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Iran science output 4th worldwide in 2018

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You have a skill of asking stupid question. Why would a Saudi be proud of an Iranian achievement?
Why would an Iranian be proud of a Saudi achievement?

That exposes your mentality my friend.
Why a Saudi would be proud of an Egyptian/Moroccan/Lebanese/Jordanian/Iraqi/... achievement? I've seen Arabs take pride in another Arabic countries' success a lot. He's saying that from an Islamic view point, if you see Iran and others as Islamic states that you guys belong to the same group, you'll be proud of Iran's achievements. Just like many Muslims are. (I myself am an atheist, but I extremely believe that the Middle East should get united as an Islamic bloc to end the foreign interference and ethnic/religious problems we currently face in our region).
Hi Mossa what was the weather like in London today? Back on topic are you proud of our Iranian brother's scientific achievements??

Mate the guys had a hard day in London cut him some slack. in due course he will appreciate the scientific achievements of the Islamic Republic

Why would I be proud of them?? They wouldn't be proud of us either way and quite frankly the feeling is mutual. However I am proud of Chinese achievements I must say I just wanted to put that out there.
You have a skill of asking stupid question. Why would a Saudi be proud of an Iranian achievement?
Why would an Iranian be proud of a Saudi achievement?

Well I am proud of any Muslim country doing unwell. Iran is a Muslim country. If ever your country does something Muslims can be proud of we will do the same for you
That exposes your mentality my friend.
Why a Saudi would be proud of an Egyptian/Moroccan/Lebanese/Jordanian/Iraqi/... achievement? I've seen Arabs take pride in another Arabic countries' success a lot. He's saying that from an Islamic view point, if you see Iran and others as Islamic states that you guys belong to the same group, you'll be proud of Iran's achievements. Just like many Muslims are. (I myself am an atheist, but I extremely believe that the Middle East should get united as an Islamic bloc to end the foreign interference and ethnic/religious problems we currently face in our region).

we are kafir !!! :D
Why would I be proud of them?? They wouldn't be proud of us either way and quite frankly the feeling is mutual. However I am proud of Chinese achievements I must say I just wanted to put that out there.

proud of your F-15 SE ? :what:
That exposes your mentality my friend.
Why a Saudi would be proud of an Egyptian/Moroccan/Lebanese/Jordanian/Iraqi/... achievement? I've seen Arabs take pride in another Arabic countries' success a lot. He's saying that from an Islamic view point, if you see Iran and others as Islamic states that you guys belong to the same group, you'll be proud of Iran's achievements. Just like many Muslims are. (I myself am an atheist, but I extremely believe that the Middle East should get united as an Islamic bloc to end the foreign interference and ethnic/religious problems we currently face in our region).

Well quite frankly it is mainly due to the fact that we grow up with each other. With Egyptian/Moroccan/Lebanese/Jordanian/Iraqi people. So when we hear good news about them we imagine a loved one we have from there. But let's face it. Even though Iran and KSA are a stone throw away from each other I barely even see an Iranian anywhere or an Iranian would see a Saudi anywhere.

The same for Pakistan for me and a lot of people here. Go to the Saudi defense forums and you will see as much topics about Pakistan as any other Arab country. It has something to do with being disconnected really.
but what is the matter with you. We were not talking about India we were talking about Iran doing well. I mean do you rank so far behind China that you have to compare yourselves to countries significantly smaller and you are still jealous you cant even compare to smaller countries

its not a question of big or small countries.Israel is far ahead of any country in asia.
Yes,china is advanced than india and india is catching up...so what?
You still live in denial and its ur right
proud of your F-15 SE ? :what:

No Actually I am proud of the Gas Turbine factory that is being built in KSA right now because I read the news about it today. Not the I care anyways. And I have learned that as long as you don't give a damn about someone then you wouldn't be surprised if they don't give a damn about you.
That's the thing, I don't see Iran as an Islamic country. I just see a sectarian government ruling a non-religious society and aims at controlling the ME(read my other thread). So, no as long as your current government is in power, there will be no unity in the ME. Your perception of unity, is submission of other countries to you(e.g Iraq). So stop with the Islamic brotherhood BS.

ooh my gashhhhhhh !

hey iranians ! we are kafir ! we are bad ! we are aghladi getti yatti ! :lol:
they have been brainwashed by their govt. Remember their achievements in science are limited to thinking that women driving causes homosexuality lol

And then you people claim that you are not insulting us...

Ah well same old same old.
No Actually I am proud of the Gas Turbine factory that is being built in KSA right now because I read the news about it today. Not the I care anyways. And I have learned that as long as you don't give a damn about someone then you wouldn't be surprised if they don't give a damn about you.


damn of what ? :what:
ooh my gashhhhhhh !

hey iranians ! we are kafir ! we are bad ! we are aghladi getti yatti ! :lol:

He was talking about the regime not the people stop putting words in his mouth will you??

No go back check he was insulting to us first and trying to knock Iranian scientific achievements?? btw was London cool today

So he said something disrespectful about Iran achievements and you replied by insulting the entire country and people???
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