanctions are lifted, Iran will become the center of gravity for oil and gas projects,” he said. He said he has held talks with senior officials from Germany, Italy, France, Austria, Brazil and Poland about post-sanctions oil sector of Iran.

Iran Eyes $200b Investment in Oil
Iran should settle down in India no need to live in iran anymore ...........:big_boss::big_boss::big_boss::big_boss:
Bull shit.

When the sanctions got really beefy in late 2000's, akhoonds didn't have enough refining capacity to meet Iran's gasoline needs completely. Have they managed to upgrade Iran's refineries? It takes them decades to complete the simplest of projects. India and Brazil are powerhouses of epic proportions in the oil and gas industry and infrastructure projects compared to Iran. Now you're going to build refineries in Brazil and India? LMAOOO

Stop copy/pasting this akhoond propaganda here. You're the new Soheil.
Bull shit.

When the sanctions got really beefy in late 2000's, akhoonds didn't have enough refining capacity to meet Iran's gasoline needs completely. Have they managed to upgrade Iran's refineries? It takes them decades to complete the simplest of projects. India and Brazil are powerhouses of epic proportions in the oil and gas industry and infrastructure projects compared to Iran. Now you're going to build refineries in Brazil and India? LMAOOO

Stop copy/pasting this akhoond propaganda here. You're the new Soheil.
Your problem?
This tie up is pivotal to challenge Pakistan China tie up...
Bullshit ? but you don't know shit from shinola bro .

Fact #1 : Iran was not able to produce barbed wire during war with Iraq .

Fact #2 : Iran has This now .

so spare us the BS about bs . i think you've been outside of Iran for too long .

Products - MAPNA Group

about Iranian development after sanctions :

Phase 19- South Pars Project - MAPNA Group

Development of Phase 1 of South Pars Project- Utility - MAPNA Group

Peace yo
If Iran wasn't able to produce barbed wire, then how come EVERY SINGLE major heavy industry in Iran today is from the pre-revolution era? IKCO, SAIPA, all steel factories, oil infrastructure, heavy vehicle manufacturing (i.e. Iran Tractor Manufacturing Company, which was established in 1968), food processing factories, major construction companies, drug manufacturing companies etc... A lot of them have closed down under IR or renamed.

Iran's economy was healthier and more productive. Manufacturing was also healthier. Iran's annual growth rate for the decade prior to the Islamic/communist revolution of 78 was in the double digits.

Show me facts Haman, not your garbage propaganda. If this is gonna be a screaming contest, I can scream louder then you. I can promise you that. Iran doesn't even have enough refining capacity to meet its own gasoline needs. Rations and impure garbage petrol are the name of the game. Now you're spreading this bull shit about building refineries in countries like India and Brazil!? Countries that are power houses in oil and gas infrastructure projects? It's like Maldives talking shit to Germany in soccer.
If Iran wasn't able to produce barbed wire, then how come EVERY SINGLE major heavy industry in Iran today is from the pre-revolution era? IKCO, SAIPA, all steel factories, oil infrastructure, heavy vehicle manufacturing (i.e. Iran Tractor Manufacturing Company, which was established in 1968), food processing factories, major construction companies, drug manufacturing companies etc... A lot of them have closed down under IR or renamed.

Iran's economy was healthier and more productive. Manufacturing was also healthier. Iran's annual growth rate for the decade prior to the Islamic/communist revolution of 78 was in the double digits.

Show me facts Haman, not your garbage propaganda. If this is gonna be a screaming contest, I can scream louder then you. I can promise you that. Iran doesn't even have enough refining capacity to meet its own gasoline needs. Rations and impure garbage petrol are the name of the game. Now you're spreading this bull shit about building refineries in countries like India and Brazil!? Countries that are power houses in oil and gas infrastructure projects? It's like Maldives talking shit to Germany in soccer.
You have very dark mentality about Iran. Your knowledges about Iran is not more than a 5 years old child.
If Iran wasn't able to produce barbed wire, then how come EVERY SINGLE major heavy industry in Iran today is from the pre-revolution era? IKCO, SAIPA, all steel factories, oil infrastructure, heavy vehicle manufacturing (i.e. Iran Tractor Manufacturing Company, which was established in 1968), food processing factories, major construction companies, drug manufacturing companies etc... A lot of them have closed down under IR or renamed.

Iran's economy was healthier and more productive. Manufacturing was also healthier. Iran's annual growth rate for the decade prior to the Islamic/communist revolution of 78 was in the double digits.

Show me facts Haman, not your garbage propaganda. If this is gonna be a screaming contest, I can scream louder then you. I can promise you that. Iran doesn't even have enough refining capacity to meet its own gasoline needs. Rations and impure garbage petrol are the name of the game. Now you're spreading this bull shit about building refineries in countries like India and Brazil!? Countries that are power houses in oil and gas infrastructure projects? It's like Maldives talking shit to Germany in soccer.

Iran is building refineries in foreign countries so she can export its oil to them and create an addiction to Iranian oil... because refineries that refine Iranian oil is not suitable for other oils most of the time...so it has marketing goals behind it too...
Iran has strong companies in many fields and they started to export their services to a few countries already... Since 2000 Iran exported tens of billions of engineering services exports... It was peaked in 1390 by exporting over 5 billions of dollars worth of projects and lowered again to around 2 billions because of sanctions...

The Road and bridge construction, water, electricity, gas, pipelines, refineries, Silos, dams and power stations are the broad spectrum of the infrastructure needs that Iran can export as technical and engineering services... Iran has made or making or will make huge projects in countries like Tajikistan, Paskistan, Iraq, Syria, Indonaisa, Venezuella, Brasil, Afghanistan, India... Most Iranian companies who export such services are of private or semi-private nature...

The fact that Iran still needs refinaries itself inside Iran does not mean that Iranian companies should not take any foreign projects... Iranian government have limited budget to build local refinaries inside Iran and this is why Iranian companies are seeking foreign contracts so the host governments can pay the costs....

But read this:

There was a documantry about South Korea and how it became a new industrialized nation... Their leaders and managers pointed out to a problem that Korea had when they were in their first steps... A Korean leader said, when Korean companies started to believe in themselves and dared to look outside of Korea, there were some so called Korean intellectuals who were spreading fear and weakness and words like "Korea can never compete with West" or "A country that still imports its main needs can not export stuff" or "Korea can never be a serious player and compete with Western companies"..... The leader said, these kind of non sense words were very harmful to Korean people self-confidence.... He said, most of those Weakness-Spreaders left Korea for North America... but now that Korea is taking the lead they are coming back to Korea while not being able to compete with Korean expert workforce...

A nation never hurts more than having weak people who generalize their own personal weaknesses to all their country men...

A few month back I was in Passport office trying to change my passport.. There were 4 to 5 guys who were treated differently by Police +10 offices... I asked one of them who are they? and he said, we are workers who go to Tajikistan to work in building a food processing factory being built by an Iranian company...

This little self-hater is verrrrryyyyy unfamiliar with current Iranian capabilities... He might had some sort of bad memory in Iran or might had a hate for Akhunds...but hey!! There is no akhunds in all those companies that build projects outside Iran.. the opposite most of them are Taghouti as you call them!!

It is like because I hate Korea, then I question everything Korean..even if it is a good Samsung cellphone!!

Iran is not Germany yet but is growing fast... for those who are familiar with Iran it is natural and normal to find your information about Iran capabilities as obsolete every 2 to 3 years... Iran is changing fast... some areas of technology in Iran are making huuuuuge advances over night...some other are lazy...

Iranian case study is a unique one in world... harsh sanctions helped some industries of Iran to believe in itself and explore its capabilities hence growing very fast and shockingly... Some industries are hit but sanctions and gave up... Overall, Sanctions were a blessing in disguise for Iranian science and tech sector

another example is medicine and medical engineering equipment... I have a friend who is a middle office or adviser to hospitals and doctors... he used to import medical equipment and medicine and distribute it in Iran... Last time I have seen him he told me that since tightened sanctions tens of new companies started to work in Iran producing high tech equipment... he said, he is now marketing Iranian equipment and considering their cheap prices the market accepted them very good...

Another example is my friend who repairs huge gearboxes in cement factories... he used to say that gearboxes must be European or nothing... Some time ago there was Chinese and polish gearboxes imported to be installed but he was always complaining... It is now couple of years that he says, they use Iranian gearboxes and tools for their work and he is happy with them...

another incident was when I went to a pharmacy to buy tablets... There was a lady asking pharmacy doctor if there are any FOREIGN imported substitutes to whatever medicine she needed... the doctor explained to the lady that "Iranian made medicine is not inferior to imported one if not superior and the price is one fifth!!"

No nation can become Germany overnight... we must learn of our mistakes and always believe in ourselves and our capabilities... I promise everyone here that as soon as the confidence and trust of Iranians come back to Iranian made products (that is growing to my eyes), Iranian science and tech and industry will jump like never before... Iran has hundreds of different small and medium scale industries that can produce exportable products as soon as some restraints be removed...

People who left Iran for their own comfort and only saying stupid non sense stuff about Iranian made things while doing NOTHING for Iran and its industry are pathetic... They are weak and see others like themselves... I see no right for such people to critisize IRan and IRanians as they have no roles in it...

kasi ke ye ghadam baraye eslahe keshvar va pishraftesh bar nemidare hich haghi baraye ghor ghor nadare... behtare nokare biganeye khoobi bashe va nokarisho bokone... bezare keshvaremoon ro delsoozanesh ke daran roghan va khak mikhran besazand va agar doost dashtand enteghad konan....

سیاست روز - رئيس انجمن صادركنندگان خدمات فني مهندسي:
دولت حمايت كند 15 ميليارد دلار صادرات فني مهندسي محقق مي شود

توان صادارات خدمات فنی و مهندسی ایران چقدر است؟
Sangtuda 2 Hydroelectric Power Plant - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
صادرات 2 میلیارد و 261 میلیون دلاری خدمات فنی مهندسی
Iran to construct 48 power plants in Indonesia in 5yrs — RT Business
Iran and Brazil sign accord to study construction of 300,000 b/d new r - PetrolPlaza - News
Indonesian, Iranian Firms Plan Oil Refinery in Java - WSJ
Iran set to build refineries as demand rises | The Jakarta Post
Iran Targets Asia With $2.8 Billion Siraf Refinery Project - Bloomberg Business
Iran negotiating to build refinery in India, Brazil
Iran, Brazil to build oil refinery in Latin America — Alexander's Gas and Oil Connections
Iran to construct 48 power plants in Indonesia in 5yrs — RT Business
Iran To Build Oil Refineries In India, Brazil | EMerging Equity
English/Iran ready to export engineering services to Egypt
Energy Sector Exports $2.57b of Technical, Engineering Services
Iran ready to export technical, engineering services to Algeria
Iran ready to export technical, engineering services to Iraq
Iran’s technical, engineering exports hit $1.4b
70% of Iranian technical, engineering services exported to Iraq
اختصاص بیش از 88 درصد کل صادرات فنی و مهندسی به بخش نیرو | خبرگزاری ایلنا

If Iran wasn't able to produce barbed wire, then how come EVERY SINGLE major heavy industry in Iran today is from the pre-revolution era? IKCO, SAIPA, all steel factories, oil infrastructure, heavy vehicle manufacturing (i.e. Iran Tractor Manufacturing Company, which was established in 1968), food processing factories, major construction companies, drug manufacturing companies etc... A lot of them have closed down under IR or renamed.

Iran's economy was healthier and more productive. Manufacturing was also healthier. Iran's annual growth rate for the decade prior to the Islamic/communist revolution of 78 was in the double digits.

Show me facts Haman, not your garbage propaganda. If this is gonna be a screaming contest, I can scream louder then you. I can promise you that. Iran doesn't even have enough refining capacity to meet its own gasoline needs. Rations and impure garbage petrol are the name of the game. Now you're spreading this bull shit about building refineries in countries like India and Brazil!? Countries that are power houses in oil and gas infrastructure projects? It's like Maldives talking shit to Germany in soccer.
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Iran has strong companies in many fields and they started to export their services to a few countries already... Since 2000 Iran exported tens of billions of engineering services exports... It was peaked in 1390 by exporting over 5 billions of dollars worth of projects and lowered again to around 2 billions because of sanctions...

The Road and bridge construction, water, electricity, gas, pipelines, refineries, Silos, dams and power stations are the broad spectrum of the infrastructure needs that Iran can export as technical and engineering services... Iran has made or making or will make huge projects in countries like Tajikistan, Paskistan, Iraq, Syria, Indonaisa, Venezuella, Brasil, Afghanistan, India... Most Iranian companies who export such services are of private or semi-private nature...

The fact that Iran still needs refinaries itself inside Iran does not mean that Iranian companies should not take any foreign projects... Iranian government have limited budget to build local refinaries inside Iran and this is why Iranian companies are seeking foreign contracts so the host governments can pay the costs....

But read this:

There was a documantry about South Korea and how it became a new industrialized nation... Their leaders and managers pointed out to a problem that Korea had when they were in their first steps... A Korean leader said, when Korean companies started to believe in themselves and dared to look outside of Korea, there were some so called Korean intellectuals who were spreading fear and weakness and words like "Korea can never compete with West" or "A country that still imports its main needs can not export stuff" or "Korea can never be a serious player and compete with Western companies"..... The leader said, these kind of non sense words were very harmful to Korean people self-confidence.... He said, most of those Weakness-Spreaders left Korea for North America... but now that Korea is taking the lead they are coming back to Korea while not being able to compete with Korean expert workforce...

A nation never hurts more than having weak people who generalize their own personal weaknesses to all their country men...

A few month back I was in Passport office trying to change my passport.. There were 4 to 5 guys who were treated differently by Police +10 offices... I asked one of them who are they? and he said, we are workers who go to Tajikistan to work in building a food processing factory being built by an Iranian company...

This little self-hater is verrrrryyyyy unfamiliar with current Iranian capabilities... He might had some sort of bad memory in Iran or might had a hate for Akhunds...but hey!! There is no akhunds in all those companies that build projects outside Iran.. the opposite most of them are Taghouti as you call them!!

It is like because I hate Korea, then I question everything Korean..even if it is a good Samsung cellphone!!

Iran is not Germany yet but is growing fast... for those who are familiar with Iran it is natural and normal to find your information about Iran capabilities as obsolete every 2 to 3 years... Iran is changing fast... some areas of technology in Iran are making huuuuuge advances over night...some other are lazy...

Iranian case study is a unique one in world... harsh sanctions helped some industries of Iran to believe in itself and explore its capabilities hence growing very fast and shockingly... Some industries are hit but sanctions and gave up... Overall, Sanctions were a blessing in disguise for Iranian science and tech sector

another example is medicine and medical engineering equipment... I have a friend who is a middle office or adviser to hospitals and doctors... he used to import medical equipment and medicine and distribute it in Iran... Last time I have seen him he told me that since tightened sanctions tens of new companies started to work in Iran producing high tech equipment... he said, he is now marketing Iranian equipment and considering their cheap prices the market accepted them very good...

Another example is my friend who repairs huge gearboxes in cement factories... he used to say that gearboxes must be European or nothing... Some time ago there was Chinese and polish gearboxes imported to be installed but he was always complaining... It is now couple of years that he says, they use Iranian gearboxes and tools for their work and he is happy with them...

another incident was when I went to a pharmacy to buy tablets... There was a lady asking pharmacy doctor if there are any FOREIGN imported substitutes to whatever medicine she needed... the doctor explained to the lady that "Iranian made medicine is not inferior to imported one if not superior and the price is one fifth!!"

No nation can become Germany overnight... we must learn of our mistakes and always believe in ourselves and our capabilities... I promise everyone here that as soon as the confidence and trust of Iranians come back to Iranian made products (that is growing to my eyes), Iranian science and tech and industry will jump like never before... Iran has hundreds of different small and medium scale industries that can produce exportable products as soon as some restraints be removed...

People who left Iran for their own comfort and only saying stupid non sense stuff about Iranian made things while doing NOTHING for Iran and its industry are pathetic... They are weak and see others like themselves... I see no right for such people to critisize IRan and IRanians as they have no roles in it...

kasi ke ye ghadam baraye eslahe keshvar va pishraftesh bar nemidare hich haghi baraye ghor ghor nadare... behtare nokare biganeye khoobi bashe va nokarisho bokone... bezare keshvaremoon ro delsoozanesh ke daran roghan va khak mikhran besazand va agar doost dashtand enteghad konan....

سیاست روز - رئيس انجمن صادركنندگان خدمات فني مهندسي:
دولت حمايت كند 15 ميليارد دلار صادرات فني مهندسي محقق مي شود

توان صادارات خدمات فنی و مهندسی ایران چقدر است؟
Sangtuda 2 Hydroelectric Power Plant - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
صادرات 2 میلیارد و 261 میلیون دلاری خدمات فنی مهندسی
Iran to construct 48 power plants in Indonesia in 5yrs — RT Business
Iran and Brazil sign accord to study construction of 300,000 b/d new r - PetrolPlaza - News
Indonesian, Iranian Firms Plan Oil Refinery in Java - WSJ
Iran set to build refineries as demand rises | The Jakarta Post
Iran Targets Asia With $2.8 Billion Siraf Refinery Project - Bloomberg Business
Iran negotiating to build refinery in India, Brazil
Iran, Brazil to build oil refinery in Latin America — Alexander's Gas and Oil Connections
Iran to construct 48 power plants in Indonesia in 5yrs — RT Business
Iran To Build Oil Refineries In India, Brazil | EMerging Equity
English/Iran ready to export engineering services to Egypt
Energy Sector Exports $2.57b of Technical, Engineering Services
Iran ready to export technical, engineering services to Algeria
Iran ready to export technical, engineering services to Iraq
Iran’s technical, engineering exports hit $1.4b
70% of Iranian technical, engineering services exported to Iraq
اختصاص بیش از 88 درصد کل صادرات فنی و مهندسی به بخش نیرو | خبرگزاری ایلنا
I read most of your post and I understand where you're coming from, but your first mistake is comparing South Korea to Iran. South Koreans, even back then, were a different people. You're talking about a group of people that believe in logic and reason and capitalism, not dogma, Arabic/Islamic culture and socialism. South Korea also wasn't sanctioned and looked at as a pariah state. Their number one goal was progress. Iran's number one goal is state sponsored religion and export of said religion to surrounding countries. Two totally different societies. Iran isn't on the same path that Korea is. Not even close. Comparing the two is useless.

You have very dark mentality about Iran. Your knowledges about Iran is not more than a 5 years old child.
Maybe, maybe not. Still, doesn't change the things I wrote down in that post. Every single major heavy industry in Iran today and every single major company and factory is from 4 decades ago. Then you tazi loving soosmakhors go around saying Iran couldn't build barb wire back then. Why don't you build a half descent stadium ffs if you're so brilliant. No money, no brains and you've made the country into a pariah state where no foreign company can invest in. Basically went back 100 years and you still have the balls to talk shit. Nothing but useless words and propaganda. None of the propaganda you guys scream and advertise everywhere ever comes to fruition.
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