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Iran successfully produces a new generation of the Tomcat F-14

attack on iran = a big hole in israel

problem solved ! :coffee:

You just have to hope the sell out Arab countries have not assisted Israel with Missile interceptions and allow the use of their airbases to intercept as many incoming Iranian missiles before the reach all the way to Israel. I am aware of a report of Saudi Arabia being in discussion with Israel about using its airspace.

I thank Dr A.Q. Khan for his support to Iran in its nuclear ambitions, the Arabs a bunch a Israel stooges especially if they will assist Israel like this to attack a fellow Muslim country in this manner.........

Nonetheless, Iran always has a good card to use if that does happen, and I am sure the US has that very much at the front of its decision making right now.

The US knows all too well that it cannot attack Iran without suffering dire casualties in other arenas, hence why Israel is now beating the drums of attacking Iran, knowing full well that for any successful attack it will require the use of the US. But again, like 9/11 it will drag the US into another War needlessly

The US knows all too well about Vietnam. If they attack Iran, they will most likely win any forward confrontation, however Iran will make the US loose twn fold in Afghanistan with the body count mounting rapidly, hell even Pakistan may take that opportunity and arm the Taliban with very good tech to penetrate Abrams, and shoot down helicopters in the hope that the US will always blame Iran, or even China, in order to get the US to leave the region.

The US risks opening up a front it cannot contain, maintain or govern, hence the apprehension and need to get to 2014 for a withdrawal, but that may be too late for Iran to build a nuke, which I believe is their right. Especially when the US has thousands, and provided Israel with them and is the only country in the world to have used them knowingly killing INNOCENT UNARMED CIVILIANS.............. Not in much of a position to dictate to others now.......

This plane will give Iranians a good level of foundation level knowledge about plane manufacturng and inshallah the next few planes will be easier to design and build for Iranian researchers and engineers.
FC-1 !? no thanks

I'd figure some ignorant person would say that. That's fine continue to fly the flying coffin of an air force you have, your loss not Pakistan's JF-17 is vastly superior to most aircrafts in Iran's inventory.
Well good luck because not spending enough money has put you in a position where IRIAF will get wiped out in matter of hours and that equals a no fly zone if you know what that means. I don't even know who the hell has been calling the shots for IRIAF for last 20 or so years.

Why you simply didn't buy the Su-27 Flankers????
you're making absolutely no sense. Will it matter if your airforce survives an extra half hour against the Americans? woopdefuckingdingdongdooooo!! lol

Instead of spending money on F-16s, Iran can spend it on fortifying its nuclear facilities, creating proxies, making more and better ballistic and anti-ship missiles, better and faster centrifuges, more subs etc... The Afghan druglords and PKK fighters won't care if they die with a bomb from a new jet or an old jet. They'll be dead all the same.

your arguement is so nonsensical it's laughable.

Iran needs strategic deterrents against a superpower and wasting dough on an airforce that can never match that of the adversery is the most idiotic thing imaginable. by having strategic assets against the Americans, we will also make our country secure against the midget arab nations around us. No need to waste good money after bad.

I'd figure some ignorant person would say that. That's fine continue to fly the flying coffin of an air force you have, your loss not Pakistan's JF-17 is vastly superior to most aircrafts in Iran's inventory.
Read my response to Aeronaut. you guys simply don't use logic. We either need F-22s or we don't need anything. Nobody in the Iranian leadership is worried about neighboring nations. We're worried about the Americans and no 2012 Hyundai or Kia will make a difference when the enemy has 2013 Ferraris and Lambos.

Again, the money MUST be, and thankfully it's, being spent on better stuff.
@ Topic:
There are 2 things a country's Air Force needs to keep in mind when getting prepared for a war. 1) Quality? or 2) Quantity ?

Since Iran has: F-16?, Mig-29s, F-14s, F-5s, Azarkash (indigenous), Shahfaqh (indigenous), Mirage F-1, F-7PGs, Mig-27s, SU-25s, 1000s of SAMs, it looks as if quantity is indeed the decision.

I don't agree.
Nobody claims that IRIAF can stop an all out aerial attack head facing the West (btw, Iran is able/has prepared to absorb the first waves).
If past performance of IRIAF is anything to go by then one must understand that beside having quality pilots and enough jets to fly around they more importantly have a strategy and are very cunning, which is more important than the first two qualities you mentioned.

Missiles point high.....fighter low.
look, we don't know how many tomcats we exactly have but , we have more than 60 tomcats and + about 40 mig 29 (i dunno the numbers of mirages) we have about 100 fighters ready to stand against waves of attack , so don't understimate IRIAF because our pilots never left the 8:1 ratio situations ...........
look, we don't know how many tomcats we exactly have but , we have more than 60 tomcats and + about 40 mig 29 (i dunno the numbers of mirages) we have about 100 fighters ready to stand against waves of attack , so don't understimate IRIAF because our pilots never left the 8:1 ratio situations ...........

I really do admire Iranian stance and in the situation they are in, Pakistan too faced in the early stages of its nuclear program.

However, being realistic, the US single aircraft carrier carries 90 warplanes. Why go one on one when you have 5 carrier fleets in the region making 450 aircraft, plus the F22 deployed in UAE along with Israel, not to even go through the vast cruise missiles and other means they will deploy..... Realistically, Jiran would be wise to spend this massively in boosting its SAMs and heavily deploy them, as the US would not be happy at losing further planes and missile technology as well as Iran making the US defeat in Afghanistan into an all out slaughter of US soldiers......
So you gonna fight Americans with old generation American fighter...? :)

They will say "tom sit down" and you know what? Tom never disobey his master... :D
Your comment is out of place and your ignorance is blatant.
You are new to PDF and you should know that worst Indians than you have gotten their lessons in This Forum.
Next time before opening your dirty toilet like mouth, have some good information about Iran's capacities, and what the US is saying about it now, not yesterday.
My advice for you is to take a tour of the subject on PDF itself.
Iran needs to make a stealth version of the F14.

Iran has that capacity and much more.

US Defense Analysts Astonished by Iran's Huge Firepower in Persian Gulf

Iran enjoys astonishing capabilities to strike at US warships in the Persian Gulf, and is amassing an arsenal of sophisticated anti-ship missiles while expanding its fleet of speed boats and submarines, the Western analysts said.

The US media quoted defense analysts as saying that Iran both has and is even rapidly gaining new capabilities to strike at the US navy fleet in the Persian Gulf, adding that the new systems are giving Iran's commanders more confidence that they could quickly damage or destroy US ships if hostilities erupt.

Iran's advances have filled the US navy officials and commanders with deep concerns about US vulnerabilities during the opening hours of a conflict in the Persian Gulf, the Washington Post quoted the analysts as saying.

Increasingly accurate short-range missiles - combined with Iran's use of "swarm" tactics involving hundreds of heavily armed patrol boats - could strain the defensive capabilities of even the most modern US ships, current and former military analysts said.

In recent weeks, the US and Israel have intensified war rhetoric against Iran to intimidate it into giving up its NPT (Non-Proliferation Treaty) right of uranium enrichment.

Tehran has, in response, said that the tactic of pressure, threat and intimidation cannot deter the country from materializing its international right to develop a civilian nuclear technology.

Meantime, Iran has also repeatedly warned that any act of aggression against its territories or interests will be reciprocated with a crushing response.

Last week, Iran's Foreign Ministry declared that the presence of US warships in the Persian Gulf constituted a "real threat" to the region's security.

The analysts cautioned that Iran's ability to inflict significant damage is substantially greater than it was a decade ago. A Pentagon study in April warned that Iran had made gains in the "lethality and effectiveness" of its arsenal. The Pentagon declined to comment for this article.

A 2009 study prepared for the Naval War College warned of Iran's increasing ability to "execute a massive naval ambush" in the Strait of Hormuz, a narrow waterway dotted with small islands and inlets and perfectly suited for the kind of asymmetric warfare preferred by Iran's commanders.

Iran has warned it could close the strategic Strait of Hormoz if it became the target of a military attack over its nuclear program.

An estimated 40 percent of the world's oil supply passes through the waterway.

Since 2009, analysts said, Iran has added defensive and offensive capabilities. Some of them have been on display in recent months in a succession of military drills, including a missile exercise in early July dubbed Great Prophet 7. The exercise included a demonstration of Iran's newly deployed Khalij-e Fars (Persian Gulf) anti-ship missile, which has an internal guidance system, a powerful 1,400-pound warhead and a range of 180 miles.

Modern US warships are equipped with multiple defense systems, such as the ship-based Aegis missile shield. But Iran has sought to neutralize the US technological advantage by honing an ability to strike from multiple directions at once, the analysts said.

Iran's naval power has even been acknowledged by foes. In a Sep. 11, 2008 report, the Washington Institute for the Near East Policy also said that in the two decades since the Iraqi imposed war on Iran, the IRGC has excelled in naval capabilities and is able to wage unique asymmetric warfare against larger naval forces.

According to the report, Iran's Navy has been transformed into a highly motivated, well-equipped, and well-financed force and is effectively in control of the world's oil lifeline, the Strait of Hormuz.

The study says that if Washington takes military action against the Islamic Republic, the scale of Iran's response would likely be proportional to the scale of the damage inflicted on Iranian assets.

The Islamic Republic's top military officials have repeatedly warned that in case of an attack by either the US or Israel, the country would target 32 American bases in the Middle East and close the strategic Strait of Hormuz.

An estimated 40 percent of the world's oil supply passes through the waterway.

A recent study by a fellow at Harvard's Olin Institute for Strategic Studies, Caitlin Talmadge, warned that the IRGC Navy could use mines as well as missiles to block the strait, and that "it could take many weeks, even months, to restore the full flow of commerce, and more time still for the oil markets to be convinced that stability had returned".

Fars News Agency :: US Defense Analysts Astonished by Iran's Huge Firepower in Persian Gulf
Then again, a modern fighter is vastly more capable than a SAM to defend against air strikes. SAM's can be targeted with HARM's, and thus have to spend most time with radar off, which means they can't launch their missiles.

No need for HARM since the newest AESA radars of the F-22, F-35, F-18, and F-15 can focus their beams and fry the electronics of SAM radars, aircraft, and cruise missiles.
That will make them detectable by other radars and their stealth technology becomes irrelevant, so they can be downed easily by other means...
They look exactly the same as the original one, they are just repairing it. Look, you don't understand, manufacturing such an advanced radar or an engine took decades from nations like USA, Russia and especially China which still use Russian engines for their aircrafts. Iran can't magically in somehow manufacture a 5th aircraft alone in a couple of years. And what the hell do you mean by "Scientifically we're more advanced than most Euro nations"?!

We still use the Russian engine for our old aircrafts because it was designed for the Russian engine.

But i do agree that making a new engine is a decades of R&D, but there is quick tip which is to overhaul extend the lifespan of the aircraft engine, which i think it is possible for Iran to achieve it.
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