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Iran tests home-made stealth fighter

LOL if is that so easy to make stealth fighters, then not just Iran, but more than 20 countries in the world could build them. Iran talks big but does not walk the talk.:wave:
. . .
Why do some retards come here and try criticize unless you have any useful information about this matter then why do write nonsense?
I just cannot understand why some people here are just being " Super stupid " and think that they are the best inc some Pakistanis here .

What makes a man special is not his " brain " it is " how they use it ".

If you guys are sarcastic about Iran & about their capabilities then i must say i just can condemn it . One man can change the course of history " get it in your brains first ".

I think Iranians have some sort of talent and they are as good as everyone else .

Indians should stop making fun of it because they are just too dumb to make an indigenous 4th gen Fighter for last 30 years.

Here is the source & now Stop BSing and try to conclude the debate.

Iran launches project to build stealth aircraft
Tehran Times Political Desk

TEHRAN -- Air Force Commander Brigadier General Ahmad Miqani said here on Monday that Iran has launched the project to manufacture stealth aircrafts.

“We have finished the design of stealth aircraft which cannot to be detected even by advanced radar systems, and the primary stages of its manufacture have started,” Miqani told reporters in a news conference.

The Iranian defense industry is also promoting the combat capabilities of Saeqeh fighter in terms of radar system, missile, military equipment and weaponry, he added.

The commander said Iranian “Air Force is prepared to confront any military strike”, warning that “any act of aggression against the country’s borders will face a crushing response.”

Miqani also rejected rumors that Iran has purchased some airplanes from Russia

Extract Link:tehran times : Iran launches project to build stealth aircraft

God bless Iran




Better learn how to talk Mr.researcher, while the words you used in regards to Indians are tolerated here, its shows how really misinformed you are. Stealth Fighters are not made overnight and Iran has always been known to boost a lot for nothing so anything they say has to be taken with a grain of salt.
LOL if is that so easy to make stealth fighters, then not just Iran, but more than 20 countries in the world could build them. Iran talks big but does not walk the talk.:wave:

OK I think My original post was harsh and inappropriate, since I have many Malay friends.

Bro, I would recommend you to first look at your own country capabilities in this field, then start ridiculing others? If someone from USA would have said that I wouldn't reply like this, because they're producing cutting-edge technology. But Me and You, we should show more respect before making fun of others efforts? As a Malaysian Chinese you should follow your ancestors teaching, you must even respect your enemies.
^They have succeeded in building what the had-promised-much revolution of yours hasn't - a vibrant society which is not mutually antagonistic with the State.

Let's not jibe at each other and belittle each others' nations. Yes it is incredible enough that Iran made a stealth plane without ever making a previous-generation one before. And yes I do appreciate the fact that stealth seems like a relative term. The stealth in the Iranian program might only mean a shape more conforming to LO and some RAM. I wish you good luck with even more stealth, you might find it coming handy in near future eventualities.
basically, it makes no sense for iran to make a real stealth fighter, since it reqiures a lot of basic aviation experiments and experiences which iran can not posess because of their low lever technology, as far as i know, even china and russia face a lot of problems when come to the solution of the diffilculty to balnace stealth and mobility.
it is hard to image that iran can make a real 5 generation palne even without the ability to design and manufacture jet engines.
hence i guess iran may adopt some particular shapes to their"5 generation"plane with the help of russian or chinese and call it stealth plane :no:

So ,what you are saying is that even Russia and China have a low level of technology than. Iran has a good or very good level of technology since they are doing all this under very restrictive sanctions that you forgot to think about when you compared.
Even China and with total liberty, and no sanctions had a hard time making its own engines, Russia and the West had a head start in WW2, but got their most sophisticated engine technologies from German scientists made prisoners of war.
So unless you grab some Russian, European or American specialized scientists today, you have to use other means of research, design and manufacture on your own ,and I think Iran is doing just that.
Ruag, i have asked many people from different countries and none of them was able to define terrorism. Please can you give an appropriate definition?


Terrorism is to instil terror or more precisely a big fear in the heart of your opponents, your friends or your subjects to have them do what you want, it is an effective, but despicable method of manipulation and ultimately control.
In nature, every defence strategy used by animals can be called terrorism, in humans it is more complicated, it has a double face, because one can provoke and attack someone else, wait for his response, and label him as a terrorist, in reality it all depends on who controls the most media outlets in the most powerful countries, since most human beings are still very busy with the most basic needs, they will swallow the only information they have and that is the news outlets of their countries. So a lot of hands are manipulating these masses to have them believe and prepare them for sacrifice in conflicts, without ever being alert to the real situation., it is another form of terrorism used on its own people to have them do what ever the manipulators require of them.
Ounce equilibrium is reached in the media if ever, new targets will be found and the game of terrorism will continue in a perpetual motion.
Today, it is the big powerful nations that are labelling smaller nations and groups as terrorists, the same exact thing that happens in the animal kingdom, Showing once more that Humans have not evolved from the animal world, not in instinct, nor in thought.
Are you seriously, seriously comparing the industrial scientific capabilities of Iran and China? I just want to ask you 1 thing:

Can iran make its own MRI machine or electron microscope? Is iran self sufficient in computer controlled milling machines and semiconductors, or even petroleum products? It is laughable to compare Iran to China. Your chemical engineering industry is so backwards it cannot even process your own oil. Come back when you've caught up to Venezuela, don't even talk about China.

No one can compare with china's almost 2 billion population and their achievements, but Iran due to circumstances are very advanced, let us say in nano technology, they also have succeeded in cold fusion reactors, apart from other very specialized fields, but China today is much more advanced in much more fields considering its wide-world access to technology and no sanctions at all. Iran is also refining petroleum now and even providing the technology to others.
In the same circumstances, I think Iran would have done even better than today. don't you think so?

I have also noticed in your other posts, your total lack of knowledge about Iran's capabilities, by saying that it will take the US one month to win a war against Iran, that is your own opinion, I will hold to the American generals and admirals opinion that a war with Iran is totally infeasible for the US.
If you look at Afghanistan , you 'll see that the US used all its might to win but a very temporary war until the next day where Taliban or Afghani fighters attacked again and again and again armed only with kalashnikovs and at best some RPGs.
Iranians can fight a war with much, much, much... sophisticated weapons and soldiers in their cities as well as in their mountains, with at least 20 million soldiers armed and trained in modern as well as urban and guerrillas warfare.
This was for land invasion like in Iraq or Afghanistan. When it comes to an air campaign, the USrael will not be able to sustain a long attack without unacceptable losses by the well integrated Iranian air shield, the most recent news is the upgrade and mass production of the mobile highly efficient and estimated S-200 system, most feared by NATO for decades and on which the S-300-400-500 are based, while the Bavar-373 is due in 2014, plus the S-300V that has been offered recently to replace the S-300 PMU2 Deal, in medium and low altitude ranges Iranians have mass produced their own versions of the notorious Buk air defence system as well as the Tor and the Pantsir systems ad to this tens of thousands of Flak and it shows how dangerous is the Iranian airspace for an attacker.
Navy-wise they have mass produced thousands of very accurate and powerfull cruise missiles as well as anti-ship missiles, submarines and sophisticated torpedoes and warships able to inflict very heavy and unsustainable losses to anyone in the Persian gulf, these are the facts, your opinion is yours to keep if you like.
As of today Iran is indeed a very powerful nation in its own right defence-wise.

For an Iranian stealth fighter, one should think in perspective, So I think that Iran is capable of producing a light weight fighter with stealth technology, because they master nano technologies now and can produce Carbon based materials as strong as steal for the airframe, with weapon bays, advanced avionics and other sophisticated materials like the electro-ionic ones and systems, all they need now is some small AESA radar to equip them with if need be, and a potent engine that they certainly have, let us say a copy and improved F-14 or Mig-29 engine, the engine outlet is covered on all sides with with some heat resistant Carbon-like material like shown on the Qaher-313. The body of the plane will shield all the electronic emissions from radars.
One has to keep in mind the purpose of the fighter jet, in this case it is to defend Iran's airspace, and to be able to take off and land rapidly from any kind of airfield, unlike the American, Russian, and Maybe the Chinese Stealth fighters, to be used on 6 or 7 thousand kilometres for defence and maybe 10s of thousands of kilometres for offence, and most importantly to be sold to cover some of the humongous amounts of money injected in these projects, the Iranian project is in proportion to Iran's needs and is based on available technologies, and making the best that can be made of them.
A sophisticated small fighter jet in the size of the notorious and famous F-5 tiger is already difficult to detect, if you add to it stealth technology as Iran did, one can produce a very potent stealth fighting air force, surprising and deterring enough to enemies, that they won't dare to attack it without thinking tenfold about their potential heavy losses, if one can not see a fighter airplane or until it is too late than it is very dangerous indeed. isn't that the aim of the F-22-35?
No one can compare with china's almost 2 billion population and their achievements, but Iran due to circumstances are very advanced, let us say in nano technology, they also have succeeded in cold fusion reactors, apart from other very specialized fields, but China today is much more advanced in much more fields considering its wide-world access to technology and no sanctions at all. Iran is also refining petroleum now and even providing the technology to others.
In the same circumstances, I think Iran would have done even better than today. don't you think so?
China's population is 1.3 billion, not almost 2 billion.

And yes China has improved by leaps and bounds in every field.
Going by the Parsi community in India and howw they are the most accomplished community here, I wouldnt doubt Iran's abilities and intellligence easily.

Parsis in India have topped most fields including research, medicine, business, education etc. I would expect the same level of intelligence and sophistication from their brethren in Iran.
but China today is much more advanced in much more fields considering its wide-world access to technology and no sanctions at all.

this is incorrect, china has many sanctions on it, nearly all military hardware from the west is not available, leaving it with russia and civilian duel use tech as the only source of foreign hardware and know-how. however even there most high tech civilian good are barred from being exported to china precisely because of their duel use nature, for instance satellites with US components(even if its a bolt) are banned from being launched on a chinese rocket, if fact nasa is basically banned from collaborating with china. mean while russia has fewer and fewer things to offer china and their high tech products in generally are not as advanced as the US and some thing that they are good at, the russian are not interested in exporting to china.

that said, sanctions on Iran are far tougher than the sanctions on china, and iran does not command the national power and resources available to china that allows it to bend the rule when it comes to sanctions(gaining access illegally, being able to import duel use despite sanctions, demanding foreign company give over know-how in return for market access etc.)
this is incorrect, china has many sanctions on it, nearly all military hardware from the west is not available, leaving it with russia and civilian duel use tech as the only source of foreign hardware and know-how. however even there most high tech civilian good are barred from being exported to china precisely because of their duel use nature, for instance satellites with US components(even if its a bolt) are banned from being launched on a chinese rocket, if fact nasa is basically banned from collaborating with china. mean while russia has fewer and fewer things to offer china and their high tech products in generally are not as advanced as the US and some thing that they are good at, the russian are not interested in exporting to china.

that said, sanctions on Iran are far tougher than the sanctions on china, and iran does not command the national power and resources available to china that allows it to bend the rule when it comes to sanctions(gaining access illegally, being able to import duel use despite sanctions, demanding foreign company give over know-how in return for market access etc.)

I agree with you on most parts of what you are saying, but those are not official sanctions, those are restrictions on the most advanced technologies in the western world applied to most of the world, not only China, but to no avail at least for the Chinese case, There are just too many Chinese scientists living, working and even teaching and doing R&D at University level in the west and too many western and eastern sympathizers for China. So the west can not hide much from you guys, only some highly classified military tech, but with the advent of highly advanced hacking technologies, even that is available to China and others now a days, it is just making the west go crazy and take its frustrations on Iran for instance, but even that is not working much. So the west starts hacking back its technologies hoping to save face at least in the hackers world. what a crazy world...

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