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Iran slams Trump’s remarks about Pakistan

Iranians are usually dipshits
I agree with you there. I really like Iran but they are ran by a elite that likes to provoke everybody [mostly for no reason or even when they don't have bone in a fight] even when there is no need to and common sense would tell you to keep it shut. So look at how they conduct their foreign policy.

Take on USA
Take Israel
Take on the West as whole
Provoke Pakistan by dilly dallying with India [while India is masturbating Israel]
Provoke China by complaning about their economic terms of trade.
Provoke the Arabs - but then provoke Israel over the Palestinian Arabs
Provoke the Arabs [GCC] but then help Syria.
Provide huge trade market to Turkey but then provoke it as well
Every day threaten USA but then place a huge order for Boeing jets from USA.
Support the Afghans but treat the Afghans inside Iran like animals.

The list goes on and on. It's like a guy out on a mission to pick a fight with every person he can find even it isolates him and makes life 10 times difficult. It's just madness. And they have done it again now. Only few weeks ago they were complaining about Pak/Iran border and today they have started to hurl abuse at US on our behalf. It's like a nation suffering from schizophrenia. If you talk to Iranians they claim they are proud nation and like doing their own thing. But doing your own thing and shooting yourseslf in the foot at every turn has nothing to do with pride but eveything to do with stupidity.
Finally the world is starting to show US a middle finger. If only we have a government who was more interested in defending Pakistan than Sharifs.
iran is definitely the most gutsy muslim country in the world. majority of the rest are US puppets with saudi arabia and pak leading the group. i am a sunni muslim who can appreciate the good qualities of others and admit ones own mistakes and flaws.

you dont need to justify your statement, every sunni feels the same
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